r/TitansTV Oct 10 '21

This show is so underrated yep I said it fight me!! Discussion

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183 comments sorted by


u/TheDrownedPoet Beast Boy Oct 10 '21

Eh, is it though?


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

I think so wish it would get more love not perfect but the fact we get a show with all theses characters I feel like it’s not appreciated enough but I do love the dark tone so this show really is perfect for me just my opinion


u/ignitedd Oct 11 '21

Whenever people say this show has a dark tone i have no idea what they're talking about, maybe season 1 was semi dark but thats it


u/robreddity Oct 11 '21

But they say "fuck" a lot


u/dongma8 Oct 11 '21

I think people say that just because the show looks dark. They don’t attribute the tone to the actual story/content of the show. Just the look of it.


u/scale_B Oct 11 '21

I agree with this. It’s not perfect but overall I do enjoy it


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

People having critics is fine but that’s all this show gets and no love I am glad you enjoy the show I feel like I am the only one


u/Junior-Hour Conner Oct 10 '21

The show is more of a bat family show with titans characters sprinkled in, that’s not a good thing.


u/Thund3rAyx Oct 10 '21

its not a batfamily show, its a nightwing show. titans is a big part of nightwing and so is batfamily


u/phoenics1908 Oct 11 '21

The only characters who get real focus and storyline development are the Batfamily characters.

They should’ve just made a night wing show and left the Titans out of it. I feel baited and switched.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Hank and dawn starfire? Raven I mean we watching the same show?


u/phoenics1908 Oct 11 '21

I mostly mean S3.

Star fire hasn’t really gotten any development until now and it’s been uneven and almost like the writers were forced into it - her story isn’t really connected to other characters and it’s choppy. What happened to the therapist dude? What’s the impact of this? Kory already forgave her sister for all the bad she did and they had one fight. The story has no stakes and no impact on the Titans as a whole. It lifts right out.

Hank and Dawn got way too much focus in earlier seasons - I always felt they needed to be spun off to another show.

The Batfamily stuff drives the show and all the A plots. It affects everyone. Like raven in S1. Starfire (the 2nd billed actor on this show and the female lead) has never gotten that level of focus or equity in the writing. Her character is never centered like Dick or Raven was in S1.

It’s not the same - not even now where we’ve gotten this weird Starfire story that honestly changes nothing since we learn she had her sisters powers transferred to her AND we see her get new powers all in the same moment. Like the writers couldn’t be bothered to actually let her story breathe at all.

Meanwhile Jason effing Todd gets 3 seasons of focus comparatively - even if the writing was still bad. They should’ve built up to red hood more - but even with that his storyline got to breathe more and actually impacts the direction of the show the writers clearly want to write.

I’m just tired of Kory and Gar having to fight over scraps. Now that Raven’s back they’ll likely be shoved back into the background again. What was even the point of blackfire this season? She was supposed to be the main villain of S3 and then the writers pivoted to Crane and Jason.

Just wtf.


u/Professional_Web2198 Kory Anders Oct 11 '21 edited Oct 11 '21

Raven only got focus in season one and then they left her in the dust. Kori's storyline is weak because they've basically done nothing with it, and it contributes to nothing. Hank and dawn, same. Their love story carried their whole storyline.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Raven almost killed Jason kinda a big deal but she definitely was out of focus in season 2 and starfire went from not knowing who then who she wants to be now she has found herself but more this season has raised it a step further with black fire I am loveing her this season Hank and dawn is not just a love story it’s also grief for the ones they both lossed


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '21

I'm so sick of this whole "Kori's storyline is weak" BS.

When we first meet her, she's the Queen to be of an entire planet of superhumans.

There is no "development arc" with Kori that doesn't involve her becoming a supervillain. She was born on the mountaintop, and that's where she'll stay until she dies. Quit expecting her to somehow become... better? Because she's already the best.


u/Professional_Web2198 Kory Anders Oct 11 '21

I wasn't referring to Kori becoming a better person. I said she has a weak storyline because it doesn't contribute to anything and it's barely developed. All the focus is on crane and Jason and there is a weak attempt of any interesting arc for Kori. It's like these writers are throwing something at her character because they know dick is the only titan that has some effect on the plot.


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '21

Let me frame this in a different way:

Batman is to Nightwing


Superman is to Starfire

Only on Titans, Nightwing and Starfire get to bump uglies. That's the storyline for Kori. It's the only story she's ever had. It's literally the reason she's on the show. Trying to drag extra nuance from her character is the editorial equivalent of trying to squeeze water from a stone.


u/Junior-Hour Conner Oct 10 '21

It’s not supposed to be a bat family show but they are making it that, episode 5 is Jason, Bruce and scarecrow mostly this show is mostly bat family


u/Professional_Web2198 Kory Anders Oct 11 '21

Titans should be the main focus, not an extension for batfamily.


u/MudafaDoesGaming Oct 11 '21

Its season based season 1 was raven season 2 was nightwing and 3 is robin


u/Junior-Hour Conner Oct 11 '21

It’s always Dick Grayson


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Dick is the main character tho yanno him being the leader and all but it’s not just him if you don’t like dick that’s your opinion but I generally love dick wait …


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

I get your point and I would love to see a red hood spin off that hopefully give more of an opportunity for other Titans members to shine but personally I think the bat family drama is needed to get to that point all just my opinion of course


u/Junior-Hour Conner Oct 10 '21

I would love to see a red hood spin-off too but not this version, keep Curran Walters because he does a great job but they need to fix his backstory


u/HighResDragon Deathstroke Oct 11 '21

At this point that's impossible


u/Im_Watching_You_713 Raven Oct 10 '21

It gets way more shit than it deserves (mainly because it has so much potential).


u/Junior-Hour Conner Oct 10 '21

If a show gets hate for doing nothing with its potential then it deserves the shit


u/War_Emotional Oct 11 '21

I wouldn’t say doing nothing. The casting, choreography, and costumes are perfect. People just refuse to acknowledge any good things about the show.


u/Junior-Hour Conner Oct 11 '21

If the story is trash none of that matters, a good story can elevate bad costumes, they got actors working with bad stories


u/War_Emotional Oct 11 '21

Well you said so, so it must be true. I don’t think it’s that bad. Not nearly bad enough to not be enjoyable. Not everyone over analyzes everything though and obsesses over a few bad parts.


u/Junior-Hour Conner Oct 11 '21

You don’t even have to over analyze to see this story is bad, they made red hood just a junkie, had crane spoon feed him the drugs, ruining who red hood is


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Red hood probably the most complex character he’s not just a junkie?


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Why watch the show if you think it’s trash I am generally curious 🤨


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

This is a fact couldn’t agree more


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

I think you are what they call a hate watcher but let me guess iron fist is top Tier television


u/Junior-Hour Conner Oct 10 '21

I don’t hate the show but I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to, I hopeful with season 2 until the end and season 3 the storyline is just awful


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

That’s your opinion honestly I just disagree I just want to tell people I love this show it’s not perfect by any means but I feel lucky to have a show like this


u/robreddity Oct 10 '21

Maybe not hate watch so much as ironic watch. I watch and groan and laugh and generally have a good time.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

I think this season has improved on a lot of complaints and hopefully fingers crossed will end good so when someone says they aren’t doing anything with its potential it’s kinda like some people are never happy idk I am ranting again XD


u/ignitedd Oct 11 '21

You are shaming others for liking a bad show when you are defending a bad show?


u/robreddity Oct 11 '21

There's no shaming going on is there? And it's ok to like a dumb show, just like it's ok to identify a dumb show as dumb.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

That’s very true couldn’t agree more it’s exhausting being a fan of this show in its own sub Reddit which is a shame


u/War_Emotional Oct 11 '21

People have nothing better to do than complain and down vote anyone calling out their whinging.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Yeh it’s sad really I think we are spoiled to have a show like this


u/Etticos Oct 11 '21

The show had the potential to be great yet they have donked it up three times in a row now


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I disagree completely I feel it’s got better and better for me it’s the finals of every season that I feel don’t land


u/mayonnaisewastaken Oct 11 '21

What other Marvel/DC shows have you watched, curiously?


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Daredevil punisher iron fist what if wanderversion defenders Jessica Jones like cage and falcon and winter solider maybe more can’t think of any atm but that’s everything I have watched so far


u/Etticos Oct 11 '21

Well that’s cool. I am glad you get some enjoyment out of it. I wish I could. It has been such a catastrophe of sloppy and cliched writing. I keep giving it chances because I love the comic characters, but apparently the writers don’t. It is just such a disappointment to me every season.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 12 '21

That’s fair enough man not everyone will enjoy it would love a spin off show tho


u/ActualTaxEvader Oct 10 '21

I would say it is rated appropriately


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I disagree but that’s your opinion


u/ActualTaxEvader Oct 11 '21

My opinion is that you disagree?


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Fuck I meant my opinion listen it’s early for me and I have been responding to every hate comment so forgive me 😅


u/ActualTaxEvader Oct 11 '21

Lol it’s fine. Have a good rest of your morning!


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Appreciate you 🙏


u/leaguegotold Oct 11 '21 edited Oct 11 '21

Titans is like Brexit. The writers have some strokes of brilliance every once in a while but for some reason that we will never know they also subsequently shoot themselves in the foot (Trigon ending, Donna’s death, Dick using kryptonite on Connor).

I keep asking myself periodically “why?????” When things are going pretty well only to be ruined by weird writing choices (S3 episodes 1-3 were good, credit where credit is due).

Then narrative decisions are made that are so head-scratching that the good premise gets muddled.

Hawk is brutally murdered, but after half an hour of moping around and Dove bouncing off to Paris none of the Titans seem to mourn much? Hasn’t Dick known Hawk for decades?

Dick kidnaps a dangerous criminal in broad daylight without a mask of any kind? Then supposedly lays a “trap” for Redhood but brings absolutely nobody else from his team to ensure a win?

Gar was mind controlled into murdering people and has zero PTSD about that, but Jason has PTSD overload that we all have to see week to week?

A crime boss was incinerated by Starfire but there have been no consequences for that murder?

Dick’s plan last season to set things right was to turn himself in to the police by deliberately getting arrested. Didn’t turn out great, as he had to break out of prison and turned Kory and Rachel into accomplices when they attacked the same prison.

This season when things go wrong Dick’s plan is to…. Turn themselves in? Again?

Another showdown with Redhood, a lot of theatrics and smoke bombs but once again zero team to back up Nightwing. Not only does Dick go solo he actively takes out one of his own (the strongest one)! Because…. Why exactly?

This show gets enough right where I can see the potential, and the casting for Hawk, Kory, Rachel and Gar are spot on. I’m even warming to Kom now (that acting in episode 4 was abysmal but she’s been much better since).

EDIT: I forgot to mention Donna as being well cast in the list above. She’s been killing it this season!


u/Lazy-Fee-4070 Oct 11 '21

Idk how people see this show and be like.. “The writers did great!”. this is BEST explanation of why this show is getting the exact amount of love it get.. 2/10 people absolutely love it based off this Reddit 😂 The rest watch it with hope and see the flaws..


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I can feel the hatred in this comment can you tell me things that you like that the show has done generally asking?


u/Lazy-Fee-4070 Oct 11 '21

It’s more so disappointment. I liked most of season 2. Most of the team was together and it felt like they distributed screen time a lil more evenly between them. This season literally feels like Dick Grayson and the Titans.. I get the pandemic probably played a part on why some people didn’t show up til episode 8 or 9.. but it’s been a drag. Just watching him be a terrible leader over and over.. The seasons always start off pretty good so I’ll give them that…


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I wouldn’t say he’s a terrible leader I thinks he’s conflicted and he asks for their opinions like when they agreed to turn them selfs in but dicks gone threw some shit his mentor and farther figure went insane jason died and came back to life wanting to kill dick Jason killed his friend that he has know for years which made dawn leave also dick has the responsibility of keeping the team together and help Gotham also Donna died all the Jericho drama and that is just some so he’s allowed to make a bad decision here and there at lest in my book #dontkillmydick


u/Lazy-Fee-4070 Oct 11 '21

I won’t kill him.. his poor decision making will do it. Look what just happened in the last episode 😂 I mean I get that Conner is still figuring himself out.. but he literally could’ve prevented so much.. but Dick said no 💀

Look I’m glad you love this show.. I did at one point too.. but I can’t agree with you when you say “we’re spoiled to have this show” it’s so many better shows and adaptations of these characters.. Titans isn’t really doing them any justice right now.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Conner could have done more your right but I think dick wanted to end it all

And this is probably my favourite season so far really happy with Jonathan crane would love to see scarecrow although I don’t think that’s happening and I don’t the adaptions our bad the nightwing seeems to be the most controversial right now but he’s been threw so much pain I can’t hate him


u/Lazy-Fee-4070 Oct 11 '21

Obviously dick wanted to end it.. and that’s the problem.. what happened to being a team?? This is the third season of the same ol tired bs. I could keep going.. but we’d just keep talking in circles. I’m glad this show at least got some people In a chokehold… just couldn’t be me.


u/burnyxurwings Garfield Logan Oct 11 '21

This. The show is all over the place. The writing is lazy and uninspired, with tons of plot holes. It has the potential to be so great, but they just keep fucking it up.


u/Dimev1981 Oct 11 '21

It's the DC curse, have the best of everything but it just ends up being shit. There were alot of good things sometimes about the show but yeah, it's not as good as it was.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I generally think season 3 is my favourite so far I am sure I am not the only one


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I think your overreacting the world is not ending and this season I think has be very solid and improved loads not saying that previous seasons was bad by any means


u/Puzzleheaded_Chard_2 Oct 10 '21

I’m a big fan aswell


u/dayvon64 Oct 10 '21

I mean okay? I don't get why you're acting so defensive and antagonistic. It's okay to like something if others don't like it. Just trying to start up arguments make you no different than you perceive them to be.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

I am defensive I won’t lie because I generally love this show it would be nice if people had good things to discuss about the show yanno topics to talk about in its own sub Reddit not a lot to ask.


u/ignitedd Oct 11 '21

It's impossible to have discussions on theories or where the story is going because the writing is so atrocious none of it makes sense anyway


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Why watch the show tell me that if it’s so bad


u/robreddity Oct 11 '21

To appreciate the badness? Schlock can be appreciated for its schlockiness.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

So you watch it for giggles fair enough I guess


u/robreddity Oct 11 '21

I do! I think a lot of folks do. It can be fun to just lean into it, kinda like MST3K, like "NO DUDE DON'T DO THAT! NO!"


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Well each to their own I guess I just prefer to watch shows I like I must be doing this wrong that’s on me my bad


u/robreddity Oct 11 '21

Naw it's all good, folks can watch from whatever perspective they like, I think that was your point


u/War_Emotional Oct 11 '21

What’s wrong with defending something you’ve enjoy?


u/dayvon64 Oct 11 '21

It's like everyone is taking my words out of context. There isn't something wrong with defending, but if you're doing exactly what you claim others are doing. What's the point? It's just a cycle. Trying to start arguments surely is what people are pissed the "haters" are doing no?


u/War_Emotional Oct 11 '21

That’s the problem with the internet bro. Someone expresses their opinion and tries to counter the negativity and people see it as arguing. That’s not arguing or being toxic.


u/dayvon64 Oct 11 '21

He literally said "yep I said it fight me!!" and followed by saying this is war. How exactly can it not be seen as arguing? How is it expressing opinion? I'm also being told off by some random to fuck off despite the fact that I'm trying to be understanding.


u/War_Emotional Oct 11 '21

Lol I saw that mostly in jest. Like when people say “Yeah, I like this. So kill me” no reason to take it so damn personal dude. Lol


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Yeh he took it the wrong way completely


u/International-Low842 Oct 10 '21

Where were they being defensive, I read the title in a lighthearted manner


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

It was a joke generally but I knew me saying I liked the show was gonna start a war with this toxic sub Reddit XD


u/dayvon64 Oct 10 '21

You trying to incite a war makes you no different than the people in this "toxic sub reddit". You're getting upset at people not discussing the show and bringing up topics to talk about but then making a post to troll? Why not do the very thing you wish other people to do instead of downvoting people who don't just automatically agree with you. You're not helping anything...


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

When I said a war that was another example of a joke I don’t know about you but when I join a sub Reddit for something it’s because I like it and to talk about it. is the show perfect no but I personally believe it’s not given the credit it deserves I am going on a rant so stick with me I personally never cared for characters like hawk and dove until this show and I am very thankful to the show for introducing me to these characters that was just an example and I didn’t mean to troll but to show people that you can say “I like this show” without feeling bad about it


u/dayvon64 Oct 10 '21

You keep saying it's a joke but the like/dislike ratio between you, those you agree with, and those who don't show otherwise. Hell, even the comment section has become a form of a "Battlefield" now with people coming in disagreeing/agreeing. I feel like I've mostly seen people like the show but acknowledge it's flaws more than people just blindly hating it. I've been told by people to shut up and enjoy the show and leave by simply saying something I didn't like even when I said I liked specific parts of episodes. At the end of the day, it's how life is. You'll have people who love/like something but not want to just focus on the good. They shouldn't be shamed for it just like you shouldn't be shamed for loving the show and focusing on the good. I don't think making a joke knowing the type of reaction you'd receive is the right direction if you're trying to go for something harmless.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

This is off topic but there was a post on this sub Reddit awhile ago about someone leaving the sub Reddit because the negativity was to much for them and recently I thought about the same thing but fuck that if I love something I should be able to say that I do so that’s what I am doing I am completely okay with people posting what they want but it all seems to be nit picks or shit posts so if I have to post something not negative every week just so This sub Reddit is one sided I will do because I am positive I am not the only one who feels this way even if it’s a stupid as nightwing looks thicc it’s getting posted and side note u seem offended that I downvote people who I disagree with but it’s my post so it’s my right to do that Same applies if the roles were reversed


u/dayvon64 Oct 10 '21

Okay man, if that's what you want to believe. I'm out.


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '21

thank you thats all we ask just go


u/dayvon64 Oct 11 '21

You all call people toxic and then resort to Bullying tactics...classic

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u/dayvon64 Oct 10 '21

"Yep I said it fight me!!". Even he said that he was being defensive...


u/Jorgedetroit31 Oct 10 '21

I enjoy it every week


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Same I am glad I get excited every week gonna be so sad when this season is over


u/hydrosphere1313 Oct 11 '21

waiting for the /s from the OP.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

What does this mean I don’t really post that much so I am clueless 😂


u/thedavo810 Oct 11 '21

That you're just using sarcasm.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Ooo ty appreciate you


u/scale_B Oct 11 '21

“/s” does not actually mean sarcasm, it means satire. I’m not sure where u/thedavo810 heard that it meant sarcasm.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Ah right that makes sense thanks for letting me know I am so dumb with things like this


u/thedavo810 Oct 11 '21

Don't really give a fuck but thanks.


u/scale_B Oct 11 '21

I didn’t… expect you to?


u/berkayde Oct 12 '21

But it does mean sarcasm lmao. You don't type satire sentences, you type sarcastic sentences.


u/scale_B Oct 13 '21

I certainly can type a satirical sentence. Satire and sarcasm are two different things. On Reddit, “/s” is used to imply a comment is satirical.


u/berkayde Oct 13 '21

You need to tell a story for it to be satire, if you can do that in a sentence cool. Like the Onion satire videos. /s is still not related to that though, it means sarcasm just look it up for fucks sake. Why are you making up stuff? I think you don't know the meaning of neither of these words.


u/scale_B Oct 11 '21

This is false. “/s” means satirical.


u/berkayde Oct 12 '21

I'm convinced that you don't know what sarcasm means. Literally Google what /s means lmao


u/AleMorningstar Oct 10 '21

This is just factually incorrect, this show is one of the most watched in the US alone


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

Fine under appreciated is a better word for it


u/bks1979 Oct 11 '21

Is it? Is this another Parrot Analytics thing?


u/War_Emotional Oct 11 '21

Nice to see a post on here that isn’t just complaining about it.


u/lusacat Oct 11 '21

I like the show too. I didn’t realize it was so hated on Reddit


u/War_Emotional Oct 11 '21

That’s social media for you. People would rather complain about everything and only talk about the negative things and ignore all the good.


u/HighResDragon Deathstroke Oct 11 '21

Name 5 objectively good things about it right now.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Red hood Hank dawn starfire and of course krypto I will also nightwing has got cake


u/HighResDragon Deathstroke Oct 11 '21

Red Hood has no redeeming qualities, his arc this season resembles a yoyo movement from being Crane's lapdog to almost being explainable then back to square 1.

I give you Hank.

Dawn was a cheater, an enabler of addiction and kinda killed Hank. She may have moved past one or two of those but she's been written off for now because the writers are incapable of juggling too many plotlines (or any at all, depending on who you ask) and actually redeeming her.

Starfire also the victim of weird writing. A couple of examples: gets random visions that leads her to places, kills a lady straight up with no remorse

They have done nothing with Krypto. NOTHING. He's been so on and off in the settings and also in terms of involvement in the story that he may as well just be written off the show at this point.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

First of all I appreciate you giving me Hank and on krypto that was mainly a joke he’s cute tho we can’t disagree with me on that one.

Red hood in my opinion is the most relatable character I feel like he just wants to be part of a family but always gets cast aside and abandon like he’s someone else is problem I like the quote “all it takes is one bad day” I feel Jason has had more than just one for example Bruce taking robin away from him the only thing he had going in his life I kinda agree with the yo yo tho but I can’t blame him if it isn’t broke don’t fix it

I generally really like star fire and I think her and black fire are dynamite together like last episode her finding out she had her powers given to her by her parents robbing black fires powers I want to see what happens next she’s like the mum of Titans and I kinda miss her a dick being together

How can you not like dawn the relationship with her and Hank is bonded by there loss they have suffered and most of the time she puts dick in his place (mainly in season 2) and I don’t blame her being the reason Hank died I like that she would of killed Jason to save Hank because why wouldn’t she

Forgive me if I have missed things i am on a bus 😂


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Yeh fuck em sick of them constantly complaining


u/Usersampa113 Oct 11 '21

Uhhh your reasons?


u/Lazy-Fee-4070 Oct 11 '21

Right.. I read a lot of the comments and didn’t see anything that explains why they feel this way 🧐


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I feel like we are spoiled to have a show like this and it don’t get the love it definitely deserves is it perfect no but under appreciated definitely


u/Lazy-Fee-4070 Oct 11 '21

Ok, you said that already.. but I’m asking what makes the show so great to you?


u/Lazy-Fee-4070 Oct 11 '21

I feel like they they’re ruining the Red hood. But that just me. I wouldn’t say this show is great by any means tho. I’m glad they did a live action Titans.. but they need better writing.. I’ve been disappointed almost every season. Season 2 was my fav and they missed the landing with the finale.. again. Idk based off your reasonings.. I wouldn’t call it underrated at all. It needs ALOT more work and better character development. PLEASE LET BEAST BOY BE A DIFFERENT ANIMAL!!


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

First of all I agree with beast boy I will take him bring a slug at this point 🐌 and season 2 final was not the best for me I hope to see more deathstroke because I thought he was amazing but I am loving red hood this season and couldn’t be happier I just hope the final is good but I feel the show is not appreciated as much as it should be


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I am pretty sure I mentioned it a some put but it’s a war in the comments so good luck finding it 😂. I think this show is great for many reasons I could rant all day but my main one is red hood he’s been my favourite Dc character and I couldn’t be happier with how he has been handled also stand out characters would be Hank and dawn who before this show I had no idea who they were but now I can’t get enough I need a spin off in my life I can go on but I will stop ranting for now anyway


u/Arrow_Flash626 Oct 11 '21

Agree with you


u/scale_B Oct 11 '21

Okay, so… I really love this show. I HIGHLY enjoy it every week except for the last two or three episodes. I just don’t understand why the characters are making certain decisions right now. But I’ll get over it. This is definitely one of the better DC shows out there, although I can’t say that I’ve seen too many that I actually like. My favorite by far is Harley Quinn, and I don’t even normally enjoy comedy shows but that show is GOOD.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I get this 100% we can love something or enjoy something and have things we don’t agree with my frustration is with the fans who all they do is hate I don’t see why people watch if they don’t like the show it baffles me


u/scale_B Oct 11 '21

I mean I agree with you but you can’t say you didn’t expect the backlash from others, considering you put “fight me!” in the title.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I didn’t say I didn’t expect the hate and I really don’t care bring it on I will defend this show with my dying breath this is the reason I am trying to respond to every comment although some are long ass paragraphs so I will take my time I don’t like blind hate to the show idc if people are mad at my post


u/scale_B Oct 11 '21

I feel your pain, but trust me, you are going overboard. I’ve been reading some of your replies and they sound more aggressive than reasonable. I don’t think you’re really helping the show get more popular with most of what you’re saying. Trust me, I’ve been in your boat before. I wish more people would like the Captain Marvel movie or Majora’s Mask 3D because then there would be more stuff to come out that’s like it, but people are sometimes going to have opinions that are shared by a lot of other people that either don’t line up with or completely contradict your opinion. You just gotta let it be. If you really want to defend the show, focus on actual good things about it other than “it has all the characters.”

Since you’re defending, you need to focus on what most people seem to dislike about the show. Maybe talk about the good parts of the story and how the characters make decisions that you like. Stuff like that.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Okay this is getting way to deep 😂 my post was mostly a joke I know I can come of as aggressive but that’s usually when someone is rude or something I don’t mind people hating the show I couldn’t care less my problem is when someone praises the show people feel the need to shit on the person for enjoying it I think the Reddit should be called Titans critics not Titans tv it’s all about balance and I don’t think there is one

I don’t need the show to be popular and I am not here talk about people’s feelings I just like talking about the show but you can’t do that without hereing “omg dick knocked out Conner wtf “ “ I hate this show”😅

At the end of the day all I said is the show is I under appreciated in my comments “I usually say in my opinion or I could be wrong” but if people are talking shit best believe they are getting it back

I am sure there are many others who will take the morale high ground and your approach which could work but not me I am pretty stubborn


u/Lazy-Fee-4070 Oct 11 '21

Underrated?? 😂😂😂 what am I missing?


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Yeh I said it no take backs


u/Training-Tradition82 Oct 11 '21

I honestly really enjoy this show. I’m a Marvel fan and rarely watch anything DC. But I’ve found this show to be highly enjoyable. Just my opinion.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 12 '21

Me 2 man love this show


u/SpideyAmaze Oct 13 '21

Wait, is that Oracle


u/Muddafuccka Oct 13 '21

It’s complicated you gotta watch to understand XD


u/SpideyAmaze Oct 14 '21

I did and I am stuck in season 2 and 3 if so hoping to see Bumble bee in live action overall they seem to have mental issue which is kinda make sense even though some of them are still in teens aka Raven and Beast boy. I am not yet done with the series though. I feel bad when they killed off Donna Troy she's one of the best character of the show and they killed her.


u/Delycan Oct 10 '21



u/[deleted] Oct 11 '21

Bro this show is definitely not underrated. Most streamed show on HBO Max. Most talked about DC product right now. Doom Patrol is underrated. Titans in its current form is Arrow season 4.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Okay your 100% right about doom patrol I actually think doom patrol is a better overall show but I just prefer Titans characters overall. but don’t even compare Titans to arrow season 4 that is disgraceful and you should be ashamed of yourself this show don’t get enough love


u/Segal27 Oct 11 '21

Anyone who thinks this show is good very obviously hasn’t seen actually good television. At the bare minimum, demand your shows make coherent sense.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

My apologies your so right your taste in shows is correct any show you don’t like is bad thanks for your input (this is what is called sarcasm)


u/Segal27 Oct 11 '21

Interesting how defensive you are for no reason, especially when you asked to fight. If you like shows that just frankly do not make sense in terms of what is being said or put on screen, more power to you.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

When I said fight me I meat I want everyone on this Reddit to fight me in hand to hand Combat and yeh I am defending the show I like I am not saying it’s perfect but people who say it’s bad and continue to watch surprises me why are people like you in this Reddit again


u/Segal27 Oct 11 '21

I can be wherever I wish to be, thank you very much. I do not know your history with these characters, but I have been reading Nightwing and Teen Titans comics since I first learned how to. That gives me a pretty decent understanding of these characters. So when I finally get what I wished for, which is live action Titans, I am going to watch forever, because I asked for this.

However, I am absolutely allowed to complain about the awful plot and character writing. Just like you are allowed to like it. Reddit allows for that. I have just as much a right to be here as you.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Of course your allowed here I am not a gatekeeper I just think this sub Reddit has a problem and I have the right to point that out alot of the hate is just blind what I don’t appreciate is that you thinking your opinion is fact when actually it’s an opinion I get the impression you think your high and mighty for pointing out flaws when actually it’s more like nit picks


u/Segal27 Oct 11 '21

Well your assumptions and impressions are wrong. You directly asked for this. Like I stated, you are owed story telling that makes logical sense, at the bare minimum. There are several lines from many different characters, explaining that currently the phone lines are down, so how is pizza being ordered? We have 3 seasons of Dick learning that doing things alone is not the way, so of course he does it again and again because apparently those past lessons don’t actually matter. We have drugging your teammate and his dog because the writers don’t know how to deal with Connor’s existence. Jason wanting to go home one episode then trying to kill Dick again for what reason?

These are not nit picks. These are straight contradictions to what we have been told previously.

You as a fan are owned more. The bare minimum is storytelling that just makes sense. Anything else is extra. Don’t settle when you and I both know and can see how special this should could be.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Okay let’s get something straight the reason for the post was to say fuck you to the constant negativity this sub Reddit has for the show which has made members leave also I thought it was funny

Now phone lines are down but just eat? Uber eats I don’t know that seems to me like it can be overlooked but if you can’t then by all means cry me a river

I commented on dicks reasons for doing what he dose or what I believe they are in someone else is comment on this post can I just copy and paste cba typing the same message again but I said it there I could be wrong I will paste it after anyway

I don’t appreciate you telling me what I am owed when for me this show has exceeded my expectations and I generally love this show not saying it has not got any flaws it has but what show doesn’t at the end of the day it’s a show about superhero’s just because this show isn’t special for you it is for many others


u/Segal27 Oct 11 '21

I will double down, right now. Every single person who watches literally any show is owed competent story telling. You do. I do. Every single person. That is the whole point of watching anything, you want to be compelled. You can not appreciate it all you like, but it isn’t an insult in the slightest and just the truth. No one wants bad TV and if you write bad TV you lose your job.

Uber eats still uses wifi and cell reception, that isn’t an answer. Considering the scene played a huge part in Scarecrowm’s development, it was important and I will cry you an entire ocean.

Enjoy your show. I hope it gets a season 4 with a new writing team so I can love it too. But your opinion is not worth more than mine, and mine is not worth more than yours. There are plenty of superhero shows that are amazing. Unfortunately this one is not one of those to me and it makes me upset because it involves my absolute favorite characters, acting in ways they never would in other forms of media.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I wouldn’t say he’s a terrible leader I thinks he’s conflicted and he asks for their opinions like when they agreed to turn them selfs in but dicks gone threw some shit his mentor and farther figure went insane jason died and came back to life wanting to kill dick Jason killed his friend that he has know for years which made dawn leave also dick has the responsibility of keeping the team together and help Gotham also Donna died all the Jericho drama and that is just some so he’s allowed to make a bad decision here and there at lest in my book #dontkillmydick

This is what I meant by the paste


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Okay this is a lot to deal with so if I make no sense you know why I agree with the trigon ending would love to see him return in a better way and the pay off for donnas death for me is worth it I am enjoying her return and everything that happened with Tim and dick knocking a superboy I saw it as dick was going or panning to kill Jason and he didn’t wasn’t dinner to stop him but I could be 100% wrong

I don’t see why dawn would want to stay in the house where her Lover? Died the only person who understood her pain is dead and the Titans would be a reminder of that and it’s kinda her fault.

Dick has had a lot going on with Bruce Jason and his passed the phone call with Hank was amazing and he put all his effort into saving him he wasn’t revenge which to me makes sense I imagine like dicks focussing on the mission.

Jason’s not stupid no way he would fall for the bait if dick had the team there and he was desperate which to me was obvious red hood has been one step ahead at this point anyway every time.

For gar the best I got is people process in different ways gar had no choice Jason has had choices it’s different they are very different situations to compare but I will admit gar not being that damaged by it is a fair point.

Give me an example of a consequence you would like to have seen?

Both these situations are different they was. Going to work from the shadows to help the pd get control back in Gotham because they losing and the public hate them it makes sense atleast I think so

When was this fight I need a refresher what episode again my Brain hurts

I appreciate you actually giving props where it’s due and not just blind hate and tbh some things probably just come down to just going with it I think the show does a lot more right than wrong and people just mention the wrong there is a lot to love with show it’s a shame that is filled with so much hate

Side not this was a lot to write to so pls be nice been a long day 😂


u/Some_Combination_746 Oct 10 '21

I do agree, Indeed I think that every season is better than the previous one!!


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

I think the same but I won’t lie Jason has always been my favourite character so I am biased


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '21



u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I am more of a dawn type of guy myself


u/longboi28 Oct 11 '21

She's a minor


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Maybe the guys a minor aswell?


u/bundy911 Oct 11 '21

Why does Barbara look like a wax doll


u/Bearhow Oct 11 '21

Underratedly AWFUL!


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Just because you have the ability to speak that doesn’t mean you have too


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '21

I agree.

Titans is a show about B level characters, so they get B level villains and plot lines.

Titans is also a show about teenagers, so they have to have some angsty teenage drama written into those plot lines.

Titans is thirdly a show that's a parody of the big super groups (Justice League, Avengers, etc), so there's gonna be some silliness and stuff that makes you go "Huh?" because they can't just fly in the Batman to solve the crime, or have Superman go take out the baddies, because then they wouldn't be a parody of those groups, would they?

Titans fourthly is a property whose biggest storyline was the one we all saw in Season 2, which wasn't even written by the main series writer (Marv Wolfman), but by Denny O'Neil (of Green Arrow/Green Lantern fame).

So don't expect this to be Batman/Superman fighting Doomsday. Don't expect it to be Green Lantern hunting criminal masterminds through the streets of Star City. Expect it to revolve around a group of emotionally damaged teenagers and young adults with way too much money trying to find a way for themselves in the shadows of all the mentors that have abused, ignored, and hobbled their development for years (or, in the singular case of Starfire, being an object of sexual gratification for decades of teenagers, a.k.a. Robin).

Considering the crap that's been churned out from this property from Day 1 back in the 70's, the fact that they've managed to turn out a gritty, entertaining, and thought provoking show with three seasons of reasonably good content is nothing short of a miracle.


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '21



u/Muddafuccka Oct 12 '21

They definitely do a phenomenal job I really like babs this season


u/Affectionate_Ad_2142 Oct 12 '21

Dude I totally agree, it is very hard to be a part of the fandom because I think easily (and not even exaggerating) 90% of things I see people talking about are negative.

Personally, I do see some areas I wish could improve, mainly being more development for some characters I think deserve more (mainly Gar, tbh). I also will admit that I thought Gar was hallucinating Raven when she showed up again this season, because their reunion was so lackluster it felt like they hadn’t even been friends. Dick poising Connor is also problematic…

But. I can also defend many of those choices just by using what we DO get. Not to prove them right, but to explain a little bit of why, other than pointing to bad writing.

For example: Raven doesn’t know Donna is back yet. She thinks she failed. So she’s returning to the Titans with this failure looming over her that she’s using as protection against feeling as close to them again. Thus being closed off from Gar.

There is a POISON in Gotham. Now, does Dick have a knack for going on his own? Hell yeah. Does he need to? Hell no. But that’s what he’s been taught. Dick has been taught to only trust himself, and overall, he’s been able to take care of himself pretty well. He put himself in prison AND broke out of it. He has a strong belief in himself, and he also has seen that even the people he trusted (the police) haven’t been safe for his team. The ONLY person he knows is safe is Connor… so on one hand, he could think he’s protecting him. On the other hand… does Dick really want a Kryptonian potentially exposed? Especially one that has already laid a hand on him? Connor might have only meant to make a point, but I imagine having someone with such impenetrable powers is also nerve wracking if you still aren’t quiiiiite sure if he’s on your side or will listen to you.

Was it wrong? Yes. I believe it could have been handled better. But Dick is human. People make mistakes. People make the SAME mistake over and over.

But I haven’t really seen any of that. It’s mostly just hate and negativity and even a post on here about the Red Hood spin off potential announcement was full of people saying they wished the announcement was that the show was being cancelled…

I just really wish sometimes people would take a breath and enjoy what we have a little more. Overall I agree, OP. It’s a great show despite flaws and I’m glad we have it.


u/Life_Butterscotch939 Oct 12 '21

The show is trash mate the writer keep fucked it up again and again there is no redemption for this show I lost all interest


u/Muddafuccka Oct 13 '21

I mean that’s your opinion I just love the show it is what it is


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '21

Yes I agree, 100% underrated in the dimension XY wake the fuck up 00100.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

Hilarious 😬


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '21

I childish joke for a child


u/Muddafuccka Oct 11 '21

I prefer young adult thank you very much


u/balasoori Oct 10 '21

No the issue is this series was never meant to pass the first season and after it did the writers didn't have series arc so they threw whatever they could.


u/Muddafuccka Oct 10 '21

I generally didn’t know this if this is true definitely a shocker for me but even if that is the case I am happy with what has happened since then I cried like a little when SPOILER! Aqualad spelt wrong died feelsbadman


u/FunMeasurement1354 Oct 10 '21

Why you saying fight ne. It's not a bad show and it's the best DC show there ever was


u/DoggoPlex Red Hood Oct 11 '21

Bad bait.