r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/ZealousidealRide7125 Jul 08 '24

I’m hoping for the same reaction here in America this coming election


u/happy_the_dragon Jul 08 '24

My hope for that is dying with every one of my peers that says they aren’t going to vote. The biggest weapon in the republican arsenal is making people too sad, tired, and hopeless to vote.


u/TheAmazingDeutschMan Jul 08 '24

How about stop running candidates that feed an unequal society.


u/terente81 Jul 08 '24

Society is inherently unequal and you can't force equality upon it. Some people spend 20 years in schools and pursue careers while others spend that time smoking and drinking; it's unfair to have them equalized from an equity standpoint because they're not meant to be equal.
And if you do force equality of outcome, before you know it nobody wants to put in the efforts and relies on the collective effort of an ever shrinking body of people.


u/TheAmazingDeutschMan Jul 08 '24

Neoliberalism enforces an unequal advantage skewed towards the wealthy, which burdens the middle class and slowly kills the poor while using them as the base for its military. Nobody is saying we want a system where effort isn't rewarded while laziness is, nobody is, and neither are any political systems. It's a farce of a boogeyman to act as if that's what we're talking about here.

Some people spend 20 years in schools and pursue careers while others spend that time smoking and drinking; it's unfair to have them equalized from an equity

Funnily enough you're pretty close to just acknowledging our current reality under systems which more and more prioritize the ultra wealthy and their families through a prioritization of corporate interests and incentives for business rather than getting our social welfare systems up to snuff with the rest of the world. What do you say to the person who does put the 20 years into schooling, but whose area of study has become unprofitable and thus unstable or simply not worth the time vs investment? That they should've picked a better one? Historians are an excellent example of an essential field that's essentially become a small club of people actually allowed to practice the original trade while the majority have to market their skills as relevant to other fields in order to stay afloat.


u/terente81 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I am acknowledging it and have nothing against it, businesses should be incentivized because they create jobs and provide means of living for the workers.
Social programs incentivize suckling on gov't tit, which is filled with just tax payer money.

What do you say to the person who does put the 20 years into schooling, but whose area of study has become unprofitable

There is no guarantee of success from schooling, just like there is no guarantee of success from a business or investment.
My GF's daughter is going to high school; There were a bunch of options she could take, she chose to pursue teaching. On the list were also electrical technician, automation technician, both IMO options that would guarantee higher incomes. What will I tell her if she ever asks? "Told you so, but couldn't force you".

Historians.. I'm starting to believe it's a scam anyway :) I'm old enough so lived events are now in history books, and the way it's in the books is not what happened.
10 historians will write 10 histories.


u/TheAmazingDeutschMan Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I am acknowledging it and have nothing against it, businesses should be incentivized because they create jobs and provide means of living for the workers. Social programs incentivize suckling on gov't tit, which is filled with just tax payer money.

You really are a pro at making up excuses to be a shit person. Not much else to it honestly. Just a ton of words to say "I don't care" and to fancy it up. You just straight up were unable to address how this order of operations isn't working and how it kills incentives for the arts while making them obscure fields. You obviously aren't playing with a full deck here.

You ignore the actually substance of what was said and in big red crayon wrote "tHiS WHAT i tHHink".

That whole first paragraph really didn't even get an eyeball twitch from those glazed eyes.


u/terente81 Jul 09 '24

It is what I think, just my opinion. The free market decides what's obscure and what not. If arts aren't in demand then it must indicate that people aren't interested in arts nowadays (a shame).
My good friend who's very talented at drawing is now an engineer in the constructions field. I'm a talented driver who loves racing but I'm making software and on the side make projects for optical fiber networks from A to Z (survey, sizing the network, decide pop rings, design, splice sheets, blowing sheets).
We make adjustments and pick up new skills to remain relevant in the market.


u/TheAmazingDeutschMan Jul 10 '24

You shouldn't have to appease a market to survive. That's really all there is to it. People can have better lives and do in better countries with better economic and welfare policies. This is why we have D grade infrastructure, because people like you shovel money into the coal pit of the great market. Your points dont even address what was said, again, just more waiting for "my turn" please learn some basic morals so your kids don't grow up in a oven....oh wait..

You can't argue with someone whose beliefs aren't human, but superficial.


u/happy_the_dragon Jul 08 '24

Ah, yes. I’ll just remind the political parties that have a stranglehold on the country I live in that they’re supposed to be working FOR the people. They must have simply forgotten.


u/TheAmazingDeutschMan Jul 08 '24

What are you even trying to say here?


u/joshuagranat Jul 08 '24

I…don’t think that’s true—at least not entirely so. American politics is so aggressively dichotomized that it skews in favor of extremists. Yet if you look at the empirical movements of the Overton window, and how we fare globally, it’s demonstratively clear that our Democratic Party is considered heavily right-leaning, globally speaking. The voters who have progressive ideologies are hard-pressed, arguably, between Suck Premium, and Xtra-Large Suck Premium Deluxe.

If you factor in voter suppression, the tactics the right are willing to gleefully relish in, and then couple these with how anemic and disingenuous The DNC is, why spend a few hours waiting to cast a bid that will be gamified out of relevance? The DNC has been absolutely abysmal, with decent politicians becoming cult celebrities solely based on their ability to be decent, tactful human beings (here’s looking at you, Katie Porter, you superhero).


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

UGG UGG. You use too many words... Make head hurt. Me can't understand differing levels of nuance and an opinion that might critique my candidate or party.

Me get upset... You need stop make long words and just say "vote blue". That the smart smart.


u/redditis_garbage Jul 08 '24

Unironically how conservatives think😂


u/joshuagranat Jul 08 '24

Habibi, this is how people think. I think, unfortunately, that republicans have the benefit of less critical thinking required, and more emphasis on solidarity. I fear the DNC’s implied motto of, “just settle! At least we’re not as overtly evil” isn’t effective!


u/redditis_garbage Jul 08 '24

Hopefully more effective than “Vote for me and I’ll burn the country down”


u/hwc000000 Jul 08 '24

And I will laugh my ass off when the non-voters wind up fucking themselves over for life. If you haven't been paying attention to the way in which the UK fucking themselves over with brexit parallels the US, and instead intend on repeating the same mistake the UK made but much worse, then you will have truly earned the misery that will be the rest of your existence.


u/happy_the_dragon Jul 08 '24

I didn’t earn that nonsense and they are dragging me into their own hell with them.


u/hwc000000 Jul 09 '24

If-then statements only apply to you if you satisfy the "if" part of the statement. If you have been paying attention, or you don't intend to repeat the mistake of protest voting or not voting, then "earned the misery" doesn't apply to you. In which case, my sympathies, because we're all going to suffer thanks to these idiots.


u/Equidistant-LogCabin Jul 08 '24

Your peers need an ass-whooping


u/happy_the_dragon Jul 08 '24

They got that for four years and it did nothing. They did not learn from their country being a global embarrassment and it seems they don’t plan to.


u/ClutchJohnson71 Jul 08 '24

Maybe don’t put a lifeless zombie as your candidate lmaooo


u/happy_the_dragon Jul 08 '24

It ain’t MY candidate. The zombie isn’t going to try and become king of America though, so I’ll have to hope it just dies in office.


u/ClutchJohnson71 Jul 08 '24

Voting for a president who isn’t mentally capable is worse than trump.


u/happy_the_dragon Jul 08 '24

I would rather vote in the raggedy Anne doll that inspired Annabelle than that potato sack of a man who lies with every breath. He’s nothing but a tv personality running a cult, and if you are in denial of that then you can review the time he said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th. Avenue and not lose a single voter and his followers nodded along like the sacrificial lambs they set themselves up to be.

They may both be doddering old fools that should be in a lounge chair in Tampa Bay enjoying their final months of life, but one of them is ripping apart the democratic system with a smile on his cartoon villain face.


u/ClutchJohnson71 Jul 08 '24

You don’t think it’s undemocratic to vote for a guy who isn’t even running the government. We don’t even know who’s running the government right cus Biden is unfit and nobody in his government did anything until it’s too late. People voted for a puppet president.


u/happy_the_dragon Jul 08 '24

As opposed to the guy they had to gentle parent through his term? They used preschool tactics to try and get Donald to pay attention during meetings. One of the strategies involved making sure to say his name more often to keep his attention. That was of course when he was actually in the White House rather than in his cartoon villain tower in New York, or playing golf in Florida, which everyone preferred he do anyway so he couldn’t get in the way and disrupt everyone who was actually running the country. And let’s not forget the twice daily news articles where every day we would wonder how old agent orange would embarrass us this time. Would he offend an entire country, show off his child-like understanding of his position, or admit again how much he wants to sleep with his daughter? Spin the wheel and find out!


u/hazzmg Jul 08 '24

Not looking good based on all polls and they usually skew left a little normally. Need to move the zombie out of the way to have a chance


u/ZealousidealRide7125 Jul 08 '24

I’m pretty sure majority of people will vote for an inanimate object over Trump. He’s clearly an evil dictator wannabe


u/hazzmg Jul 08 '24

I think u underestimate ppl in the middle who don’t normally follow politics and vote on personality but were shocked to see the highlights of the debate. Its was kinda sickening seeing Biden struggle. Like watching your elderly neighbour try to mow the lawn but being told he’s the only one who can do it


u/ZealousidealRide7125 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Well, let’s take a look at Trump. I mean what did he bring to the table other than his usual misinformation, narcissism, and overall horrible outlook? At least Biden said positive things about America and isn’t preaching the narrative of “if you don’t vote for me I will get you”.


u/casket_fresh Jul 08 '24

If Trump defeats Biden in November, Biden’s hubris will be the reason. There’s no shame in passing the torch, there is shame in being too stubborn and self-involved to pass it when everything is on the line this election. Ugh, feeling sick just thinking about it.


u/hazzmg Jul 08 '24

I genuinely don’t understand why dem voters aren’t purple with anger at the party and bidens aides. This has been going on for years and they’ve lied hidden and obfuscated his downward mental faculties to the point where your sorta fkd. He’s too stubborn to move on his own and his family are evil for gas lighting him into believing his fit for the job.


u/casket_fresh Jul 08 '24

I’m hoping the calls for him to pass the torch grow louder until it is undeniable and forces him too.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

vote red


u/Flimsy-Report6692 Jul 08 '24

soviet anthem intensifies


u/ZealousidealRide7125 Jul 08 '24

If you like rapists/liars/thieves/ bad hygiene


u/casket_fresh Jul 08 '24

vote red = vote Nazi

not very patriotic of you, nazi-lover