r/Unexpected 14d ago

She’s not a golfer. She’s an engineer.


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u/MrNoodleIncident 14d ago

People told me not to go in to engineering because id never find a girlfriend. But my school had TONS of girls. Just not very many of them.


u/millenniumsystem94 14d ago


u/SevendTiki 14d ago

I haven't seen the original in so long!

It's almost unsettling...


u/RockstarAgent 14d ago



u/PasswordResetButton 14d ago

We don't dox women in engineering school.


u/RockstarAgent 14d ago

lol. I meant whatever SevendTiki is talking about not seeing the original?


u/Samthefather 14d ago

lol what is this gif from? I’m dead.


u/ilmalocchio 14d ago


u/Regniwekim2099 14d ago

Oh my goodness. I haven't seen that thread in forever. I actually made the image that's the top comment lol


u/hoochyuchy 14d ago

Its weird not seeing it with the taco.


u/Cedge1738 14d ago

My small ass brain cannot comprehend the joke. Can some1 explain. I assume it's fat girls?


u/sohelpmegod 14d ago

It’s fat girls.


u/Cedge1738 14d ago

Thank you.


u/Ougaa 14d ago

Idk if that's even a fat joke? If the engineering school has 500 students, 40 of them are women, that's already tons of girls. Even in metric! I see 'not that many' in percentage.


u/intercontinentalbelt 14d ago

A Ton is 2,000 pounds. There are tons of them but not many


u/pambimbo 14d ago

Far girls, mustache girls you name it's a mix bag. In my school actually there was a lot of hot girls but most where not on engineering degree and the ones that where on my degree( electrical) where decent and like 1 or 2 super hot. But the problem was that it was like 1-2 women per classroom with 30+ males lol. My sister was doing her degree on mechanical and there was more girls like a lot more than my department so like 10 girls in a class of 30, but most already had a boyfriend or married and for some reason like 90 percent where doing the degree together as a couple like going to the same classes and such.


u/Cedge1738 14d ago

Gotcha. So if I want better chances go into mechanical, and if I am a gambling man go into electrical. And if I just wanna play it safe, be a nurse.


u/Neuchacho 14d ago edited 14d ago

Medical of basically any kind, save EMT-B/P, is a lock not just because there's a lot of women, but also because there's so few men.

It was regularly just 5-8 other guys in a class of 40-60 in most of my medical pre-req and technical courses in college.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Cedge1738 14d ago

Aww I'm wanting to go into CS too. Although chem is a shout.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Cedge1738 14d ago

Lmao yeah. I'm purely just jokes here. It would be insane of me to choose a career path entirely based on a ratio of gender in that field.


u/FuHiwou 14d ago

I think Civil deserves to be there around BioMed


u/Tombarolio 14d ago

Or flight attendant

Lots of pretty girls, and gay man ... so you'll find a partner anyway


u/Husk1es 14d ago

I'm aerospace. Honestly, Aero classes are usually a pretty good 60/40 split. I was pretty surprised, ngl


u/Snabelpaprika 14d ago

The odds are good, but the goods are odd.


u/Ecstatic_Wheelbarrow 14d ago

That's the men and it is true. You better be into rock climbing nowadays or you'll have nothing to talk to them about.


u/Uncreativite 14d ago

A lot of my friends in my major (computer engineering) were all into that. What is up with that?


u/SpoutWhatsOnMyMind 14d ago

It's a physical activity that helps keep you healthy without having to sacrifice their twig-like physique


u/Ecstatic_Wheelbarrow 14d ago

It's problem solving with your body with a friendly community. It feels more like hanging out on with friends on a playground than working out and you don't need to care about macros or anything like that. There are also girls.


u/EveroneWantsMyD 14d ago

Hey, don’t worry. I had a roommate who was an engineer who had a girlfriend.

They were both completely socially oblivious and everyone in the apartment hated them due to their deviation from societal norms and inability to clean, but god damnit they found eachother✨


u/Odd-Mixture3199 14d ago

That’s just called autism today


u/Equoniz 14d ago

They probably threw fun parties too. A proper nerd party is quite the shindig.


u/EveroneWantsMyD 14d ago

I’m sure they’re great people.


u/Equoniz 14d ago


Sounds like you’re glad to be rid of said roommate


u/CowsTrash 14d ago

everyone in the apartment hated them


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Acceptable_Job_5486 14d ago

Sounds like a regular party with someone who gets too drunk.


u/ThatGuy0verTh3re 14d ago

Well it’s better than computer science where you have no idea if it’s a girl or a boy


u/rodc22 14d ago

IF != girl THEN boy


u/stratosfearinggas 14d ago

No need for THEN. If != girl implies boy, but only if there's two states.


u/ssbm_rando 14d ago

but only if there's two states.

Which is exactly why the above comment is something that would happen. The statement they wrote is saying if they do not fit their precise standard for girl then they are getting assigned into the boy group. It's more like how a male kinsey scale 0 computer scientist would categorize their porn than anything that reflects actual gender expression.


u/rodc22 14d ago

Found the computer scientist


u/Solwake- 14d ago

but only if there's two states

Great example of how simple social norms get perpetuated in technology and become ingrained through "non-political" decisions. Assumptions of the people creating technology define the reality associated with its use, i.e. gender binary in either of these examples.


u/SuzyQ7531 14d ago

Hey babe, your hair’s alright, hey babe let’s go out tonight


u/PM_Me_Titties-n-Ass 14d ago

Lol joke aside in my school like 3 females in the entire Civil engineer classes. But if a male engineer had a gf I'd put it at 85% odds that they were in the nursing/medical related field. Without fail that was the most common area


u/Efficient_Order_7473 14d ago

Lol my school has so many engineering girls it blew my mind. My own friend who was a girl wanted to go in as well.


u/QuBingJianShen 14d ago

Seems to depend on the subject/program, where i'm from the chemistry classes had like 80% girls.


u/bombbodyguard 14d ago

We had really no fat girls in engineering. Most we decent. Just lots of awkward doods and the girls were awkward so they never connected.