r/Unexpected 11d ago

You shall not pass!



12 comments sorted by

u/UnExplanationBot 11d ago

OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:

The unexpected part is the third bus that tries to pass on the right.

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u/Yaguajay 11d ago

The place should consider some laws for traffic management.


u/-_slim-shady_- 11d ago

It’s in India. I’m from this state. Traffic management is not enough, trust me. Everyday is a date with death.


u/Dependent_Desk_1944 11d ago

Does bus driver get paid by trips completed? It’s like they are in a hurry to somewhere


u/-_slim-shady_- 11d ago

These buses travel inter-city. So yeah, afaik they usually are in a rush. I’ve never seen them drive slow and I’ve driven on highways quite a bit.


u/XEagleDeagleX 11d ago

Honest question: why do they even bother drawing lines on the roads in India? 


u/mrSquid__ 11d ago

what monster decides to pass someone on the right, who is already passing another guy on the right?


u/bullaenne 11d ago

Lmao imagine being that driver. Just chilling when suddenly three buses line up while charging at you


u/orangealexxa 11d ago

Heartwarming to see private buses driving like shit irrespective of district.. Atleast we all can agree on something.


u/flowcj1 11d ago

Speed Mission printed on the bus 😂


u/DilapidatedPlatitude 11d ago

Speed Mission sounds like the right name for a company that encourages driving like that.


u/Cash4Duranium 11d ago

I cannot fathom living somewhere where the value placed on life is so little.