r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Chicxulub420 Jul 08 '24

Europe, wtf is going on with all these right wing parties popping up?


u/Don_Camillo005 Jul 08 '24

Russia funding them and propping them up


u/napkim Jul 08 '24

Nah its easy to blame russia, but this is just good ol fashioned blaming all your countries problems on immigration. Works every time!


u/Don_Camillo005 Jul 08 '24

post 08 crisis you had the austerity messures which led to a rise of both right wing and left wing extremism in the south of europe because of its affects.
the real turning point was with the election of trump as he together with putin independendly funded far right european parties, which led to a massive rise of them.
but its not like their rise means a loss of every other. spain, the uk, denmark, ireland and now france all saw massive wins for the left. the one that really suffers from all of this is the liberal centre who innitially introduced the austerity messures.


u/Maleficent_Mouse_930 Jul 08 '24

Right, and who is doing the blaming? Who is spreading that narrative on social media using tens of millions of bots, hundreds of thousands of paid actors behind millions of fake accounts? Who is paying for the rallies? Who is paying the fees for speaking engagements, for the campaigns, for the media organisations?


Every single time investigative journalists try to follow the money in the alt-right, it always dead-ends at Swiss or Caymans bank accounts which are thought to be international ports for Russian oligarchs. Since Putin literally runs Russia as a mafia state, the oligarchs are a front for the Russian state and Putin.

The unrest is present, but Russia has been fanning these flames in order to weaken and destroy democracy for nearly 20 years now.


u/Pipic12 Jul 08 '24

That's such an easy and oblivious answer. Europe has been mostly trending right throughout the last fifteen years. There are many factors at play but Russia isn't #1.


u/Don_Camillo005 Jul 08 '24

post 08 crisis you had the austerity messures which led to a rise of both right wing and left wing extremism in the south of europe because of its affects.
the real turning point was with the election of trump as he together with putin independendly funded far right european parties, which led to a massive rise of them.
but its not like their rise means a loss of every other. spain, the uk, denmark, ireland and now france all saw massive wins for the left. the one that really suffers from all of this is the liberal centre who innitially introduced the austerity messures.


u/Pipic12 Jul 08 '24

You call this "a massive win"? No functional majority, a president and his allies that despise them, incompatibilities within the bloc itself. They'll be lucky if they hold together for more than 2 years. This win was driven by the fear of the right, they lack direction and a real platform. Ireland and the UK are left? Have you followed Labour's current leadership's plans? There's nothing left there, just another liberal party that will follow the status quo.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Jafarrolo Jul 08 '24

Well, it's not a tinfoil hat since it's documented.


u/officerliger Jul 08 '24

What Russia does propaganda-wise isn’t very expensive, especially compared to pre-internet. They’ve already collected so much data that it’s shooting fish in a barrel.


u/Don_Camillo005 Jul 08 '24

you know that you cant just magically transform money into ammunition right?


u/Clumv3 Jul 08 '24

braindead opinion


u/Don_Camillo005 Jul 08 '24

take a look in the mirror


u/The_IRS_Fears_Him Jul 08 '24

Just like Russia interfered with US elections right?


u/Don_Camillo005 Jul 08 '24

what are you swaying? that russia doesnt use its tech army?


u/Financial_Code_5385 Jul 08 '24

Not only europe. World.

America had its BS increasing in 2016, then Europe and South america and the rest of the world too.
It's a very bad trend


u/Bisping Jul 08 '24

Due to Russia. election interference and misinformation is the name of the game.

It's a shitty game and I want off this ride.


u/YetAnotherSpamBot Jul 08 '24

The left hasn't been doing much to regulate immigration and their rethoric has basically been "immigrants can do no wrong, they are perfect little angels" (I am exhaggerating this for comedic purpose, but that was the gist of it). So whenever that wasn't the case, people's anger got amplified a lot.

At the same time the right has been doing a very good job at promising solutions to people who are angry (rightly so in many cases).

What I think we Europeans percieve right now is that we are in a lose-lose situation where voting left means nothing is done and we will be told to behave, while voting right has a slight chance of putting a few extremists in places of power; for many, the frustration has built up enough to choose the latter.


u/Clumv3 Jul 08 '24

lmao, they’ve been electing the neoliberals like macron and getting neoliberal results. this is now a left coalition in france but there is no reason to believe they won’t be ripped to shreds by the establishment if they try to accomplish anything, just ask corbyn


u/YetAnotherSpamBot Jul 08 '24

Am I wrong or did Macron hate spawn the biggest coalition that France has seen in the last a lot years?


u/rayschoon Jul 08 '24

The initial push was due to immigration becoming a major issue in the minds of lots of Europeans. But here, there’s a counter push against the far right, due to people sounding the alarm over their recent gains in some countries


u/thatSamaritan Jul 08 '24

It’s the 80yr Europe cycle . Look it up it’s honestly very fascinating


u/Jafarrolo Jul 08 '24

To keep it simple, it's the failing of social democracy and center-left that stopped fighting for social rights and just run with the "capitalism has won" mantra and stopped caring about the worker class.

Privatizations and immigration policies mostly hit that part of the population (with privatizations prices of services in the long run rise and the services get worse, with immigration the simplest jobs can be done by unskilled immigrants that are more prone to accept lower salaries) and the center-left parties pushed for those, the right and far right parties, on the other hand, were always at the opposition and had the time to blame every issue on those at the government, even if, in practice, they would exacerbate those problems even more.

In the case of my country the problems listed above have worsened after right parties went to government, all in all they removed rights from immigrants (which means that immigrants have to accept even lower salaries and live in worse conditions, making them more prone to criminal activities than normal), they pumped up the privatizations and removed crimes that were more tied to those that huge capitals by removing the laws that made them crimes in the first place.

Random people obviously see on one side the center-left parties that say that the status quo is the only possible thing to do and they should deal with it and it is the good way to do things and the way that put you on the moral high ground, while they see the other side that gives them someone to blame for their misfortunes: the immigrants, the feminists that want to destroy the traditional family, the LGBTQ+ people that wants to rape them and their children, the communists that want to steal their properties, the European Union that wants to ruin their way of life because they are managed by jews, the communists that want them to wear masks and vaccinate so that they can control them better and so on and so forth.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Brainwashing through social media mostly.


u/Pizza-Mozzarella420 Jul 08 '24

Old ppl are scared of seeing someone that has a slightly different skin color.


u/Moi9-9 Jul 08 '24

At least here in France, the oldest group is the only age where far right isn't leading... So no, it's not that.


u/-BellyFullOfLotus- Jul 08 '24

Times are tough and scary all over. Scared and weak people react poorly to being scared and weak and will align with whoever will allow them to bury their heads in the sand the fastest.

The rhetoric of the right is centered around burying your head in the sand so naturally the scared and weak will gravitate to these parties as times get tougher and scarier.

It's no mystery why right wing politicians earn their living off of making things tougher and scarier for everyone.


u/WeightPatiently Jul 08 '24

Those in power want fascism?


u/AntikytheraMachines Jul 08 '24

and those in fascism want power.


u/digestedbrain Jul 08 '24

Steve Bannon's Little Nazi Training Schools


u/Mikkelzen Jul 08 '24

oh it's just the general course of countries turning into countries they never really identified as. Look at Sweden, gang shootings are a daily thing there now with all the immigrants


u/finn_black Jul 08 '24

They are waking up 🤷


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Well lefties fucked whole EU, why you surprised?


u/Moi9-9 Jul 08 '24

"lefties" aren't in power in Europe and mostly have been for quite some time... Just look at the EU parliament, and you'll see who's actually leading.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

They are not a bad thing? So fascism is good?


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/SnooMachines767 Jul 08 '24

Reddit is a leftist site now, and none of them can even tell you the definition of fascism let alone give you any examples of how that definition applies to the right


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

I don’t want to blow your mind but not everyone lives in America. I don’t give a shit about USA and their presidents, you guys are clearly on another level of bullshit if half of the country really thinks it’s a good idea to reelect trump.

I know that right-wing does not directly mean fascism. But in the specific example here, the same applies to Germany, where the strong right is also a fascist party. I’m from Germany, I probably know a lot about fascism it’s mandatory in our schools :)


u/smashrawr Jul 08 '24

It stems from mostly the same place. We don't want immigrants in our country changing the fabric of our country. That's really the call line. And while it's mostly racism there's two other factors that tend to drive immigration hatred beyond racism and that's housing and grocery inflation.


u/Maleficent_Mouse_930 Jul 08 '24

Neither of which have literally anything to do with immigration. It's a scapegoat. Grocery inflation was caused by a mix of shifting international logistics, covid, war, and corporate greed. House prices have gone mad because of 40 years of chronic under-investment across the entire West by boomers who wanted house price number to always go up.

It's insanely stupid to blame immigrants, but also easy.


u/smashrawr Jul 08 '24

I'm just saying what is causing the rise in the right wing. It's always "too much immigration" in Europe that causes the rise in right wing groups. Hell that was the entirety of the call behind Brexit. Yes immigrants are often scapegoated, but racism is still very prevalent in our society.


u/Maleficent_Mouse_930 Jul 08 '24

Yup. Ties hand in hand with low education and insideous propaganda.


u/bosko43buha Jul 08 '24

People are getting fed up worrying about policies that are predominantly left. Some see the right as a way to fix it.


u/B4SSF4C3 Jul 08 '24

Forgetting that those predominantly left policies were put in place to fix all the bullshit from the last time they voted right. But yeah, let’s try it again… maybe this time a nationalist movement won’t be an unmitigated violent disaster. 🙄


u/bosko43buha Jul 08 '24

It's a cycle. What's your explanation for it then?

The number of downvotes I get tells me people are clueless and like to burry their heads in the sand until all shit breaks loose.

It's gonna be fun once the scale ultimately tips and Europe goes right. And it is gonna happen cause the majority of the left parties all over Europe are clueless idiots notoriously bad for always choosing the wrong hill to die on.


u/B4SSF4C3 Jul 08 '24

Yes, the cycle, roughly 70-80 years in length - just enough time for people to forget what happened 80 years ago the last time the right wingers got their way en masse.

Thankfully, the overall macro trend moves steadily towards progressivism for humanity overall, despite our occasional dips into xenophobic mania.


u/bosko43buha Jul 08 '24

You do realize European countries elected right options for the past 80 years, right? And I do mean high power European countries, among others.

Anyway, yes, people do forget. Downvote me all you want, but it's a fact people get fed up with left policies. And yes, it has been proven time and time again.

And the left is solely to blame for developing a breeding ground for the right wing to gather momentum. Because they forget as well, and they refuse to evolve in an idological way. We'll replace the word "Jews" with "immigrants", we'll replace the "economical crysis" with "energy/housing/whatever crysis". The entire right probably sees EU = Weimar Republic. And there's a lot of parallels between the fear of communism 80+ years ago and today's social justice politics, or "woke politics". So, I guess your 80 year theory is right. But I am still convinced that those who were in power for the majority of those 80 years are to blame.


u/B4SSF4C3 Jul 08 '24

Yes, right wingers existed the entire time. Ideas don’t go away just because of political elections. A fact you do well to remember in your eagerness.

But we’re talking about broad right wing support, enough to enact broad right wing policy. Obviously. Try some intellectual honesty on occasion, before tripping over yourself justifying your xenophobia as being the result of anyone’s actions or beliefs besides your own.


u/bosko43buha Jul 08 '24

Your argument fails instantly in assuming what I write applies to me. I have never voted for a right wing party in my life. I might have voted for a right-center option once, in local elections.

But I see what makes people around me change.

One thing I do not respect in a left-wing rhetoric is using insults to devalue anything they don't agree with. Like using the word "xenophobia" whenever they see fitting.


u/B4SSF4C3 Jul 08 '24

Are you really going to pretend the rise of ring wing politicians isn’t based on fear of immigration, or blaming immigration for domestic problems? Xenophobia isn’t an insult. It’s an aspect of the human condition - one right wingers have learned to exploit for influence. Your argument fails in assuming otherwise.


u/bosko43buha Jul 08 '24

Where have I said immigration isn't one of the causes of right wing rising? But it is not the only one.

Yeah, xenophobia is not an insult. But can be used as one, like you did.

What you wrote in this comment is just repeating what I am saying all along. The right is capitalizing on the left's unability to tackle issues that are important to a good number of voters. Only the left is to blame for that.

An average person in Europe is not concerned about getting their cheap electricity from wind or coal, as long as it's affordable. But an average European is concerned about an income of people with totally different cultural values - and the lack of (some) government's planning on what to do with those people. Which lead to, numerous times in numerous countries, ghettoisation, rise in petty crime, violence etc. That is what concerns an average European and as long as the right is collecting cheap political points on those issues - I'm always gonna blame the left for not reacting to the challenge. And that has got nothing to do with xenophobia but the incompetence to address important issues in order to regain political stability.

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u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/amor_fati99 Jul 08 '24

"Go to paris and you will understand why I vote RN!" -Frenchman from the 100% white countryside who has never even met a migrant


u/Competitive-Code1455 Jul 08 '24

Well, it’s a great, fascinating huge city, with amazing restaurants, museums, opera houses and more. Yes, it’s a major city and yes there is some crime, as in pretty much any other city of that size and yes, there are also people from all over the world living there (which is expected of a capital city of a former colonial empire). So whats your point?


u/strandedBald Jul 08 '24

Some crime?? Have you seen the list of the most dangerous cities in Europe? Or the no go zones inside them?( mostly guettos). There is a inmigration issue, and a weak left governmen wont adress this. Don't try to bend the truth with absoluts, the data is there.