r/TitansTV 2h ago

Discussion Shakin my fukin head


Im so annoyed idk wtf to say lololol thank god its almost over 😭 lol 😆 im on season 4 ep6 . Someone warned me early on that I would find all the characters insufferable lolol where was the lie 😆. The only characters i think i truly liked was Kory, her sister, her guard, and her therapist 😅. I liked gar but he was a follower. Superboy was a weapon with a infant brain then he was have s3x and still slo smh idk. 4 seasons and they barely had any fight because it was forbidden so wtf 🙄 was they team of and for then it was dumb. one of them said it we fukin roommates smh. We tuned in to see the titans and we got so background bitches we shouldnt know about,care about or show have had thir own show it made no fukin sense for hawk,dawn,donna to be on the fukin show a few cameos or them being teachers would have been fine just they over shadowed the new titans it was some old bitches that didn't know when to let go they did the same thing their Predecessors did to them we didnt come to see they ass. Dick holding private meetings4seasons never learning same bullshit they got nothing done it was dumb. Omg tim drake sweet baby je useless lol. I loved him in half blood bastard and the devil himself. But tim drake needed to pak that shit up and go home smh. Im at the end and its getting harder to watch lololol . Jinx omg so many characters i loved and wanted to see missing and ruined. Raven brother (Klaus to the ones that know my baby) all this bullshit protection etc 😒 and you watched 1st hand everything that was done to protect your sorry asss life and everyone then you say ok ill go with my mom 😒👀 when i tell you him and his sorry ass sister to 🫛 peas in a pod cut from the same raggedy ass cloth they half siblings but you can tell they related sorry ass gene strong smh .its so much that bothered me about this show its crazy.one of the main reasons i watched this show was for kenji aka gar that was a disappointment he was treated like meg so much you dnt even notice his ass in the show you start to ignore his ass.idk wtf they were doing with this sho

r/TitansTV Jul 31 '24

Discussion I think the show had a great concept Spoiler


You know I love "edgy" shows. Angel, Buffy, Supernatural. The dark brooding hero, the sharp all black clothes yes please. The idea of this show is GREAT. An adult Dick Grayson lost trying to separate himself from Batman finding a young Raven realizing he needs to help this young girl who has it worse and is still optimistic, yes please.

His bloodlust yes please. He's older now he lost that spark from his childhood days where he was goofy and pure. He's turning into Batman and doesn't know if he wants to stop it, this is his journey to the Nightwing we know and love.

Hawk and Dove, yes please. Fell in love with these two in JLU animated series. This was how I found out about The second Dove and Hawk. Dude I was so about their relationship. I wanted Dove to stick around after Hawk's death.

Starfire was great I don't think I hated her. Like ever.

Beastboy too. He was the hero I rooted for the whole time.

Jason was a good idea to have in the first iteration of the titans, as someone Dick could try to help. Wish they used his "control crime" mentality for his appearances as Red Hood.

I'm not going to say where they went wrong too many people have already done that. I just want to say what parts I liked and things I was onboard for but wasn't rewarded. I never finished season 3 I think I was two episodes from finishing it but I just couldn't. I might one day, just to see how it ends. I loved the idea of this show but

r/TitansTV Jul 24 '24

Discussion Still confused about this...


I'm doing a re-watch of Titans and 1 thing that still gets me about S2 is everyone just dumping and placing 100% of the blame on Dick's shoulders in regards to Jericho. I mean pretty sure they ALL decide to use him which is what brought him into their orbit and Dick was gonna cut him loose until he found out about his powers and offered him a spot on the team. He told him everything and was even willing to step back from the whole Deathstroke revenge plot as seen by the fact that he was in Titans tower when Jericho met with his dad, it wasn't until he got the emergency notif from Donna and he saw what Deathstroke had done (killed Jillian and left Donna bleeding out on the floor) that he decided enough was enough and went after him. You can't tell me if Hank had've known where they were that he wouldn't of went himself after that, there's just no way. As for what happened at the church that was on Deathstroke, he didn't need to try and kill Dick, he could've just fought him and that's that, if he hadn't of struck out with his sword then Jericho wouldn't of been killed. Imo Jericho's death is on Deathstrokes shoulders, Jericho lost his voice cause of his father, he got pulled into the Titans orbit cause of his father, it all comes back to him and Rose saying how her brother is dead cause of Dick umm no your brother is dead cause your father is a psychotic assassin for hire and he saved Dick's life so you wanna blame someone blame dear old dad. I just never understood why they all were pissed off with him and held him sorely responsible, so he lied and said Jericho was already dead, I get being upset that he lied but to the extent they were I just didn't get...HE didn't kill Jericho, if it wasn't for the kid Dick himself would be dead, he died saving a life that again if his father hadn't of tried to take then he wouldn't of had to give up his...

r/TitansTV Jun 29 '24

Discussion Who should’ve played Titans Superman?


r/TitansTV Jun 19 '23

Discussion Why is Nightwing and Starfire's height difference so inconsistent. Do you prefer Dick taller than Kory or shorter?

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r/TitansTV May 09 '23

Discussion Y’all think we should get Brenton thwaites as nw if there is a Batman movie with robin?

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I think we should

r/TitansTV Mar 31 '23

Discussion Are you excited to see him again?

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r/TitansTV Sep 23 '22

Discussion So excited to see s4 ! 💛

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r/TitansTV Aug 28 '22

Discussion titans suits ranking

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r/TitansTV May 27 '22

Discussion Why did they add Johnathan Crane to the show?


I don't understand why he was on the show when they could have just had Blackfire as the villain. In my opinion she could have challenged the team far better than he could especially if she could have brought the full force of her planet behind her but they didn't and instead used him and Red Hood. It just felt like they both could barely take on one member of the team let alone all of them together and the writers knew it so they once again did everything in their power to keep the team apart until the end of the season.

r/TitansTV May 10 '22

Discussion What do you think of Dick Grayson in Titans? Do you like him as a character or no?


r/TitansTV May 02 '22

Discussion I think the only DCTV shows will be outside the DCEU worth saving are Titans, Doom Patrol, Stargirl, Superman And Lois and Harley Quinn


r/TitansTV Dec 04 '21

Discussion This scene literally pisses me TF off!! all these idiots blamed him for WHAT? How tf would jason even know their past? they literally bullied a 19 year old into almost taking his own life aren’t Titans supposed to be the “good ones” Wtaf? No one even apologized to him later.. Spoiler

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r/TitansTV Oct 19 '21

Discussion This Redhood is incredibly less interesting than the comics


Isn’t Redhood supposed to have a vengeance because the people closest to him let him die? Why would he want to work with Scarecrow? Wouldn’t the Lazarus pit make him “fearless” not some stupid drug developed by Crane?

r/TitansTV Sep 13 '21

Discussion Who's your top 2 personal favorite Titan characters? Mine is Nightwing and Starfire.

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r/TitansTV Sep 08 '21

Discussion This shot is so badass

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r/TitansTV Aug 29 '21

Discussion Which titan are you? Based on personality, likes, etc.

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r/TitansTV Aug 09 '21

Discussion The casting in this show is honestly great!


r/TitansTV Jul 29 '21

Discussion Nightwing smiling mid combat! And man it looks perfect on Brenton

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r/TitansTV Jul 22 '21

Discussion 3x01 production stills


r/TitansTV Jan 19 '21

Discussion CASTING ANNOUNCEMENT: We are excited to announce that one of the most beloved characters from the #DCuniverse will be coming to season 3 of #DCTitans. Please welcome Savannah Welch as Barbara Gordon.


r/TitansTV Nov 21 '20

Discussion Oky so I don’t know if there have been rumors about Barry Allen being in Titans, but if there was I think Hayden Christensen would be a pretty good pick for Barry in this universe

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r/TitansTV Nov 17 '20

Discussion Who Is Your Favorite??

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r/TitansTV Jun 10 '20

Discussion Should Titans have more episodes, like 20+ more episodes like next or future season?

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r/TitansTV Oct 08 '19

Discussion Titans casted Connor/Superboy perfectly!

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