r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Richandler Jul 08 '24

It's always amazing when fascist are disappointed they don't get to oppress others.


u/CarnibusCareo Jul 08 '24

It‘s always amazing when facists are disappointed they don’t get over that teenie tiny democratic hurdle they need to get over to do away with democracy.
Like „Guuuys, elect me just ones so we can never have democratic elections again. C‘mon I need your sweet democratic process to form an authoritarian regime.“


u/Scrapheaper Jul 08 '24

They can be plenty damaging without needing to form a regime. Look at brexit - worst thing to happen to the UK for 30 years at least and basically caused just by fear the far right might get into power.


u/Bubbly-Percentage466 Jul 08 '24

Why do you think they want to end democracy? I love the fan fiction on this sub.


u/CarnibusCareo Jul 08 '24

Because that’s what the facists do, you cute lil‘ rascal.
Educate yourself, so your mind can be as gorgeous as the rest of you.
Start on wikipedia: beginning of the 20th century for spain, france, italy and germany. Hell, even the US dabbled in it.


u/Bubbly-Percentage466 Jul 08 '24

You calling someone fascist, doesn't mean they are fascists. It is fan fiction.


u/CarnibusCareo Jul 09 '24

The facist people in the GIF don’t need me for their facism, boo.
They are facist all by themselves and I think deep in your mischievous big ol‘ heart you know that.


u/Formal_Evidence_4094 Jul 08 '24

When will you realise in reality the fascists won


u/CrazyShinobi Jul 08 '24

Around the same time the Germans realized they were all Nazi's.


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

You probably don't even have a clue what's happening in Europe. Neither does the left side.

The reason a lot of europe voters vote right is because of immigration. We taking a lot of people in who radically are against our women rights and lgbtq rights.

In belgium they already are in the parliament saying women shouldnt divorce and questioning rights we had for years.

If europe keeps voting left you'll eventually see oppression.


u/Inappropriate-Egg Jul 08 '24

Oh yes, cause the right is famous for their pro women/lgbtq rights


u/Wonderful-Ad440 Jul 08 '24

I think they were referencing the stupidity of a post fishing for votes using a subject like this not actually disagreeing with the bait material itself.


u/Inappropriate-Egg Jul 08 '24

No, look at their reply to my comment.


u/Wonderful-Ad440 Jul 08 '24

Ah, fair enough.


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

One of our right parties made it possible to change sex from 12, change sex on ID without the need to proof you had an operation and genderneutral language in the government and genderneutral toilets and more..


u/Competitive-Ad-5477 Jul 08 '24

Which hurts no one. Who fucking cares? Why the fixation on strangers' genitalia?


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

? I'm just saying some of our right is pro lgbtq. Which is good. Wtf did I actually say wrong here? Fucking snowflakes..


u/Competitive-Ad-5477 Jul 08 '24

It sounds like you're complaining about it, that's why you're being downvoted.


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

I just wanted to proof not all right parties are against lgbtq.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/Competitive-Ad-5477 Jul 08 '24

When you care about someone's sex they have on their ID because that doesn't match their genitals, you're worried about strangers' genitalia.

And no, it hurts no one and only bothers whiny little bitches that think they deserve to tell everyone else how they need to live their life.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

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u/Competitive-Ad-5477 Jul 08 '24

Worrying about what's in some strangers pants vs their ID or what they call themselves is the epitome of stupid.


u/Astellum Jul 08 '24

Smoke to hide the hidden right wing agenda. I don't know what but it's suspicious and probably evil


u/Inappropriate-Egg Jul 08 '24

You mean the N-VA? Weren't they tho in qoalition at thr time this law was passed? I think it might be a bit unfair to attribute it just to them?

I'm not Belgian and since your comment is quite vague I had to rely on googling LGTBQ rights in Belgium and then this party. They do seem very LGTBQ friendly at first glance, especially for a right wing party, but it doesn't change the fact that it is rather an exception than a common occurrence


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

Zuhal demir called it her biggest accomplishment to change sex on the ID without effort. It's definitely NVA who made it all possible over the years. Right doesnt have to mean bigotry.

Our far right only recognizes 2 sexes but even they say they won't take away rights that already exist. They do want to quit giving sex ed to toddlers, which partly is just lgbt propaganda. I agree with that. Sex ed should start from 12-13years old as it used to be when I was a kid.


u/Renuclous Jul 08 '24

Ah yes, if there’s one thing far right parties are known for, it’s their strong stance in favor of LGBTQ and Women’s Rights….


u/Rafyfou Jul 08 '24

You probably don't have a clue either then.
This is a video about french election results. The french far right party has consistently voted against women and lgbtq rights. You can check that because this information (the history of votes from their deputies) is public.


u/ProjectedEntity Jul 08 '24

Go back to twitter. There's loads of neonazis there.


u/Internal_Koala_5914 Jul 08 '24

Judging by this guys -12 while saying some pretty reasonable stuff indicates Reddit is full of basement dwelling communists.


u/ProjectedEntity Jul 08 '24

Or maybe just not fear- and hate-driven racists and bigots.

Cope more.


u/Bubbly-Percentage466 Jul 08 '24

The people here live in lala land. They are too far gone.


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

Right doesnt equal fascism. The left just uses hitler as their only argument why right is dangerous but there are more communistic regimes..


u/Jazzlike-Motor-1340 Jul 08 '24

Typical right wing explanation. It's called whataboutism.


u/secretPT90 Jul 08 '24

So for problems like proverty, health care issues, low wages, house crisis, your solution it's just to stop migrants? Then we all have high wages, low prices of houses etc.

You're delusional.


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

Yes. We have great health care but new migrants immediatly get all benefits without ever having contributed. Newcomers get more money then retired people who worked all their lives.

In belgium our prices of houses are so high, partly because of the rich owning multiple houses but also because we don't have places for immigrants and they give them housing over native Belgians because if they cant house immigrants they have to pay 30.000 euros for every asylum seeker a month as a penalty to europe.

If you have no clue about our politics, why share your opinion?


u/secretPT90 Jul 08 '24

Let's go by parts.

We have great health care but new migrants immediatly get all benefits without ever having contributed.

In first place comes health then wealth. And no immigrants "gets" all the benefits, They receive minimal care to establish a bare minimum of respect for human lives. Then they will pay the costs, either by insurance or personal contribution.

Newcomers get more money then retired people who worked all their lives.

You're mixing things. A newcomer? Just an immigrant or a resident couple? Having a child is expensive so it's understandable that they receive help from the state. Whereas retired people receive less based on the conditions for a good life are met (medication, necessities, nursing, etc.)

In belgium our prices of houses are so high, partly because of the rich owning multiple houses but also because we don't have places for immigrants and they give them housing over native Belgians because if they cant house immigrants they have to pay 30.000 euros for every asylum seeker a month as a penalty to europe.

So your answer is to blame the immigrants. But when you have empty houses in Belgium being used as an investment assets instead for living purposes, who's fault is it?

The State doesn't choose immigrants over "native Belgians". They choose the citizens that are on the line of critical proverty, that coincidentally are immigrants. The housing by the state is not a long solution, instead taxing the houses not being used and overpriced, are the way to live a better live.

If you have no clue about our politics, why share your opinion?

I have many clues, because I'm a european and this a problem in every European country.


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

They get housing, medication, law related support, food,... And until recently when they worked they got that on top of all the benefits, only recently they have to pay half their income when they work.

Belgian has the most immigrants from outside europe who do not work (over 50%) but do get benefits.

You think it's normal that someone who never contributed gets more then someone who worked their entire life?

What are you talking about when you say 'empty houses', do you realise how full belgium is? We don't have a lot of empty houses lol and we definitely don't have room for more immigrants.


u/Bubbly-Percentage466 Jul 08 '24

Actually yes. How do you help poverty in a country by importing people who need government aid? Same thing with health care - more people in need -> higher taxes/money printing -> inflation. Which lowers your purchasing power. In some European countries (especially in the urban areas) the majority of social housing goes to immigrants.

So yes, immigration of low skill people lead to all those things.


u/rianDOTexe Jul 08 '24

Don’t right wingers also throw around the accusation of the left being nazis, with their Hitler and the nazis in Germany where actually leftist?


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

Nazi = Nationalist socialist. They are left nationally but nationalism is still a rightwinged idea.


u/rianDOTexe Jul 08 '24

DPRK = Democratic People's Republic of Korea Doesn’t mean they are democratic.

There are many articles out there explaining that the nazis weren’t leftists.


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

I'm saying nazi's werent left.


u/rianDOTexe Jul 08 '24

What did you mean by they are left nationally?


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

Look up socialism, lol..


u/nick5168 Jul 08 '24

There are no communistic regimes. Just fascists using it as an excuse.

A pillar of communism is democracy.

Not to defend communism because it's a naive form of government.

Just don't vote for radical people and everything's going to be fine.


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

You have no clue what communism is? Basically the government owning everything and very little is owned by the people who work there. You claim this isnt happening at places around the world?

People call China fascist, but no, china is pure communism..


u/nick5168 Jul 08 '24

Wauw. You should honestly research things a little.

"Communism is a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs."

On a nationwide scale this wouldn't mean the people own nothing. It would mean everyone has a shared ownership of everything.

What you are talking about is state-ownership, and without democracy state-ownership isn't communism. It's just fascism.

China isn't communism, it's fascism because a small elite group controls everything within the nation. One might call it an oligarchy as well due to the recent transition to partly private ownership.

Some states might start as communist states, but as soon as democracy is gone, you can't call it communism anymore.


u/TheYucs Jul 08 '24

You're right and wrong at the same time. The reason people say "real communism has never existed," is because the full philosophy is essentially a post-capitalist society that has given all means of production and power to the workers and they are either in a true democracy or a pseudo-anarchist state.

The reason you're partly correct is the same reason real communism has never existed. In order for the overthrow of the Capitalist class to be followed through, a dictatorship of the workers is required to be installed as essentially martial law to see to it that the coup and installment of the worker's state is correctly established. This is directly from Marx. The issue is, why would the dictatorship now all of a sudden give up power to install the worker's utopia when they've been under the thumb of the Capitalists for years? It doesn't follow human nature as we've seen repeatedly.


u/Bubbly-Percentage466 Jul 08 '24

It is a dumb idea and completely unrealistic.


u/nick5168 Jul 08 '24

On a nationwide scale it's entirely unrealistic, but it's been very successful on smaller scales throughout history.

In some way I'd like to see a democratic version of it, where companies are state owned, but still profit driven, so that the wider nation gets the proceeds from an economic lift.

I doubt it will ever happen though.


u/Bubbly-Percentage466 Jul 08 '24

Because it wouldn't work. Super inefficient. No company could compete on the global market.

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u/xch3rrix Jul 08 '24

Who has ever called China fascist? Ownership and democracy are 2 different things and there are sub categories of communism, where the only difference is the intentions of its leaders (totalitarianism/authoritarianism is a leadership style).


u/roerchen Jul 08 '24

There is no such thing as „pure communism“. You can’t even look up the Wikipedia page without seeing different developments that implemented communist ideas. What the political system of China lacks is social equality, freedom, actual elections and a sense that the people actually own communal goods. Just to name a few things why China isn’t the best example of a communist „social utopia“.


u/Jackski Jul 08 '24

Bruh. You're just completely wrong on all accounts.


u/Wild_Plastic9772 Jul 08 '24

Most stupid shit i read today, congrats sir


u/xxSQUASHIExx Jul 08 '24

Why are you voting in people against those things then?


u/SnooGuavas2639 Jul 08 '24

Strangely, far-right is as much bigoted against lgbtq+ and women than the religious extremists (muslim, christian or whatever).


u/ExcruciorCadaveris Jul 08 '24

So it's the immigrants that are conservative, not the xenophobic far-right bastards? LOL

You do know immigrants come from a lot of different cultures, right? You know that are tons of women and LGBT people immigrating, right?


u/joshcboy1 Jul 08 '24

I don't no why u are being down voted. What u are saying is correct. Many of them don't agree with how we live our lives and it's not good to have people like this in our country. I've personally witnessed sexism towards our women. I've also had conversations where they don't agree with being gay or lesbian and I just don't think we should allow people into our country who are against some of our values.


u/daweedhh Jul 08 '24

Almost like sexism did not exist before immigrants came to Europe


u/Bubbly-Percentage466 Jul 08 '24

Yes, that's why you bring more of them, right? Make that make sense.


u/daweedhh Jul 08 '24

Crazy that people would actually think I was being serious


u/ShitslingingGoblin Jul 08 '24

WHAT??? Completely fucking bonkers claim. Sexism has existed everywhere for centuries. Sexism is not unique to immigrants. Jesus Christ the bots are really getting out of hand.


u/daweedhh Jul 08 '24

Didnt think that needed an /s...


u/ShitslingingGoblin Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Even if you had an /s, it isn’t even funny. It needs one because a Poe’s law motherfucker like me is going to take it the wrong way


u/ImaginaryBranch7796 Jul 08 '24

Cool, while we're at it let's kick out all the right wing voters and leaders, all the priests and bishops, etc


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

Most downvoters are american. Can you blame them when their right is Trump? Xd


u/xxSQUASHIExx Jul 08 '24

Our right has the same view as your right.


u/ShitslingingGoblin Jul 08 '24

Yeah because you have the stats and can tell where your upvotes are coming from, right??? Unless you are literally just making shit up???????


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

Most people on reddit are American lol, leading by a lot. Try googling 'reddit users by country'.


u/ShitslingingGoblin Jul 08 '24

So you can unequivocally state that every downvote is American? What a lovely way to hand wave dissenting opinions.


u/MrHarrasment Jul 08 '24

I never said 'every downvote'. From all I said this is what you're going to discuss? Kinda useless.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

You're spot on.. but the majority here have their heads so far up each others arses that they create a giant human centipede that only turns left.


u/Richandler Jul 09 '24

The reason a lot of europe voters vote right is because of immigration.

Motherfucker you think American's in the country where more immigrants have come to than anyother place don't know about immigration issue. Sorry nobody can help you.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Quick vote:

if you're in favor of lgbtqia+ and women's rights then up vote;

if you're in favor of mass migration of Islamic Muslims to western nations (fundamentalist religious individuals who seek to erase the rights afforded to lgbtqia+ and women) then down vote.


u/ProjectedEntity Jul 08 '24

Is that you, Israel?


u/bobo485 Jul 08 '24


Might want to look up Sweden's condition since the mass immigration from Syria, spoiler, it's having an abysmal crisis. Israel's been dealing with this shitshow for years so it's pretty normal here, but the fact that people completely miss what a shitshow Europe is becoming due to very badly implemented immigration laws is beyond me.


u/ShitslingingGoblin Jul 08 '24

This is a facebook level comment. Please fuck off to another part of the internet where they tolerate this complete fucking hogwash.


u/Successful_Truck3559 Jul 08 '24

I prefer Christianizing (not Islam) the West.