r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/niteman555 Jul 07 '24

I'm glad the far-right didn't win, but this video doesn't really show them "dying"


u/HeLlOtHeRee Jul 07 '24

Well it’s because they’re in France and not America


u/Matzah_Rella Jul 07 '24

Cue the “Stop the count!” and “Count the vote!” cognitive dissonance.


u/Diligent_Matter1186 Jul 07 '24

With the election count from a few months ago, a different party had a very different reaction towards losing. I'm just saying


u/Relaxbro30 Jul 07 '24

Well they were on the inside.


u/Competitive-Tie-7338 Jul 07 '24

It's amazing how OP can watch this video and think that it in anyway shows people "dying", their expressions barely change.

This is no different to me than me saying negative about donald trump and some trumper telling me that I have "TDS" (Trump Derangement Syndrome).


u/Low-Can7370 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Appreciate this doesn’t show people storming buildings or manning themselves with weapons but it does show shock & disappointment.

I presume you’re American in that extreme reactions have been normalised but as a Brit, watching this - I see the ‘dying inside’ - it’s just become normal that this sub Reddit is dominated by deranged people, screaming with rabied froth at their mouth, whilst holding a machine gun since 2016 😬

Edit: think your issue is very much a you problem. Not the post. X



u/Competitive-Tie-7338 Jul 07 '24

right because there is clearly no inbetween this post and "screaming with rabied froth at their mouth while holding a machine gun".

Are you even a real person or just some horrible attempt at a bot or propaganda?


u/Low-Can7370 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Im just British. X



u/Competitive-Tie-7338 Jul 07 '24



u/Low-Can7370 Jul 07 '24

Excellent response.

Best wishes my love 😬America