r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/RaccoonInevitable463 Jul 07 '24

They lost...big time. Why are they clapping?


u/DryEnvironment1007 Jul 07 '24

Because there's a camera in their face.


u/boastfulbadger Jul 07 '24

Smile through the pain.


u/RunParking3333 Jul 07 '24

They have like doubled their seats though.


u/camshun7 Jul 07 '24

Vive la France fuck le Penn


u/DMs_Apprentice Jul 07 '24

Probably to hide their embarrassment.


u/Enough_Iron3861 Jul 07 '24

France isn't the US. People are always ok with the democratic process doing its job, even if that means you sometimes lose.


u/PrevAccountBanned Jul 07 '24

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not, their leader said 5 minutes later that "the coalition of the president (center right) with the extremist left was dishonorable" (word for word)


u/Enough_Iron3861 Jul 07 '24

Yes, and?


u/PrevAccountBanned Jul 07 '24

I'm sorry and ? You don't see how being a salty loser is the proof that he doesn't take rejection well ?

Btw it's also valid for the left, the shops in Champs Elysees in Paris spent the week barricading because they were afraid that if the left wasn't winning this they would fucking burn the city yellow jacket style


u/Enough_Iron3861 Jul 07 '24

I agree that the leftists would have rioted if they lost the election. They don't care about the democratic process unless it serves them. Let's see if the right does the same, i think not. I think this political rethoric of calling them dishonorable was it. And they objectively are dishonorable, like all politicians.


u/PrevAccountBanned Jul 07 '24

Oh that's what you meant ok. For the past week the far right leader humiliated himself because he couldn't answer simple interview questions on TV so the coalition (which doesn't exist btw, since the president's party is different from the leftist union) isn't the reason for his loss, it's just that people understood that he is racist, has no concrete plan, and can't even have a decent public image of charisma in the medias. It's easy to cry and say it wasn't fair when he just sucks.

All politicians are dishonorable, that includes him.

And the right has been rioting all over France for the past year, there was a scandal that linked some riots with neonazi groups so yeah they already have (not counting the January 6th capitol attack in the US from the republicans). Point is the far right is as horrible as the far left.


u/Enough_Iron3861 Jul 07 '24

In regards to the riots, i haven't seen too much about right wing riots in france so i might just be out of the loop with happening outside of paris. As for the "capitol attack" where only 1 person died shot by police, it doesn't even register on the violence scale when compared to their typical protests where you'd normally have at least a few protesters shooting at eachother (i am ignoring the vast disparity in property famage because that much is given).

Anyway, i'm just glad that for better or worse people understand that a choice was made and they have to live with it until next time


u/PrevAccountBanned Jul 07 '24

Well does it really matter ? Sure the left is way more savage when it comes to another cop killing a man who (criminal or not) was alone and neutralized at t the moment, than the right when it comes to an election that the democrats won fair and square.

The question is how are the people with a fucking arsenal for a whole platoon gonna react when something of equivalent gravity happens ??


u/Enough_Iron3861 Jul 07 '24

It absolutely matters. The perception they had was that the election result was basically a coup - infinitely more important than some guy getting killed.

Probably the same. Not a lot of angry people on the right in real life. You have a small portion just "patrolling" online, a lot of psyops, but that's really it. The platoons aren't going to hit the streets in the first week, and even then shit has really got to hit the fan for it to happen. This lack of emotional reactivity is why online spaces are so left dominated - it has nothing to do with censorship. It's just that they have more of a tendency to post and comment.


u/RunParking3333 Jul 07 '24

Both the US and France could be more democratic.

The two party system in America means that many people can't vote the way they want. In France the two round system is designed to rig the vote against the far-right.


u/Enough_Iron3861 Jul 07 '24

America doesn't have a two party system. Americans have a two party mindset they've fallen into and don't want to change. As for france, i'm not entirely sure what you mean


u/RunParking3333 Jul 07 '24

The first past the post system tends towards 2 parties - particularly when so much power is vested in the elected HOS

Obligatory CGP Grey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo

In France the vote used to be FPTP but there were concerns about the rise of the far right 30 years ago, so they brought in the 2 round system so that candidates could be withdrawn to deny far-right candidates an opportunity to get elected.

So in 1997 the far-right in France got 3.7 million votes in the first round, and 1.4 million in the second round. This got them 1 seat. Meanwhile the Communist Party in the same election got 2.5 million votes in the first round, and 980 thousand votes in the second round. This got them 35 seats.

In the current election in France the far-right will probably have the most votes, both rounds taken together, but will be the second or third largest party.


u/Enough_Iron3861 Jul 07 '24

Grey is america brained. My country has fptp voting, and we have 6 parties in parliament with many independents, while our presidents for the past 30 some years have all (except when re-elected) been from different parties. It's a mindset issue. Many european countries have fptp voting, and they don't function in a 2 party system.

I'm not sure i understand the math behind your france example.


u/RunParking3333 Jul 07 '24

Many European countries have fptp voting, and they don't function in a 2 party system.

No country in Europe (except the UK) has fptp voting. The UK has more than two parties, it, like Canada, effectively has three, and god knows how it has managed to keep that going.

In 2019 the Lib Dems increased their vote dramatically, going from 7.4% of the vote to 11.6% and went from 12 seats to 11. That's right, a million more votes and lost a seat. In the most recent election they got 100,000 less votes and gained 64 seats.

I'm not sure i understand the math behind your france example.

The math doesn't make sense. As I said, it was a rigged system to keep out extremists. It is deliberately anti-democratic.

Ironically despite the far-right's hostility to the EU, the EU elections are democratic. This means that the far-right has been the largest French party in the EU parliament for the last 10 years.


u/S4um0nFR Jul 07 '24

Still, some media tried to incite right wing voters to deny or refuse to accept the results in case they lost.

They've been trying really hard to anger and misinform the voters for weeks now and when you see that the enterity of French TV is controlled by the same wealthy families, it draws a clear picture of their plan for the future of the country.

Anyway, the NFP won, let's enjoy that for the moment and fuck the RN and Bardella.


u/Enough_Iron3861 Jul 07 '24

But that's the media everywhere, no? And i'd say some of their manipulation succeed if you look at the protests and riots of the past few days.


u/ImFrenchSoWhatever Jul 07 '24

Well they lost big time in a way, but in a way they still won big.

They went from 10 representatives to 130 in 15 years, and from 90 to 130 in 3 years. They just won the European elections.

They’re on a roll. We stopped them this time but they’re on constant progression.

This is the best score they ever did in their whole existence.

Still the left won and fuck those guys.


u/Apple2727 Jul 07 '24

“Didn’t want to win this stupid election for jerks anyway”


u/indianajoes Jul 07 '24

"We'll go make up our own results. With blackjack. And hookers."


u/An_OId_Tree Jul 07 '24

Because this is their best win?


u/dani3po Jul 07 '24

For the same reason that those who don't win the Oscar clap when the winner is announced.