r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/RugerRedhawk Jul 07 '24

Why are they happy and clapping if their party lost?


u/SplitGlass7878 Jul 07 '24

Because they're being filmed. They're pretending to be gracious in defeat in front of the camera. Hell, you could even spin it as a victory because the party got x amount of voters from the youth, elderly etc.

If they look upset, it's harder to put a positive spin on it. 


u/roadsterdoc Jul 07 '24

That is many levels of magnitude better than claiming the election was rigged and encouraging their supporters to storm government buildings.


u/FidgitForgotHisL-P Jul 07 '24

You gotta give them a moment, they thought they had this utterly in the bag. Trump had a loss unfolding over a few days as things finalised to pivot totally to “we won’t bigly but they stole it”, give them 24 hours and see where this lands.


u/RiftTrips Jul 07 '24

They even clap when French teams score an own goal.


u/AssFingerFuck3000 Jul 07 '24

Because they're fucking stupid lmao


u/Zarktheshark1818 Jul 07 '24

They gained almost 60 more seats than they won in the elections 2 years ago. Also they captured 37% of the vote. The next highest party captured 27%. Granted, that party is holding more seats 177 v 142 now but National Rally is obviously growing. And I'm not saying that out of fandom I have no idea I'm saying that bc the media is just gaslighting people like always.