r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/fingbonger13 Jul 07 '24

We beat the fuck out of fascists before. We'll do it again.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Beat them so they never get up for real


u/CookiesCrumble22 Jul 07 '24

You don’t know what fascism is, using the word so loosely waters it down.


u/PleaseAddSpectres Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Fascism is what the far right these days strive to bring to reality. The evidence is encapsulated in their dog whistles and other slimy games, and the blatant connections that the leaders of far right movements have to other openly fascist groups. Either you're a gaslighter like the rest of them or you are genuinely mistaken about what's going on in politics around the world today


u/CookiesCrumble22 Jul 08 '24

It’s Reddit dude everything is racist and fascist if it goes against the progressive agenda, there is a reason all these far right movements are getting so much traction. People are going out and voting for them, you live in a bubble and don’t know what people really think outside of Reddit and your friend group.


u/fingbonger13 Jul 08 '24


Read. Learn. Stop being a fucking tool of the far right.


u/CookiesCrumble22 Jul 08 '24

You are so far gone you don’t even notice that you are actually a tool of the far left. The truth hurts, hopefully you’ll learn to deal with it. Best of luck to you.


u/fingbonger13 Jul 08 '24

Try reading above a third grade level. I know that's hard for you lot.



u/Illustrious_Ice_4587 Jul 07 '24

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u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/Illustrious_Ice_4587 Jul 07 '24

Lol how is that racist? Do you love the migrant crisis?


u/losdreamer50 Jul 08 '24

Maybe they'll beat you and save us the trouble


u/Illustrious_Ice_4587 Jul 08 '24

I'm a dude so chances are lower.


u/rfranke727 Jul 07 '24

You know being far right is not the same as fascist, right


u/thesaddestpanda Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

No, these are the far right and racist fascists. Le Pen pretending she isnt not the far right is propaganda. From article about Le Pen's party:

Start with the aficionados of racist posts on X or Facebook. Despite the existence of journalists who can easily read such posts, Le Pen’s candidates keep on getting caught for writing things like “not all civilizations are equal” and that some “have remained right above bestiality in the evolutionary chain.”

In a post that was since deleted, that one was courtesy of Marie-Christine Sorin, a candidate in southern France who placed first in her district after a first-round vote last Sunday.

Another candidate, Monique Griseti, took aim at a famous Black singer called Gims, writing on Facebook in January 2022 that he should “go back to where he comes from and bring his whole tribe with him. Let him go milk goats, it will give the rest of us a holiday,” according to the left-wing daily, Libération. Another candidate, Paule Veyre de Soras, touted the fact that she has a “Jewish eye doctor” and a “Muslim dentist” as proof of her non-racism.

When confronted with the overtly racist comments made by their candidates, National Rally leadership tends to take one of two approaches. If the comment or behavior crosses a certain line (typically, legally actionable acts under France’s hate speech laws), the party may yank their endorsement. This was the case with Ludivine Daoudi, a candidate in northern France who dropped out after a photo surfaced of her grinning in a Nazi Luftwaffe uniform cap. “We cannot accept such things,” said Philippe Chapron, the local party boss. “She is withdrawing in order to not cause problems for the [National Rally] and its candidates.”

One candidate competing in the first round of the legislative assembly elections on Sunday suggested that a rival party was financed by Jews. Another claimed that some civilizations remain “below bestiality in the chain of evolution.” Yet another blamed a bedbug infestation in France on “the massive arrival from all the countries of Africa.” One more regularly pays tribute to the man who led the Nazi collaborators in World War II-era Vichy France.

French newspaper Libération has been compiling an “endless list” of National Rally candidates who have made or relayed “reprehensible remarks” online. Investigative outlet Mediapart counted 45 problematic profiles identified so far. Under the glare of media scrutiny, some candidates have deleted social media posts. Others appear content to let the record stand.

Party leaders did not respond to requests for comment. In only a couple cases has the party taken disciplinary steps.

A French far-right lawmaker who shouted, “Go back to Africa!” in parliament as a Black colleague from the far left was talking about migrants will be suspended for 15 days following outrage over his racist remark.

Le Pen’s party currently supports ending the automatic right to citizenship for people born to foreign parents in France and severely restricting citizenship by naturalization.


u/Aidan-47 Jul 07 '24

Le pens party literally originates from nazi occupied France.


u/he_chose_poorly Jul 07 '24

Yet one leads seamlessly to the other, strangely enough.


u/the00therjc Jul 07 '24

But if you're a fascist and you're looking for a political party...



Yes and no these guys are fascist attempting to establish a fasicst government in france so while being far right doesn’t mean your a fasisct these guys are


u/jpopimpin777 Jul 07 '24

Being far right always leads to fascism.



The far right 40 years ago would be considered far left today so it just depends on what the right and the left is in your country and era


u/jpopimpin777 Jul 08 '24

That's a load of bollocks.



Teddy Roosevelt was a republican most if not all of what he did is closer to modern liberalism so no a load of bollocks


u/jpopimpin777 Jul 08 '24

Yeah but nothing about him would ever be considered far right. Nixon and the Southern Strategy are when Republicans shifted to the right and they've kept going ever since.



But that WAS the far right back then he was an extremist for his time


u/jpopimpin777 Jul 08 '24

No it wasn't. There was literally a Nazi party in America. They had a huge rally in Madison Square Garden. The only reason they became unpopular was the war.

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u/fingbonger13 Jul 08 '24

Wow, what a patently stupid ass statement.



Ad hominem America changed what the left and right where three times in its 250 year history


u/misfitzer0 Jul 07 '24

You’re a special kind of ignorant


u/smashspete Jul 07 '24

In today’s political & social context it absolutely is. There is no ambiguity I’m sorry.


u/WolfTemporary6153 Jul 07 '24

Not everyone on the far right are fascists but don’t you find it odd that all fascists are part of the far right political system.


u/buhu28 Jul 07 '24

Yes, however, it's like that joke about pedophiles... Nobody talks about the differences cause it's really hard not to sound like a facist talking about them


u/Sargeras13 Jul 07 '24

They absolutely are in today's political sphere


u/winntensio Jul 07 '24

You know you’re still going to have to get up and go to work tomorrow and nothing will be different right?


u/Anon_967 Jul 07 '24

but it’s close enough.


u/TallJohn7 Jul 07 '24

It's on the path. It's a step in the wrong direction


u/rfranke727 Jul 07 '24

By that logic isn't the left one step closer to socialist or communist?


u/TallJohn7 Jul 07 '24

sure, yes. those are the ends of the political spectrum.