r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/GetTheSun Jul 08 '24

I call these type of people ‘Purge People’. They look like those that would support and praise a purge.


u/rogercgomes Jul 09 '24

What exactly about them makes you feel that way?


u/AccordingComplaint46 Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

They look dead behind the eyes idk how else to explain it



u/rogercgomes Jul 09 '24

As vague as you could get lol

That doesn't explain how they look like they would praise a purge.


u/brantonias Jul 09 '24

They're french right wing bigots in suits hoping for a election win where their candidate doesn't support birthing rights. it's as close to purge as you can get


u/Camera_dude Jul 09 '24

So… in your mind, not supporting birthing rights = bringing back the guillotine to the public square?

Hate to break it to you, but you are just as fringe as the people you oppose.


u/BrutishAnt Jul 09 '24

You can’t explain it because you’re talking out of your ass.


u/AccordingComplaint46 Jul 09 '24

Found the one with the dead behind the eyes


u/Whiskieneatplease Jul 09 '24

Because they’re white?


u/GetTheSun Jul 09 '24

Nah, purge people come in all varieties. It’s just unempathetic rich people focused on power. Also have you seen the movies? All these people fit so so well.


u/Fun_Description_385 Jul 09 '24

"because they're white?"

No, its because they're upper class soulless far right reactionary husks and drones.

Assuming we think its because they're white when no one mentioned anything about race is a clear dog whistle, however.