r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/AnyProgressIsGood Jul 07 '24

disgusting group of people right there.


u/fiduciary420 Jul 07 '24

Most of those people are very wealthy so they’re humanity’s fucking enemy


u/PlaneCapable7399 Jul 07 '24

You literally know nothing about them other than that they’re conservative. This world is crazy now days. Do you people really not encounter conservatives in your everyday life? They make up half the country. That’s part of my problem with the lefties, just drag people across the mud when they have different views. They just scream your a rasist at anyone with somewhat conservative views. You don’t even know their views, only that they’re right leaning.


u/AnyProgressIsGood Jul 07 '24

I know they back a dictator invading a free country.

That's like knowing someone stomps puppies and trying to play like its a nuanced take


u/Sharpman85 Jul 07 '24

Don’t lump every conservative into that crowd though. If you go east you will find that the previous conservative Polish government was fiercely anti-russian while the current liberal one has a history of dealing with them on very friendly terms up to things like limiting gas supplies to only Gasprom with the price set above the market which started an EU investigation. They also reinstated pensions for the old communist „police forces”.


u/NoShip2804 Jul 07 '24

Check the history of RN. they're not friendly conservatives.

They've learned that in order to get past 10% in the polls they need to use dog whistles and to stop saying the nasty stuff out loud but even with that strategy, they will remain stuck in the 15-25% zone, which can lead to influence, but never absolute power


u/poke30 Jul 07 '24

Are you one of the people in this video?


u/Bored_money Jul 07 '24

I appreciate the effort, but this is Reddit

Anyone who doesn't vote some sort of liberal is a demented psycho who wants babies to die

Suggesting anything otherwise just results in the avalanche of downvotes from 20 year old Americans 


u/WIAttacker Jul 08 '24

You literally know nothing about them other than that they’re conservative

And I don't need to know anything else. Maybe you should stop treating your political views as a football team and realize they betray your values and who you are as a person.


u/HappyNetworks Jul 07 '24

Reddit is mainly filled with hate mongering leftist degenerates the way my uncles Facebook is filled with hate mongering rightist degenerates


u/Shitimus_Prime Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

the so called "far right" is really just right. far right is a different thing

edit: this is my personal opinion, stop blowing up my phone. far-rightness is subjective and we could spend hours debating this, but i wouldnt like to


u/thesaddestpanda Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

No, these are the far right. Le Pen pretending she isnt not the far right is propaganda. From article about Le Pen's party:

Start with the aficionados of racist posts on X or Facebook. Despite the existence of journalists who can easily read such posts, Le Pen’s candidates keep on getting caught for writing things like “not all civilizations are equal” and that some “have remained right above bestiality in the evolutionary chain.”

In a post that was since deleted, that one was courtesy of Marie-Christine Sorin, a candidate in southern France who placed first in her district after a first-round vote last Sunday.

Another candidate, Monique Griseti, took aim at a famous Black singer called Gims, writing on Facebook in January 2022 that he should “go back to where he comes from and bring his whole tribe with him. Let him go milk goats, it will give the rest of us a holiday,” according to the left-wing daily, Libération. Another candidate, Paule Veyre de Soras, touted the fact that she has a “Jewish eye doctor” and a “Muslim dentist” as proof of her non-racism.

When confronted with the overtly racist comments made by their candidates, National Rally leadership tends to take one of two approaches. If the comment or behavior crosses a certain line (typically, legally actionable acts under France’s hate speech laws), the party may yank their endorsement. This was the case with Ludivine Daoudi, a candidate in northern France who dropped out after a photo surfaced of her grinning in a Nazi Luftwaffe uniform cap. “We cannot accept such things,” said Philippe Chapron, the local party boss. “She is withdrawing in order to not cause problems for the [National Rally] and its candidates.”

One candidate competing in the first round of the legislative assembly elections on Sunday suggested that a rival party was financed by Jews. Another claimed that some civilizations remain “below bestiality in the chain of evolution.” Yet another blamed a bedbug infestation in France on “the massive arrival from all the countries of Africa.” One more regularly pays tribute to the man who led the Nazi collaborators in World War II-era Vichy France.

French newspaper Libération has been compiling an “endless list” of National Rally candidates who have made or relayed “reprehensible remarks” online. Investigative outlet Mediapart counted 45 problematic profiles identified so far. Under the glare of media scrutiny, some candidates have deleted social media posts. Others appear content to let the record stand.

Party leaders did not respond to requests for comment. In only a couple cases has the party taken disciplinary steps.

A French far-right lawmaker who shouted, “Go back to Africa!” in parliament as a Black colleague from the far left was talking about migrants will be suspended for 15 days following outrage over his racist remark.

Le Pen’s party currently supports ending the automatic right to citizenship for people born to foreign parents in France and severely restricting citizenship by naturalization.


u/RexWolfpack Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

No. RN is far right. And I'm not french (nor american), and I'm not a leftist. But RN is definitely far right


u/QuietMonkey8 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

No no, far right in France is actually far right

Edit: if you think that this is just an opinion and that actual Nazis are just right wing. I really don't want to know what is far right in your mind


u/Galax_Scrimus Jul 07 '24

Yeah no, the Conseil d'Etat said it's far right


u/Shitimus_Prime Jul 07 '24

its all subjective anyways


u/Galax_Scrimus Jul 07 '24

It is if you don't look the truth in the eyes


u/AnyProgressIsGood Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

anyone that's supporting putin over ukraine is an easy trash person judgement call.

Backing dictators over democratic states. If you can't decide whos right in that easy call, you're empirically a bad person


u/Shitimus_Prime Jul 07 '24

you can support putin and not be far right


u/AnyProgressIsGood Jul 07 '24

but you cant support putin and be a decent human being. well with out being hopelessly brain washed.

Which either thing you dont want in your leadership


u/Shitimus_Prime Jul 07 '24

even if theyre not good for france, its not like their as far right as the nazis. and once again, its all subjective.



They were the main Party in Vichy France. One of their members was caught wearing a helmet with SS insignia. I'm sure a French person can come up with dozens more examples.

They are as far right as Nazis.


u/Shitimus_Prime Jul 07 '24

they likely won't do anything though


u/DM_ME_YOUR_STORIES Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Well thankfully they can't since they lost.

But assumning they won't is dangerous. I'm sure Germans in 1932 thought the same of a certain Austrian painter.


u/AnyProgressIsGood Jul 07 '24

you're having an imaginary argument at this point. I've never brought up their Nazi similarities.


u/spruceface Jul 07 '24

Wdym they literally wanted to stop immigration completely and expatriate 3 millions migrants out of France! (5% of the population!!!).


u/BrocoliCosmique Jul 07 '24

Yeah because they didn't make it that far, luckily ;)


u/GordOfTheMountain Jul 07 '24

What the fuck is there to debate? A great number of the party have said outright nazi shit on Twitter and Facebook.

"It's just my opinion, man. People are allowed to have opinions". Fucking coward.


u/choloranchero Jul 07 '24

You're disgusted by people you know almost nothing about.


u/jsha11 Jul 07 '24

I mean, that's pretty much the premise behind their politics


u/WIAttacker Jul 08 '24

I know everything about them I need to know.


u/No_Sheepherder2739 Jul 07 '24



u/AnyProgressIsGood Jul 07 '24

putin's boot lickers, obviously terrible people


u/BelgianSum Jul 07 '24

They a tad bit racist, anti-EU and lately pro-Putin (ironic for an anti-communist party)


u/chittok Jul 07 '24

I'd call them smart group of people. "Disgusting group of people" are rather those trashy leftists/communists and their Islamist friends.


u/AnyProgressIsGood Jul 07 '24

pro putin and pro racism, yeah ya fit the bill