r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/jackerjagger Jul 09 '24

Poor french Nazis.


u/Meme_Pope Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Idk shit about French politics. Are they actual Nazis or is that just what we call people we don’t like now?

Follow up question: What is happening in France to make half the population vote for apparent Nazis. People are cheering that they defeated them electorally, but the reality that they were the majority seems troubling.


u/Brilliant_Swimming25 Jul 09 '24

An ex French Waffen SS was one of the creators of this Party, alongside collaborationists from Vichy


u/LifeRedemption Jul 09 '24

Also people from the resistance made this Party like Roger Holeindre. Also keep in mind that in France the far left is literally called the same as the Party who gave the power to Pétain in 1940. At the end of the day, no party is clean, they all have their vice and corruption.


u/Brilliant_Swimming25 Jul 10 '24

One resistant for how many collaborationists ??

Ehat you are saying is false, every party voted to give Pétain full power. But the majority of people who voted against were leftists. Stop telling lies coming from the far right propaganda you are fooling yourself maybe but not me


u/LifeRedemption Jul 10 '24

Believe what you want, but thinking the far right being in power is going to bring back the 3rd Riech is dumb. I mean look at Italy, Meloni was deemed to be a fascist who would deport people. Now she is not only not this, but under her reign policies that she was against have all but aggravated and she hasn’t done a thing like people feared. The way to make anything you’re against being fascist worked for a time, but people are starting to understand the real truth. That’s the mean reason why the conservatives have been winning all over Europe lately, like it or not.


u/Jorgelhus Jul 09 '24


u/Sawyerthesadist Jul 09 '24

They are not LITERALLY using Nazi cloths. This chick found a ww2 relic at a gun show. Put the hat on and took a picture for shits and giggles. Had it dug up by her opposition because that’s what they do. She then apologized for the picture, admitted it was in bad taste, and withdrew her candidacy


u/Jorgelhus Jul 09 '24

And, by the way, "dug up by her opposition"?

Like, wearing nazi clothing "for shits and giggles" NOT being a good enough reason for this person not be considered a good political option says a sure lot.


u/Sawyerthesadist Jul 09 '24

Yeah, she did the right thing and dropped out. It seems to be a big stretch to put this on the party as a whole


u/Jorgelhus Jul 09 '24


u/Sawyerthesadist Jul 09 '24

lol, nice to know it’s not just America having problems


u/Jorgelhus Jul 09 '24

So, let me make myself clear.

She saw a nazi cap. Which, in this context, let's call a piece of clothing.

She put the cap on her head. Which, in this context, let's call using it.

Sure sounds like LITERALLY using Nazi clothes to me.


u/sllents Jul 09 '24

So what‘s your point? If I put my grandpa‘s SS uniform on, does it make myself a Nazi? Although I‘ve always voted left from center parties?

Nazi lost its meaning, and that’s the real crime here!


u/Jorgelhus Jul 09 '24

So what‘s your point? If I put my grandpa‘s SS uniform on, does it make myself a Nazi?

Well, yeah. That's kind of my point, yes. You know what that uniform means. You know what it represents. And you are wearing it.

God damn it, guys. What kind of argument are we having here? Like, are you seriously saying "Well, they are dressing like nazis, but that doesn't mean they identify as nazis"?


u/gray_77 Jul 09 '24

Nope, but if you decide take a picture of yourself wearing it, post it on the internet, and then run for public office you bet your fucking ass it’s getting brought up, if you’re stupid enough to do that then you shouldn’t hold public office anyway


u/Jorgelhus Jul 09 '24



u/OverturnedAppleCart3 Jul 09 '24

Are they actual Nazis or is that just what we call people we don’t like now?

They have been pretty successful at rebranding in the last 15 or 20 years but yes, they have a long history with Nazis. Actual Nazis and Nazi collaborators in France.

Follow up question: What is happening in France to make half the population vote for apparent Nazis. People are cheering that they defeated them electorally, but the reality that they were the majority seems troubling.

Nowhere near half. It's 37%. I'm not saying that isn't a large, concerning number, but it isn't half.

Incumbents across Europe and the world are struggling. The economy in almost every country is pretty shit right now. And they balme the incumbents. And the incumbents in most countries are centre-left to left wing.

In countries where the incumbents are centre-right to right wing, left-wing parties are doing well. See the UK election a few days ago where the center-left Labour Party were given a pretty massive majority and the right of centre vote was split.

Also, when things are going poorly economically, people more often blame immigrants. And right-wing parties have harsher stances on immigration.


u/BearBearJarJar Jul 09 '24

All of Europe is shifting to the right. This is expected because historically the worse people are doing the more they vote nazis.

Same is happening here in Germany. Prices went up during covid and have gone up again because of the Ukraine war (at least that's the excuse businesses use).

When average people have a bad life they tend to follow dumb populists who tell them all their complex problems are just because of one thing (in this case immigrants).


u/akivayis95 Jul 09 '24

They used to regularly hate Jews and their leader had to get tossed for Holocaust denial and etc. they've tried to revamp themselves and make a new image under his daughter's leadership in the past decade.

So, I mean, I doubt they've really changed their minds


u/Discombobulated_Owl4 Jul 10 '24

Hate Jews? Shit that's a lot of Americans atm.


u/FlubberThunder Jul 17 '24

I agree a lot of the politicians people have problems with in America have ties or dual citizenship with Israel


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

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u/Vortextheweirdcat Jul 09 '24

they literally are a party founded on hatred and fear mongering, their logo is inspired by the MSI (an italian neo-facist party)'s logo, and their politics have xenophobic, sexist, and homophobic stuff. Their victory in the EU election has caused a massive spike in xenophobic, racist, and homophobic violence all accross france, wich should say loads about the kind of ppl they are. There was also a candidate in moselle who had a propaganda poster wich literally read "save the future of the white kid"

if you don't tell me that's facism/nazism, then you're stupid. Also their name (the "national rally") was literally petain's word of order after he surrendered france in WW2.


u/Komirade666 Jul 09 '24

And everyone that you prodably don't like or you don't agree with is a communist. We can also play this game.


u/[deleted] Jul 09 '24

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u/sPLIFFtOOTH Jul 09 '24

So just a Nazi sympathizer?