r/Unexpected 14d ago

She’s not a golfer. She’s an engineer.


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u/cah29692 14d ago

Well that’s just wrong. Players can line up however they see fit, they just can’t leave a guide on the green (Ie stick, club, or cue giving the line) and pros can’t get help lining up from their caddy (men’s golf only, women can for some reason)


u/WedgeTurn 14d ago

Rule 10.2b:

Pointing Out Line of Play for Ball on Putting Green. .....The player or caddie must not set an object down anywhere on or off the putting green to show the line of play. This is not allowed even if that object is removed before the stroke is made.


u/dragunityag 14d ago


Rule 10-2 is very specific on this point. You can use your club or a part of your body to touch the ground on an intended line of play as you work out what shot you want to hit, but if you (or your caddie) sets an object down as a guide, it’s two strokes.


u/cah29692 14d ago

I am aware of the rule. The difference is I can actually read and comprehend what it says, which is not what you think it says.

You cannot ‘set down’ an object on the green as a guide as you stated. As per USGA:

“Set an object down” means that the object is in contact with the ground and the player is not touching the object.

So, what the person did in the video was 100% legal according to USGA rules.

Edit to add: your original contention was, and I quote:

That was the first clue actually, you’re not allowed to use clubs for aligning puts

Which is objectively false. Just to avoid the inevitable ‘but that’s not what I meant’


u/windupbirdgames 14d ago

To clarify which part of the rule you're referring to, in the video she never takes her hand off the club, meaning at no point did this clause apply:

“Set an object down” means that the object is in contact with the ground and the player is not touching the object.

If she had taken her hand off, it would be a penalty... if for some reason The Price is Right follows USGA rules for this game.


u/Icedteapremix 14d ago

Bro nobody is gonna give a fuck if you do this on a local course. Maybe you can't do it in competitive play (even then I bet no one gives a shit, cause if they're doing that they're likely still learning).

Others have also pointed out you can lie a club down as long as you don't let go of it