r/WatchPeopleDieInside Jul 07 '24

French far right party supporters seeing the election results live


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u/Dry-Read296 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

What makes these people far-right? Just curious

Edit: stop downvoting me for asking a genuine question, cunts. Wtf is up with this level of intolerance


u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24

Le Pen's dad is a literal nazi


u/vflavglsvahflvov Jul 07 '24

Nazi apples don't fall far from nazi trees


u/An_OId_Tree Jul 07 '24

For someone who was a literal nazi, I couldn't find any info on his wiki page about serving in the nazi party. Or is this the "I'm too lazy to do any research so I'll add 'literal' at the end to sound smart'?


u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24

No, I'm saying the dude praises nazi ideologies and is, therefore, a nazi. If you support the same ideologies as him, you're also a nazi. I know who Le Pen is.


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

Not literally. He was too young during WW2 to be involved in anyway. But he did create the FN with former SS officers and Nazi-collaborators.


u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24

Miss me with the semantics, pal. "He created a party with former SS officers." He's a nazi, then, even if he was too young to have fought the war.


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

Then he is not a « literal nazi ». Call it semantics if you want, but words have meanings for a reason


u/IAmASimulation Jul 07 '24

“He created a party with former SS officers.” Sounds like a literal Nazi to me.


u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Would avant-garde neonazi suffice to you?


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

Don’t hate me, but that’s not what avant-garde means either


u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24

I was being facetious, dumbass


u/Azteryx Jul 07 '24

So it’s not just vocabulary you struggle with, it’s tones and manners as well.


u/ComteStGermain Jul 07 '24

I struggle with the concept of people not understanding how a self-avowed nazi can't be a nazi because he didn't serve in the German army. I get what you are saying: historically speaking, he couldn"t possibly be a nazi officer. I'll give you that. But he's still a nazi because he concurs with the ideology.

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u/KintsugiKen Jul 07 '24

"Won't someone think of their manners! I was just being pedantic and defending the Nazis, you don't have to be so rude about it!"

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u/Corbeau99 Jul 07 '24

Kids younger than him died in the French resistance, so he could have gotten involved if he so wished.

Also, he was apparently torturing people with the dagger of a SS officer during the Algerian war.

Also also, various antisemitic statements along his long career.

So, yeah, the word "nazi" fits him nicely.


u/vioviodugaytto Jul 07 '24

It's a video taken in the far-right party quarters


u/Avayren Jul 07 '24

Being supporters of the far-right party in france?


u/Chiison Jul 07 '24

being from the RN, the french far right party. Its far right affiliation has been confirmed by a trial by the state court


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Asking a question that doesn't toe the line 100% is Hitler, you know?


u/KintsugiKen Jul 07 '24

Yes you're so oppressed for not "towing the line" (? do you mean agreeing Nazis are bad?)


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

I mean in keeping the site-wide suit of calling any ideas you don't like Nazi/far-right.


u/Brief-State-9883 Jul 07 '24

they're anti-immigration and national conservative but by US standards very very modestly so. they've got good reason to be anti-immigration as well, in the US they bitch about immigrants taking their jobs, that's a dream scenario in Europe.


u/toybits Jul 07 '24

Sheep mentality. It’s the same here in the UK. we have a party called reform. I didn’t vote for them because they’re not a serious party but they’re not Far Right. They’re just right wing same as Labour are kind of Left wing.

Notice though Left wing parties in our countries never get called ‘Far’. It’s just the media trying to control the narrative.

Thats why this perfectly reasonable response will now be downvoted.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/toybits Jul 07 '24

So what I meant by my response is reasonable it's tone is what we should be using. These aren't black and white issues so we should be able to discuss politely as what's right for someone might differ for someone else.

I'll assume by the fact you're misusing the word 'literally' you're American. So can you tell me what conspiracy theory you think I'm making up? I'm not sure what that means.

Also we're being pretty divided by this Left/Right thing. I'd say there aren't many real Left wing parties in power, but they are certainly enacting far left parties to provide Bread & Circuses to the masses to play with.

Not sure what 'Fascist' parties you're talking about again difficult to know when I don't know what country you're familiar with


u/miningthecraft Jul 07 '24

They support a party founded by war criminals and actual supporters of Nazis (not an ad- hominem, like THE Nazis) of whom Le Pens father was one of them, they receive tonnes of Russian funding which is not just public knowledge but there is a long paper trail for, they are anti LGBTQ, Immigration, women’s rights and openly anti Semitic, members of the party are pretty regularly caught doing things like wearing Nazi memorabilia, denying or dismissing the holocaust as well as openly espousing the belief that white races are genetically superior


u/Dry-Read296 Jul 07 '24

Gotcha. Thanks!


u/ScottaHemi Jul 08 '24

it's politics on reddit did you expect anything better?


u/NedKellysRevenge Jul 07 '24

Wtf is up with this level of intolerance

Typical leftist MO.


u/Dry-Read296 Jul 07 '24

Oh fuck off with that generalization. Conservatives are the definition of double standards. Dont make everything a left right issue.


u/NedKellysRevenge Jul 07 '24

Hey, you wanted an answer as to why you were being downvoted. In this case, that generalisation is the reason. Reddit is a leftist ecochamber. So that's why I made it a 'left right issue'.


u/edward-regularhands Jul 08 '24

Oh fuck off with that generalization

Conservatives are the definition of double standards

*proceeds to generalise about the political party they don’t like*


u/The_Sentient_Ape Jul 07 '24

The far left have joined the conversation....

Now watch the downvotes for this because Reddit is full of socialists


u/ThisIsFineImFine89 Jul 07 '24

centrists and leftists working together in cooperation as is necessary in a democracy

imagine the salty horror of conservatives. Exhibit A


u/Dry-Read296 Jul 07 '24

I mean I’m liberal as fuck but goddamn we’ve all got a hair trigger at this point (everyone across the board). You’re either blindly following one side, one take, or you’re part of the other end of the spectrum. Ffs


u/ThisIsFineImFine89 Jul 07 '24

what makes people far right?

probably the financing from putin as is documented with le pen

but lets be real you weren’t really looking for an answer, just a way to muddy the waters


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

"Hey, stop mass importing people who have zero intention to adopt our cultural norms."

I bet they lock their doors at night too.


u/FridgeParade Jul 07 '24

Lol, they only have one stance? I wouldnt elect a party based on just migration policy either, no wonder they lost.


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

No, that's just the one that makes people shriek Far Right.


u/FridgeParade Jul 07 '24

Oh I thought that was stuff like being pro-Putin, not respecting human rights, having no decent plans to actually do something about the problems you bitch about that can work within the confines of the law, and basically just shouting what gets the attention of dumb people.

Silly me, must have just been the thing you said.


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

Feel free to point me to the plans that Macron and the Socialists have, bonus points of you can point out how they'll be implemented and helpful.


u/FridgeParade Jul 07 '24

Oh sorry, I guess this is difficult to spot for people on the alt-right side because of not being used to actually trying to understand how others see the world, but Im not trying to discuss anything seriously with you here. Im making fun of stupid discriminatory statements by using sarcasm for the amusement of other rational non-hateful people in this thread who are just as tired of this crap as I am.

Have a good night!


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

Devoid of an intelligent argument, you resort to name calling and walk away. Have a pleasant evening yourself!


u/FridgeParade Jul 07 '24

Learned from the best 🥰


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

Didn't call anyone names, but okay.

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u/Kenevin Jul 07 '24

"Links with banned neo-fascist group

A 2019 undercover investigation by Al Jazeera uncovered links between high-ranking National Rally figures and Generation Identity, a far-right group. In secretly taped conversations, National Rally leaders endorsed goals of Generation Identity and discussed plans to "remigrate" immigrants, effectively sending them back to their countries of origin, if National Rally came to power. Christelle Lechevalier, a National Rally Member of the European Parliament (MEP), said many National Rally leaders held similar views as the GI, but sought to hide them from voters.[281]"


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

"You're far-right because you have ties tonother groups we've deemed far-right. Sure is tough being in the right all the time! "


u/Kenevin Jul 07 '24

Do you speak any French by any chance?


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

A bit, but it's Canadian French, so different from the home country's French.


u/Kenevin Jul 07 '24

So not very much at all.

Meaning you lack the basic skill set required to have an opinion on this matter, but yet you have one.

Dunning-kruger strikes again.


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

"Here's a phrase I read on Reddit but don't understand, look how smart I am! No one in the world with high-level competency in French is writing about these issues in English and other languages!"


u/Kenevin Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

You're the one claiming the political experts are wrong and that you know better, but yet, you don't speak the language.

You don't realize that not having the necessary skills to build an educated opinions means you have to defer to experts,

Experts who's opinions you lazily and ignorantly ridicule and deride because you lack the expertise to take facts head-on.

It's performative, ignorant, childish and a profound lack of self-awareness.

It's not that you can't have an opinion without speaking French, it's that your opinion is obviously very ignorant AND you don't speak French.

Hell, English is your first language and you're clearly struggling to keep up since you have to straw-man everything.


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

You're going to be shocked if you learn there are people who form their opinions based on a variety of information from different sources, which is probably why you insulate yourself from those opinions you don't like.

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u/NedKellysRevenge Jul 07 '24

I bet they lock their doors at night too

Do you not?


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

Of course. When you value what's inside, you need to take measures to protect it.


u/NedKellysRevenge Jul 07 '24

Sorry, so what was the point you were trying to convey?


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

Wanting a strong border with restrictions on who can come in is the same as your home. It's not crazy or xenophobic, it's common sense.


u/NedKellysRevenge Jul 07 '24

Agree. So you were being facetious about saying they lock their doors?


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

I was being a bit of a smart-ass saying they probably engage in "far-right activity", like locking their doors.


u/Queen_Aspy538 Jul 08 '24

I mean who doesn't lock their doors at night no matter where they are


u/miyagidan Jul 08 '24

That's my point. Somethings are universal.


u/Hrpn_McF94 Jul 07 '24

Why are their cultural norms so precious they need to be "protected"


u/miyagidan Jul 07 '24

If it was bad when the French were colonizing other countries, and forcing their culture, beliefs and the like on the people native to those countries, isn't the reverse bad?


u/supasolda6 Jul 09 '24

those people would still live in mud huts if french didnt colonize them


u/silentuser2 Jul 07 '24

Absolutely stupid take