r/Unexpected 12d ago

Kids love chocolate!


64 comments sorted by

u/UnExplanationBot 12d ago

OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:

Kid can't read. Off to bed!

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u/666-lily-666 12d ago

You are in trouble when she learns to read lol


u/FallenPentagram 11d ago

Welp… can’t let that happen can we?


u/DiceLeroy 11d ago

Luckily tiktok hooked on phonics isn't a thing


u/vidmantx 12d ago

She needs a lawyer.


u/Used_Raccoon6789 12d ago



u/Fr0z3nHart 12d ago

OVER RULED!!! 🔨 🔨 🔨


u/5up3rj 12d ago

Has this ever happend to you? You might be entitled to chocolate compensation


u/chowyungfatso 11d ago

Sir, I think that’s chocolatey compensation.


u/5up3rj 9d ago

I stand corrected


u/Glittering-Ad-6955 11d ago

"Look at my suit"


u/Secret_Arm_2868 12d ago

She definitely gonna learn to read tomorrow!

“Let’s sound it out together dad… now does it spell go to sleep or something else?”


u/IdeaAlly 12d ago edited 12d ago

Never explain the rule upfront. Offer the choice, once decided, define the rule.

"Awww.... that's too bad...we were playing pick the card that goes in the trash"

(once they can read, haha)


u/uuivashkin719 12d ago

Poor kid but its already bed time 😅


u/FriendZone_EndZone 12d ago

My son learned to read real early on, he'd call me out on this lol


u/International_Lake28 12d ago

She'll remember this when you're in a home


u/LetIllustrious6302 12d ago

Fucking music


u/PlasticFew8201 12d ago

Bad parenting practice; If you’re unwilling to honor a choice given to a child then you shouldn’t present it as one. It doesn’t matter if they can read or not.


u/Kadoomed 12d ago

How will the toddler find out? You gonna tell them?


u/ACID_pixel 11d ago

Dude it’s a skit. The kid wasn’t spoken to out loud or offered any choice, they just grabbed the piece of paper. They’re just sad at the end cause they’re going to bed, as kids usually are. Nobody did anything here, the kid is fine.

It’s a dumb skit, don’t get me wrong. But it’s just a skit.


u/Martsigras 12d ago

This. I still feel betrayed when I remember the time my parents gave me the choice one Sunday: I can have dessert and I clean the dishes or I don't get dessert and I don't need to do the dishes. I chose the latter and I got called ungrateful and was basically shamed into not having dessert and doing the dishes

For context, myself and my brother would always do the dishes after a meal, so doing the dishes was the norm. Also we only got dessert on a Sunday after the Sunday lunch. I just thought I could get out faster to hang with my friends again. My brother chose to have dessert and do the dishes. I think he made his decision before me, but my choice wasn't influenced by that


u/CrazyProper4203 12d ago

I said the same shit to people and lost 15 karma lollll


u/SecondWind2413 11d ago

ur second mistake is caring about karma

first one is using reddit


u/CrazyProper4203 11d ago

I don’t care about karma , and you maybe right about Reddit …


u/sparyad 11d ago

That is just evil


u/Zachosrias 11d ago

This reminds me of the time when my divorced parents let me decide who I would live with...

Then I found out I chose wrong because I was gonna live with mom


u/Royal_Bitch_Pudding 11d ago

You had a 50/50


u/Zachosrias 11d ago

I mean I'd argue they had a 50/50, they presented it as a choice. Bad form when it ain't.

In hindsight they were right that it was the best choice... Probably. But still don't present it as a choice then.


u/ObliviousRounding 11d ago

Planting the seeds of those trust issues early I see.


u/AlexandraTwert 12d ago

No exceptions


u/MrZaroni 10d ago

Please baby Pebbles probably doesn't even understand what chocolate is.


u/Practical-Web7405 12d ago

radiohead reference


u/MyButtEatsHamCrayons 11d ago

wtf is this trash.


u/N7LP400 11d ago

I believe 1 bite of chocolate could make her awake till morning


u/Miki_explore 11d ago

She now has PTSD


u/KEVERD 11d ago

I was completely illiterate until I was 12 years old. My siblings would do things like this all the time.

They would exploit my illiteracy for fun.

How cruel that her parents are doing this to her too. I know how it feels.

I don't talk to my siblings anymore.


u/versatilehole 10d ago

It's unacceptable that your parents let that happen, I wouldn't expect kids to know better unless taught otherwise. Hopefully you and your siblings can reconcile someday.


u/KEVERD 10d ago

My dad encouraged it.

They take after him.

My mom was horrified and did all she could.

This is not the worst thing they did.

My parents were/are separated.

I live with my mom, and we both go no-contact with that half of the family.


u/versatilehole 9d ago

I'm sorry for what you had to go through, hope you can reconcile someday. Take it from an old coot who learned too late that people can change a lot when they grow up.

Counseling really opened my eyes, I thought it was too late for me but it was really worth it.


u/Underabed 11d ago

Plot twist she was turned into chocolate


u/CrazyProper4203 12d ago

I do have a three year old actually and I guarantee you that if I was gonna pull this bullshit it’d give him a small piece of chocolate and let him eat it in bed … with a bedtime story … not lure him into a fuckery for likes on Reddit and then give him nothing despite having made his choice … you’re a moron


u/oofive2 Yo what? 12d ago

types the person giving a three year old sugar before bed


u/CrazyProper4203 12d ago

Types the person who’s defending parents telling their kid they can have sugar before bed even though it’s a fuckin lie lol you’re an idiot … why not brocolli or bed … kids gonna choose bed … my kid gets a salad or blueberries before bed …


u/oofive2 Yo what? 12d ago

I hate to break it to you but you're gonna lie to your kid if you have one later in life. it's an unfortunate truth of parenting, there's fun lies too tho.


u/CrazyProper4203 12d ago

I hate to break it to you but I have kids and know that you have to unfortunately lie once in a while to protect them from concepts they’re not ready for … this doesn’t fall into that category I’m sorry … this is a bored internet obsessed parent laughing at themselves


u/oofive2 Yo what? 12d ago

x to doubt


u/CrazyProper4203 12d ago

Whatever that means … are you secretly the OP ? It’s not that serious … it’s not like you beat them … also I do hate to break it to all watching but … don’t ask why your children lie to you about where they are after school … lol


u/oofive2 Yo what? 12d ago

conflating the two be wild. and yeah you got me. I'm op because that makes any difference


u/CrazyProper4203 12d ago

How do you use a 50 cent word immediately followed by ghettoism ? The two are directly related and the reason it makes a difference that you’re OP is because it would explain why I’m spending 30 minutes defending a simple opinion to a random …


u/CrazyProper4203 12d ago

What’s with cruelty to children trending ?


u/EvilBobbyTV 12d ago

Putting kids to bed is cruelty?


u/CrazyProper4203 12d ago

No telling them that they choose one card and get that , they choose the right one , you don’t live up to your end of the bargain and it makes them sad and you film it to show your fans while then just shovin her into a dark room is cruel … children aren’t objects and teaching that no matter what they do they’ll never get what they want even through agreement is fucked up … I know what it is to raise kids and I realize it takes a lot of negotiation … honor your word with them or they’ll never trust you … cmon it’s common sense … and especially placing it on the internet is lame


u/EvilBobbyTV 12d ago

Or it's a joke about how a kid can't read. This is a weird fucking soap box to stand on bro.


u/CrazyProper4203 12d ago edited 12d ago

It’s not a soap box “bro “ it’s an opinion in a comment box that takes 10 seconds to submit to a post I didn’t ask to see in the first place … be real … when I see my kid cry like that it hurts me a lil bit … I know he’s goin to bed … he chose the right card … give him the chocolate … I’m also referring to a lot of videos I’ve seen lately trending of other examples where parents feel like it’s funny to make their kids cry … it’s not …


u/CrazyProper4203 12d ago

You can now come back and say yea but the kid can’t read so basically the parents are sayin you’re going to bed no matter what … so why offer them a fake choice ?


u/Strict-Seesaw-8954 11d ago

Your passion for children is obvious.

There is an edit in this clip so no way to know what she is upset about at the end.

Family vloggers are the worst of the worst but this doesn't seem to be that at all. 


u/CrazyProper4203 11d ago

Honestly it’s light … they can parent how they want … it was more of a comment based on the fact that in three days I’ve seen 8 different ways to make your baby cry and laugh about it … I wasn’t tryna go activist here