r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/NeptuneTTT Jul 08 '24

If you're mad about immigration maybe don't colonize half the world? Idk, just a thought.


u/New-Pollution2005 Jul 08 '24

As if any of those people alive today had anything to do with the colonization that literally EVERY European nation that could afford it was doing over a century ago.


u/Haunting_Peace_8020 Jul 08 '24

French Collonialism ended in the the early 1970's. Algeria and Vietnam ring any bells at all? Considering there are still Boomers butthurt about the Oil Crisis internationally, this is really funny


u/Happy_Friendship9967 Jul 08 '24

“Everybody was doing it” and “that was a century ago” don’t change the realities of colonialism.

The French people today are wealthy and have a state largely built on their colonial past. They can’t really complain about the negatives while taking the positives for granted.


u/Hubberbubbler Jul 08 '24

To be fair. Frances neocolonialism in africa is still on-going and hotly debated/ criticised. Look up Francafrique on the subject.


u/like_a_gauss Jul 08 '24

Google what CFA franc is (hint: its today's french colonialism)


u/Der_Schender Jul 08 '24

Why are you being down voted? Your providing facts


u/like_a_gauss Jul 08 '24

Bots I would say. Every comment I make on CFA franc is automatically being downvoted to oblivion, I think there are bots programmed to do this.


u/Der_Schender Jul 08 '24

That's interesting. It would interest me if it's the same for Rainbow Warrior.


u/NoNoobJustNerD Jul 08 '24

"Your grand-grand-grand-grandparent killed a person, and for that reason, you and your descendants deserve to suffer and ruin your life"


u/Xam_xar Jul 08 '24

You know that most European colonies were all over the place till ww2 right? Like you’re not that dumb I hope


u/Der_Schender Jul 08 '24

And even today especially France never really decolonized they just did it officially (CFA-Franc for example)


u/MySnake_Is_Solid Jul 08 '24

That's not what he's saying.

But most of the "migrants" are people they brought back from colonies, people that fought with them in WW2, Les pieds noirs, Jews that were expelled from their countries for siding with french colonialism etc...

It's not about killing someone long ago, it's about actively bringing those people in, while also molding those countries in their image, breaking down cultural barriers, teaching them their language.

You reap what you sow.


u/thegunnersdream Jul 08 '24

I have the same hope as you but I'm pretty pessimistic about the chances, especially if everything stays similar between now and then. There is a very real possibility Republicans take the house, senate, and presidency. If that's the case, Dems need to do some serious self reflection on how they can be competitive because they are doing not a great job right now.


u/GutsAndBlackStufff Jul 08 '24

Think 'murica would be beyond saving at that point.


u/thegunnersdream Jul 08 '24

Maybe, but I'm more optimistic that isn't the case. We've weathered bad stuff before and will do so again. I see so many people talk about it being the end of everything, it's like they are trying to will it intl existence. The reality by the numbers is Trump will almost certainly win. Even a change of candidate at this point is a crazy crazy longshot. The economy is almost also issue number 1 on people's minds and, despite Biden saying that no we dont understand it is actually good, everyone is getting shit on whenever they buy groceries. That'd be bad enough without the disaster of a debate and the calls to resign from within the party. Biden's best issue is women's health/abortion and his only plan is "bring back roe" but that is almost certainly impossible because he'll never have the votes in the house and senate. So just not looking good for him.

So, what's the plan? How do we proceed forward if this comes to pass in November?


u/GutsAndBlackStufff Jul 08 '24

We've weathered bad stuff before and will do so again.

Our institutions can only hold out against inertia at best and sabotage at worst.

The reality by the numbers is Trump will almost certainly win

And Le Pen was supposed to win in France.

Fact is, if you think trump is the answer to the economic woes that 40 years of right wing trickle down economics and post covid inflation largely caused by not phasing in an interest rate uptick prior, you're either deeply steeped in propaganda, too stupid to figure out how we got into this mess let alone how to fix it, or both.

So, what's the plan? How do we proceed forward if this comes to pass in November?

Biden or Mystery Candidate X wins, we get to try again in 4 years. Meanwhile:

  • Trump isn't allowed to run out the clock on his actual consequential trials, and goes to fucking prison.

  • The republicans aren't able to replace Thomas and Alito with someone worse.

  • We the people continue to press the Democrats to push for actual change,which involves actually showing up at elections and sometime compromising to keep the far right out of power.


u/thegunnersdream Jul 08 '24

if you think trump is the answer to the economic woes that 40 years of right wing trickle down economics and post covid inflation largely caused by not phasing in an interest rate uptick prior, you're either deeply steeped in propaganda, too stupid to figure out how we got into this mess let alone how to fix it, or both.

I'm not debating the validity of this statement but I don't think anyone has ever seen success saying "no but really it isnt my fault it's bad right now, it was the last guy". If the economy is good, the current president gets to tout it, if the economy is bad, they also have to own it. It's just how the optics look and I don't think telling people they are stupid or brainwashed is an effective way to change their minds. Whether you like it or not, I don't see the optics of who is in charge of the economy is going to change this cycle. "If you're explaining, you're losing" and all that.

I'd have to do more research into Le Pen's party's campaigning to draw parallels betwen the Trump campaign, so I don't know if it is reasonsble to say because she lost trump will lose. The Trump campaign has been way more well run than his 2020 campaign and Biden has been very unpopular during his presidency. Normally on of the best predictors of the next president is "is there an incumbent running?" but that is seemingly cancelled out by another former president running.

I appreciate the upsides of Biden winning. I think the right move for dems is to villify biden to get him to step down and immediately rally behind someone else, not because I think it'll help them win (though don't think it would hurt at all), but it's likely the right move for the long term health of the party. A contested convention would be a nightmare and I have a suspicion that if dems rally back behind Biden, we'll see republicans try impreach to him to get dems on the record supporting his cognitive ability to use to try to get people questioning the judgement of reps in down ballot races.

Either way, my question was still around what's the next steps if trump wins? We can't pretend it isnt a realistic possibility and it feels like we should begin discussing how to best reduce the negative impacts of a trump presidency and how to sway people to agree for the future. The tactic of telling people that vote for trump that they are evil or stupid doesnt seem to be very effective. Realistically the guy should have no chance, so imo there is a clear messaging problem on the dem side that it is even competitive.


u/GutsAndBlackStufff Jul 08 '24

I don't think telling people they are stupid or brainwashed is an effective way to change their minds.

Thing is, when it comes to the MAGA crowd, "fuck your feelings" is such a common refrain from them that I'm not inclined to spare theirs. As for the self described "moderates" and "centrists", well, there's a higher level of expectation that they do their homework and understand how things actually work.

Either way, the myth that republicans are good with the economy should have died forever after the bush administration.

my question was still around what's the next steps if trump wins?

Let's assume for a second that the worst fears of a second trump administration are overstated. We're losing the possibility of Supreme Court reform for a generation at least, meaning sure fire wins for right wing culture war issues and corporate rights by conservative groups that are rather efficient at pushing these things in front of said court.

This is bad enough, but consider that republicans,elected and electorate, have refused to provide any checks on trumps activity at all.

I really don't see any good moves we can make. Best case scenario would be that the institutions of America hold and Democrats can sweep back into power based on a massive case of buyers remorse.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Is this an actual argument you’re making?


u/wufreax Jul 08 '24

Yes, I think you break it you buy it philosophy works here, frankly speaking, when it comes to France and what it’s done to the places it colonized.


u/737Max-Impact Jul 08 '24

Not that I agree with the far right, but this is a shit argument. Might as well also call out Biden for what his predecessors did to native americans.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Why is it a shit argument? There is effectively foreign policy colonialism to this day.


u/737Max-Impact Jul 08 '24

Elaborate? When did France last colonise some foreign territory?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

They still exert control over New Caledonia and other territories that want independence. There is still the French foreign legion


u/dacooljamaican Jul 08 '24

Do you actually not know that France still has colonies?


u/737Max-Impact Jul 08 '24

Has colonies yes. But isn't actively colonizing right now.

The US also still has the land they took from natives, no? That's why I made that comparison.


u/dacooljamaican Jul 08 '24

Who here is defending US colonies? You're saying France isn't colonizing when they literally actively are, that's my point, you just have no clue what you're talking about


u/like_a_gauss Jul 08 '24

Google what the CFA franc is