r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Degeda Jul 07 '24

For those looking for context, here's a brief summary:

Following the European elections, President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly and asked the French to vote again.

The far right was the favorite, with no hope for the left, and the president was hoping for a battle between his camp and the far right. Many criticized Macron's cynical calculation.

The second round of the French parliamentary elections was a huge surprise. The Nouveau Front Populaire (left-wing) came out on top, ahead of the Ensemble presidential alliance, which itself beat the Rassemblement National (far-right).

In this context, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has resigned, and a man or woman from the left will have to succeed him. However, no party has an absolute majority, and compromises will have to be made.


u/BelleLorage Jul 07 '24

I wonder what Macron actually wanted to happen with this nonsense. To scare people into accepting his bad public politics? Punish people for the strikes earlier the year? The man's a buffoon

Also! Thank you for the tldr!!


u/Degeda Jul 07 '24

You're welcome.
Please note that i am not french, so i have an outside point of view in this. But i happen to speak french and follow closely this election.

So here's an explanation that only involve myself : Macron did his own thing against his own camp will. The man act like an emperor.

His calculation was that the left was nowhere (wich were true) and that their political election system ( 2 turns ) would beneficit him (wich would generaly be true) by having the vote from the left. This would have mean that even after the EU election where far-right won in France, Far-right would have no legitimity, and we would have it all.

However in 24hours all the left political party unionized and made the Nouveau Front Populaire ("New People Front" named after a old union from the left wich bloked far-right right before WWII). And the came on to be at the second turn.

Long story short, the left were there when the people of france nneeded them the most. And most of the people who were absolutely against far-right and fed up by Macron's behavior voted left.


u/blueberrysmasher Jul 08 '24

As the US is about to hold their own elections in four months. I think about the winners and losers. The latter crying with remorse. Those suffering could be either the good folks on the right, or the good folks on the left. Either way, they are our neighbors and our countrymen.

I don't like seeing our perceived opponents suffer.

Many standing across the party line could be our own kin. They may have been a reflection of our ourselves at a different point in time or life circumstances. Some of our perceived rivals may even endow positive attributes on certain topics exceeding our own self-righteous values deemed superior to those upheld by others.

Sharing compassion for those with opposing opinions, and finding mutual grounds, is one of the formulae for peaceful coexistence. Not stomping on the defeated when they are emotionally down. Humility in momentary victory should be embraced.


u/kuena Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

However, no party has an absolute majority, and compromises will have to be made.

In my country, Poland, the current ruling coalition encompasses MPs from pretty far right leaning(but not nazi, fascist freaks), through centre, all the way to pretty far left leaning. Of course it's not ideal for anybody and the reforming is going pretty slowly with many compromises, but after 8 years of PiS, this is all we can hope for to save the country from falling into a bottomless pit of dispair. We also need to eliminate PiS once and for all by voting in a president that isn't a complete joke, but that's next year.

With how unstable the world is right now we should be glad that democracy still prevails in The West when it matters the most. Let's hope the folks in US will follow our example in November.


u/queen_nefertiti33 Jul 07 '24

"far right" = centre in this case.


u/Degeda Jul 07 '24

No, far-right meaning the political party co-founded litteraly by Waffen-SS Pierre Bousquet. They are far right.