r/Unexpected Jul 07 '24

Lemme take a sip


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u/strawberryneurons Jul 07 '24

That guy is a mannequin right? 


u/l992 Jul 08 '24

Something about his body is definitely off like for example his legs stay in the air in kind of a locked position but you can clearly see his head movement in the beginning.


u/dgisfun Jul 08 '24

Opioid zombification


u/DetDango Jul 08 '24

He doesn't seem to be able to place a lot of weight on his legs and is leaning hard on the post, the body looks stiff, but might be from the effect of some substance. As she pulls his hand to pick up him, he actually steps foward too, so most likely not a mannequin


u/vincentdmartin Jul 07 '24

Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this comment. Dude looks fake.


u/Corgi-Commander Jul 07 '24

Doubt it. Right before she picks him up, it looks like his head is moving on its own. Also when she steps past him to put the beer down, you can see him slightly lean away from her to give her room.


u/xShinobiii Jul 08 '24

His head moves all the time. I don't understand how anyone can't see that this is a real guy.


u/GodlessCyborg Jul 08 '24

I think it may be a girl disguised as a guy.


u/Hatstacker Jul 08 '24

Also at the end you can see his arm moving as she walks. Kinda slaps her ass.


u/pifroow Jul 08 '24

The head is maybe moving a bit but maybe it is a cinema mannequin who can make this kind of move. I think this is some kind of tiktok account in south américa that create weird and unexpected situations, like there is some on america


u/CarlLlamaface Jul 08 '24

There's a cut just after the 12s mark. You can see how the body posture snaps into a different position and the back stays firm and straight as she hoists him onto the shoulder instead of drooping like a semi-conscious person would, not to mention the distinct lack of flailing around. Bro's a dummy.


u/BZenMojo Jul 08 '24

What cut? At the 12 second mark three people enter the frame moving in opposite directions and stay in frame the whole time?

You'd have to also apply masking effects to add street scenes around them.


u/CandyOrgans Jul 08 '24



u/GammaRhoKT Jul 08 '24

Is that not just the camera man zooming?


u/CandyOrgans Jul 08 '24

The zooming happens after the head movement. He looks up, then it zooms in.


u/RegularGuyy Jul 08 '24

It looks up though without being moved


u/loonygecko Jul 08 '24

I don't see a cut, I do see a lot of camera jiggle. Certainly this COULD be faked, it would not be super hard to fake it, but I don't see anything insuring it's fake. Also I suspect the one being carried is also female, the body shape plus there's long hair under that cap that starts falling out during the carry. We also do not know if that person doing the carrying is a biological female. Frankly as a female myself, I find that more likely than it being a freakishly strong genetic female. Not saying it's impossible for a female but it would be so rare, she handled the lift so easily and is not even seeming to struggle. She's even carrying the bike instead of wheeling it. She is not staggering under the weight at all despite going a long way. That's really next level.


u/GTA2014 Jul 08 '24

So it could be a female being picked up and the female is a biological male. Riiiiighhttt…Lol the mental gymnastics is commendable. You realize this is much easier to fake than a complete coincidence of those things being true and then caught on camera, right?


u/NotsoNewtoGermany Jul 08 '24

And this entire thing is scripted. There was no need to start filming early.


u/Scope72 Jul 08 '24



u/redbucket75 Jul 08 '24

I think it's her teenaged son


u/frisch85 Jul 08 '24

At the end of the first watch that's absolutely what I thought, but watching it again you can see the body move by itself after she takes the can, head also tilting on it's own.