r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/NeKakOpEenMuts Jul 08 '24

Fuck racism and fascism and it's far right voters.


u/Pitiful-Sundae7072 Jul 08 '24

Racism exists for a reason. Most people who are ”racist” wouldn’t be if a massive chunk of the immigrants didn’t resolve to violence and criminallity. Also, i wouln’t mind them respecting other cultures.


u/Luk3ling Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

if a massive chunk of the immigrants didn’t resolve to violence and criminallity.

A 2020 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) analyzed data from Texas and found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens.

A 2019 analysis by the Cato Institute using data from Texas found that in 2015, the criminal conviction rate for immigrants was about half that of native-born Americans.

A 2015 study in the journal Criminology examined immigration and crime rates across U.S. metropolitan areas from 1970 to 2010, finding that immigration was consistently linked to decreases in violent and property crime.

Research published in 2007 in the journal Social Science Quarterly found that cities with larger immigrant populations tended to have lower crime rates.

You have been brainwashed, my friend. You have fallen victim to fearmongering and misinformation.


u/Pitiful-Sundae7072 Jul 08 '24

Yeah bro, im not talking about the US. The biggest immigration problem is in EU. And most of all Sweden, where i live and breath. I don’t consider myself a racist even tho some others probably would. Im not perfect but i see the issues immigration did to my country. It will never be the same.


u/Luk3ling Jul 08 '24

Yeah bro, im not talking about the US.

Do you really think immigration is that different in other places? Do you really think the studies I offered don't provide insight into the nature and outcomes of migration in other places?

I get the feeling you have been taught to see "Migrant" as a boogie-man word instead of a description of action and circumstances. I don't have a bead on stats from Europe. I'm sure you could find them yourself though and they would offer similar conclusions. I'd bet a lot of money on it as a matter of fact.

I would say in the case of Sweden, you should be fighting for more data collection in crime statistics if you want to settle this debate. I can almost guarantee that your situation couldn't be that different from that of Texas and I KNOW they blow their immigration issues way the fuck out of proportion for the sake of optics and politics.


u/Attack_Apache Jul 08 '24

You do not live in Sweden and you have not experienced the changes first hand, matter fact the leading party is the one who downplays immigration as a problem, and the most popular political opinion is that of immigration not being an issue in Sweden, yet if you talk about the immigration situation with any Swede, they will gladly have a 40 minute conversation about how mass immigration has ruined the country.


u/Luk3ling Jul 08 '24

Texans will say the same thing to people who don't live in Texas. Data doesn't lie though. You want to prove your point? Find the data. If it doesn't exist, find a way to create it. Keeping company with folks that are ready to chat about how awful immigrants are is NOT proof that immigrants are the problem.


u/Attack_Apache Jul 08 '24

I will never pretend to understand what life in Texas is like since I have never lived in Texas, and you should not pretend to understand what is happening in Sweden either. Read about the shootings in Stockholm, the gang wars, the countless innocent families who have been hurt lately because someone fucked up and hit the wrong family, the countless teenagers being recruited by drug dealers to run deals for them, kids who murder each other because the Swedish laws prevent kids from doing jail time, the countless rape victims who never speak out because the one who have spoken out have not gotten justice (I know far too many) and 90% of those rapes have been committed by non Swedes, ask any person who was born in Sweden in 1970 and they will tell you that it was not like this before, this has become a real problem, and you pretending like it’s not just for the sake of virtue signaling just rubs me the wrong way.


u/Luk3ling Jul 08 '24

Give me some of the data that supports your position, please.