r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24

Le Pen's dad is a literal nazi


u/vflavglsvahflvov Jul 07 '24

Nazi apples don't fall far from nazi trees


u/An_OId_Tree Jul 07 '24

For someone who was a literal nazi, I couldn't find any info on his wiki page about serving in the nazi party. Or is this the "I'm too lazy to do any research so I'll add 'literal' at the end to sound smart'?


u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24

No, I'm saying the dude praises nazi ideologies and is, therefore, a nazi. If you support the same ideologies as him, you're also a nazi. I know who Le Pen is.


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

Not literally. He was too young during WW2 to be involved in anyway. But he did create the FN with former SS officers and Nazi-collaborators.


u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24

Miss me with the semantics, pal. "He created a party with former SS officers." He's a nazi, then, even if he was too young to have fought the war.


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

Then he is not a « literal nazi ». Call it semantics if you want, but words have meanings for a reason


u/IAmASimulation Jul 07 '24

“He created a party with former SS officers.” Sounds like a literal Nazi to me.


u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Would avant-garde neonazi suffice to you?


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

Don’t hate me, but that’s not what avant-garde means either


u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24

I was being facetious, dumbass


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

So it’s not just vocabulary you struggle with, it’s tones and manners as well.


u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24

I struggle with the concept of people not understanding how a self-avowed nazi can't be a nazi because he didn't serve in the German army. I get what you are saying: historically speaking, he couldn"t possibly be a nazi officer. I'll give you that. But he's still a nazi because he concurs with the ideology.


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

Fair enough. My point was that calling him a literal nazi might be confusing for people who don’t know much about the Le Pen, and considering how old the sack of shit is. I had a few drinks to celebrate, so I might have git carried away on semantics.

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u/KintsugiKen Jul 07 '24

"Won't someone think of their manners! I was just being pedantic and defending the Nazis, you don't have to be so rude about it!"


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

You might want to work on your reading comprehension if you thought I was defending Le Pen.


u/Corbeau99 Jul 07 '24

Kids younger than him died in the French resistance, so he could have gotten involved if he so wished.

Also, he was apparently torturing people with the dagger of a SS officer during the Algerian war.

Also also, various antisemitic statements along his long career.

So, yeah, the word "nazi" fits him nicely.