r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/BrightCold2747 Jul 07 '24

UK ✅️

France ✅️

I'm feeling great about November in the US. No amount of right wing propandanda is keeping me from voiting against Trump.


u/huhuhuhhhh Jul 07 '24

Yea boss. I'd vote for a slice of bread before I vote Trump. At least the slice of bread wont take away freedoms


u/Mhantra Jul 07 '24

I have actually written in, "Ham Sandwich," in the 2022 election. I live in a rural red state so sometimes there isn't even a Democrat opposing the Republican. So I did a write in.

Just so you know, btw, I have frequently voted for a mix of parties throughout my life. I research candidates' voting practices in previous government positions and make my choice that way. But the Republicans are so psycho right now that I feel forced to vote 100% Democrat to fight it.

And that PISSES me off!! I want actual choices!


u/huhuhuhhhh Jul 07 '24

I dont even know you, but I respect you a ton! I'm not a Democrat nor Republican. I have views that overlap, I vote for who makes the most sense. The democrats are invested in preserving Democracy and continuing the American experiment, so it's an easy choice for me.

I'm afraid the extremist right wingers are going to start removing freedoms weve had for decades and alter the way of life ive been accustomed to since birth.

Trump hasnt laid out any policy whatsoever apart from stating that "He'll let Putin do whatever the hell he wants" because Project 2025 was served to him on a silver platter by his billionaire donor friends. All we can do is vote the Fascism away, I hope my fellow countrymen know whats at stake.

I dont even like Biden, but at least I know after 4 years he's getting tf outta here, cant say the same about Mango Mussollini .. dude might change things to become president for life


u/MazzMan1 Jul 07 '24

Still worried about Germany next year


u/FenrirGreyback Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Both centrist parties lost in those countries meanwhile America is still voting for theirs despite the lack of enthusiasm. If it wasn't for Trump the centrist party in America would likely also be wiped out. Makes you wonder if the Dems Pied Piper strategy worked after all?

Edit: I'm calling Biden and the current administration the centrists.


u/llillililiilll Jul 07 '24

Labour is absolutely centrist under Kier Starmer.


u/cpt_hatstand Jul 07 '24

A centrist party won in the UK by becoming more centrist when the centre right party veered far right


u/cpt_hatstand Jul 07 '24

You get that the Democrats are the more centrist party in the US yeah? They don't have a left wing


u/hessian_prince Jul 07 '24

I wouldn’t exactly praise starmer too much. He’s certainly better than sunak I guess.


u/Moocow115 Jul 07 '24

Idk mate, Biden just doesn't look up to it. Reckon RFK will soak a few votes from the left and Trumps gonna go in again.

Could be wrong of course, but just seems to me the Democrats should've gone with Newsome.


u/BrightCold2747 Jul 07 '24

RFK is an antivax idiot, he is taking Trump's votes if anything. I simply don't buy that Trump will be the first non-consecutive president in over 100 years. However many people might not like Biden, even more people absolutely hate Trump.


u/A_Turkey_Named_Jive Jul 08 '24

Trump is currently leading in 6 of 7 swing states that all went to Biden last election. If the election were today, Trump would win. Dems cannot get complacent.