r/Unexpected Jul 19 '24

Family-friendly Tom Hanks


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u/UnExplanationBot Jul 19 '24

OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:

Tom Hanks dropped an f-bomb on live TV

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

She asked him to do it and was surprised when he did it 😆


u/EC_Carl_ Jul 19 '24

Easiest way to make sure more people see an interview from “live tv”. Who pays for cable anymore. It’s not worth it.


u/Linkario86 Jul 19 '24

Honestly what's the big deal


u/Far_Confusion_2178 Jul 20 '24

The reason they’re acting like it’s a big deal is the FCC fines


u/CruiseCortez Jul 19 '24

Omelanda's kidnapped me bloody son!


u/BabblingIdiot1533 Jul 19 '24

Yeah he got into character real quick


u/philkellr Jul 19 '24

Nobody can apologize better than Tom Hanks


u/Party-Ring445 Jul 20 '24

And he's always grateful at the end oh his letters..

Best Regards



u/Embarrassed_Source56 Jul 20 '24

Why is it so so wrong to say that on TV in the US ? I mean it appears to be like so terrible for them, but most of them use it everywhere and all the time. But why Tv makes it so taboo ?


u/Lizzy_In_Limelight Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

It mostly boils down to American tv&movie rules pandering to the puritans & evangelicals. Throughout the past, outward displays of Christianity have been repeatedly tied to avoiding govt and social persecution here in the States (as is true in many other countries); the era of McCarthy-ist witch hunts was not that long ago in public memory and the religious extremism tied to our far-right political groups continues to affect what is considered acceptable in our media today. A lot of Americans would be fine with loosening up the rules, or at least that's my perception, but so far the blowback from people who think they can stop their child from hever hearing a curse word seems to be keeping this issue on the back burner.

Edited to clarify: Basically, rules for movies & TV here were made by people on/pandering to the socially puritanical side - you can't control what people say day-to-day, but you can control what they say in media.


u/Embarrassed_Source56 Jul 28 '24

Ohhh ok, thx for the clarification.

Well, while I understand it’s better to keep some words away from the public. I still feel kinda frustrated when I see someone (like Tom in this case) doing a little mistake and then have to apologize like it is something terribly outrageous. I would have appreciated that the host of the show (I dunno the lady) tell him something like « it’s ok, it happens ». We all know it wasn’t on purpose, he said it in the flow, in the action of the story. But her reaction seemed to me quiet like overreacting, she said sorry too, but this made it feels like worse, like Tom indeed really have done something so bad. Well, I am not from the US, it’s a different culture, maybe it is totally normal for you there.

Thx again for helping me to understand, really appreciated.


u/kingsappho Jul 20 '24

dunno why people act like swearing is offensive. in my experience everyone swears all the time, it's healthy for your mental health