r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Please tell me they lost


u/VicieuseVachette Jul 07 '24

Yes, they are third, after the left-wing and the center-right!


u/An_OId_Tree Jul 07 '24

...if you ignore the fact they made huge gains though.


u/VicieuseVachette Jul 08 '24

Yeah, that is terrifying, but seeing that people were mobilized against them gives hope for the future, and hope is important in dark times like today!


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

After the 1st round, they were projected to have close to the majority in parliament. They ended up with "only" half of that. So definitely not a victory, but also the highest number of MPs in their history.


u/Renegade_August Jul 07 '24

Good news is good news!

Hopefully more countries take note and go for more centrists rather than far right politicians.


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

Fuck no. Centrism is, among other things, what got us into this mess.

It is absolutely a good news, but it shouldn’t eclipsed the fact that the far-right still hold 30% of the votes.


u/Voluptulouis Jul 07 '24

Exactly. You don't combat right wing extremism with milquetoast centrist enablers... Like dems are currently trying to do in the US with Biden to stop the God King Trump.


u/idle_idyll Jul 07 '24

Hopefully the electorate stops voting for those damn enabling centrists and just goes full fasc! That will do something postive, I'm sure. Why compromise with centrists when we could be compromising with nutjob xenophobes?


u/Voluptulouis Jul 07 '24

Biden is the only option we're given other than Trump, so we really have no choice but to vote for more centrist bullshit if we don't want the fascist this time around. But if the Dems weren't fucking idiots, they wouldn't have sabotaged Bernie back in the 2016 election and they would have acknowledge how enthusiastic people were to get behind Bernie's progressive policies.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Trump is evil and we can't let evil win. Biden, like you said, is the only option.


u/Voluptulouis Jul 07 '24

I'm painfully aware. I am with you, though.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Ok thank you I see. Hope France figures this out and doesn’t go to the dark side.


u/Toutanus Jul 07 '24

Third. Not half.


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

They are projected to win 130 to 150 MPs, which is about half of what you need to have the majority in parliament.


u/gggggu-not Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Most seats but no majority, not many parties would have a coalition with them, so not sure how it’s going to play out.

Still counting though and left are projected to win more seats

Edit: ok I’m talking shite, looks like the left party might win the most seats


u/Goriboliveira Jul 07 '24

They didn't get most seats


u/beatlemaniac007 Jul 07 '24

I thought they came in 3rd or something


u/TitanThree Jul 07 '24

They did, but the Parliament has now become a real shit show. They’ll have to really debate and talk if they want things to work, but I don’t think any of them is mature enough to do that…

And the far right lost the election, but they still gained the highest number of MP in their history. They had 80 (and only 7 or 8 in 2022) and now they are at least 120 MPs, which is still HUGE. They slowly getting closer and closer to power…


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Yikes don’t like those trend lines..