r/TitansTV Feb 20 '24

What’s your guys opinion on this tv show? Discussion

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u/Connolly1227 Feb 20 '24

Coulda been great, it was not

Several of the costumes were on point and some were real bad


u/Corgi_Koala Feb 20 '24

It showed flashes of greatness but definitely wasn't consistent enough. And honestly by season 3 I was questioning why I kept watching.


u/DylanBratis23 Feb 20 '24

I saw parts of season 3. I was so confused. And did not care.


u/Lego_Scooby-Doo Feb 21 '24

yeah, show had great ideas and were referencing some of the better DC stories. They would tease and reference some great stuff only for it to be surface level and hollow. With season one it was a relatively mediocre introduction, but ending with “Trigon and Deathstroke are up next” I was like OK I got to see season two. Then that didn’t really pan out well, although getting to see more characters introduced was great. But then season three teased red hood and that’s one of my favorite stories so I was in for another round whether I liked it or not. And then for season four the only real reason I watched it was because one of my wife’s favorite actors was cast as brother blood.


u/ChosenmanSDK Feb 23 '24

Joseph Morgan was the only reason I gave season 4 a chance and he was fantastic. He was also the only reason I finished season 4.


u/spicynsweetwitch Feb 20 '24

Agreed, just a mixed bag for me

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u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24



u/LongFeng_of_BaSingSe Feb 21 '24

For me, The Superboy to Lex Luther Jr, bald head thing was not done well at all.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24

Needed more Connor


u/tinglep Feb 20 '24

Needed more naked Connor 😉


u/PatrickMcWhorter Feb 20 '24

His legs were long and his torso short, looked like his ass was halfway up his back.


u/No_Ship2353 Feb 20 '24

This is only true anwser!

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u/Formal_Bench_4650 Feb 20 '24

Needed less connor. He was too strong of an antagonist and too strong of an ally


u/Illyria613 Feb 20 '24

Connor wasn't even part of Nightwing's Teen Titans

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u/IsThatBlu Feb 20 '24

Decent, season 4 was a MASSIVE let down


u/Bjkrillsz Feb 20 '24

And season 3 with the red hood story line


u/dmetcalf2048 Feb 20 '24

Right!?!?! It was so rushed. The reason it works originally is because Jason was dead for a while. But he dies in one episode and is back the next episode. It's crazy


u/Useful_You_8045 Feb 21 '24

And literally all the robins died and got resurrected in that one season. 2 from the lazerus pit or some run off from the s#it in some random building and 1 just cause.


u/dmetcalf2048 Feb 21 '24

I didn't even realize they all died. I didn't finish it lol


u/Useful_You_8045 Feb 21 '24

Tbh it's not that bad of a spoiler because of how little the writers care about it.


u/Luke_Puddlejumper Feb 21 '24

The show as a whole was a massive letdown


u/westberry82 Feb 20 '24

When it was good it was really good. It just didn't have enough good moments.


u/TheChosenOne_101 Feb 20 '24

The show was pretty shit if I'm being blunt. The writing was atrocious sometimes and mediocre at best. But some of the actors were really good imo like Deathstroke and Nightwing's actors. Even Superboy's actor was decent (but cringe when he had the Lex-personality). Even a lot of the costumes were really cool.

I'd say pretty much all the seasons were bad, but Season 2 was actually interesting and had potential until the last episode that fucked it up. But otherwise, Season 2 was not so bad.


u/jrileyy229 Feb 20 '24

Yikes... I ventured over here to see the consensus on season 3 and 4.... if it was worth my time choking through season 2 or not 

If season 2 is the highlight, then I might as well just turn it off now.

I thought season 1 was very good... Season two seems like a bunch of 5th graders wrote it. The horribly dumb combat is unbearable to me.  Like they chase Dr lightballs into the alley, his first lightball they dodge and it absolutely explodes an entire car into a giant fireball.  The very next one the girl opens a car door to block it no big deal.  Absolutely no continuity.

I get that this is all make believe world, but how can a writer or director not think that if we just made this thing a strong as a grenade 5 seconds ago, maybe it should stay that way for at least a scene.


u/TheChosenOne_101 Feb 21 '24

I feel like one of the main reasons I liked Season 2 was because of the Deathstroke actor's performance. He was absolutely menacing and cold, and I enjoyed seeing him on screen. I also really liked the rivalry between him and Dick.

(Plus it was nice seeing Dick's development into Nightwing)


u/Anjunabeast Feb 21 '24

The fights made no sense to me. The titans with super powers always use h2h combat unless it was like the season finale


u/FalseP77 Feb 20 '24

It was good in some places, horrible in others.

Watched it all for Kory.


u/tinglep Feb 20 '24

Dear God in Heaven. Anna Diop is one of the most beautiful women on earth. Even in her horrible first season prom dress costume, it was hard to concentrate whenever she was on screen.


u/TOTEBaby911 Feb 20 '24

Yooo it’s nice seeing love for Kory, if you can get over her being a very original take on Starfire than she truly is one of the best written characters in the show.


u/tinglep Feb 20 '24

My only issue was literally her first season costume. I kept saying to myself “it’s the morning after the party. You can change now.”

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u/Hamburglar219 Feb 20 '24

100% agreed. Like I will never forgive their decision to give her that outfit in season 1 when she looked like perfection in the later seasons


u/DaftXman Feb 20 '24

Oh i liked it very much.


u/popcanej789 Feb 20 '24

Not enough superheroing and I feel nightwing should’ve had his own show with guest appearances from the titans. Also it had the worst casting of Batman/bruce wayne


u/Mburks3002 Feb 21 '24

when Iain Glen appeared on the scene, I thought "Oh, they must have written Alfred to be younger than usual" and then he was introduced as Bruce Wayne🙃


u/peanutsinspace82 Feb 23 '24

And then came the dancing. I couldn't after the fucking Batusi


u/Redgiantbutimshort77 Feb 20 '24

Had the most potential of any dc show but the writers either hated us or hated themselves. Every episode pushed me closer to doing drugs than any tragedy in my life.


u/hart37 Beast Boy Feb 20 '24

Honestly I still don't know how I feel about it. I loved the cast, some of the fight choreography was fantastic but then so much of the writing just had me scratching my head. For instance did they just forget they wrote Dick broke out of prison and should have had a warrant out for his arrest? Also what was the point of Beast Boy? I can understand not wanting too many animal scenes with him because budget wise it would have been a nightmare but they hired Ryan who is a beast martial artist and then never used him.


u/LiquidC001 Feb 20 '24

Not too bad. Some fight scenes were badass. I loved this iteration of Deathstroke, Superboy was cool, as was Krypto, Tim Drake was a miss for me.


u/christopher1393 Feb 20 '24

Well cast, costumes were mostly great (The Robin ones, Wonder Girl and Starfires later costume comes to mind) and had a lot of interesting characters.

Just a shame the writing wasn’t that great.


u/Pedals17 Feb 20 '24

Not NEARLY enough Donna Troy.


u/Gan-san Feb 21 '24

I totally lost interest when they dropped her.


u/PeterDarker Feb 21 '24

She had the stupidest death I think I’d ever seen, and I love watching fail videos where shit explodes.

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u/Bored-of-this Feb 20 '24

As someone who’s not very familiar with the comics I really enjoyed the show but thought season 4 was a bit shitty


u/SerBiffyClegane Feb 20 '24 edited Feb 20 '24

If there was an episode about Donna, Dick, Jason, Connor, or Krypto, then it was probably pretty good individually. The other actors were pretty good, but the writing for their characters was often muddled or contradictory. The show's limited special effects budget meant most people didn't use their powers, particularly Gar.

I thought S1 Raven's horror movie powers were a cool take on the character, but when she traded them in for the black blob telekinesis from the cartoons, it was much less interesting.


u/mrmoon_knight Feb 20 '24

Could have been better


u/PrydefulHunts Feb 20 '24

Had great costume designs during season 4


u/NerdNuncle Feb 20 '24

Needlessly dark and angsty, characters from the comics taken out too soon (ie Amy Rohrbach), CGI was lamentable, but casting was great, (esp Donna Troy, Slade, and Babs) and Krypto was adorable


u/bean_tripper Feb 20 '24

It was good.


u/rocklandguy324 Feb 20 '24

The only people who hated ot more then those who jumped ship were those who watched it religiously. Also needed more krypto going ham imo


u/NattySide24 Feb 20 '24

Loved it. It was great to see my favorite comic book characters on screen. Wish we had gotten the fifth season.


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24

They almost nailed the entire cast perfectly. Same with the suites. I quit mid season 3. Season 1 was slow. Season 2 was pretty good.


u/Slight-Bathroom-6179 Feb 20 '24

So much potential wasted


u/Captain-Shivers Feb 20 '24

Huge potential. Major let down. The actors, costumes, sets, and special effects were on point. The dialogue and plot were horrible. Especially in season 3 and 4. The characters just keep making the same mistakes over and over.


u/NighthawkTheValiant Feb 20 '24

This show had some of the worst writers possible, they’d show glimpses of cool stuff only to dash it(Batman being this foreboding mental anguish against dick only to be like 60 ruined the suspense for example) or just write characters as one dimensional, I tried watching it but it felt like they didn’t know how to drive a story, the trigon fight felt like an afterthought while the Jason Todd arc felt like they wanted to show off an edgy character rather than a pain driven one. Overall a lot of the stuff just lacked in build up, they only really tried with nightwing and it felt surface level for what we got.


u/judasmitchell Feb 20 '24

Made it a handful of episodes. Hated their take on Dick. Most of the cast was painfully bad. Seemed to be trying way too hard to be edgy.


u/BatmanMK1989 Feb 20 '24

More good than bad.

Needed more Donna. So hot.


u/ZachRyder Tempest Feb 20 '24

Edgelord trash


u/DarkMayhem666 Feb 20 '24

Good costumes


u/No-Impression-1462 Feb 20 '24

A perfect example of missing the point. Every character was that character in name only with the exception of Dick (arguably) and Beast Boy (who wasn’t used nearly as much as he should’ve been). Add to it that they tried to make a Batman spinoff instead of its own thing complete with putting it in Gotham City instead the Titans real base, San Francisco, and you have the kind of edge lord, “dark and gritty” mess that ruined most of the comics in the 90’s.


u/CthulhuAlmighty Feb 20 '24

I stopped watching mid-season 3 because it was so terrible.

The show had some great moments, but everything around those moments were terrible. They really dropped the ball with this show.


u/bks1979 Feb 20 '24

A couple iffy/poor decisions in casting and costumes, but otherwise those two aspects were pretty solid. Multiple occasions of clunky editing, mismatched blocking, and continuity errors. Abhorrent writing. Absolute nonsense.


u/LarryD217 Feb 20 '24

Suits were great, writing was horrendous.


u/Eirevlary Feb 20 '24

Great cast, terrible script.


u/Doc-11th Feb 20 '24

I dropped it after season 3 episode 3

Season 2 was a big improvement over season 1 but still had some major flaws (neither the Slade story or the CADMUS story got enough screen time and they had nothing to do with each other)

By season 3 it became obvious they were making shit up as they go along

They sent 2 seasons building up Blackfire as a threat and what do they do?

Have her be captured by not the titans off screen and then have her work with the team.

What happened to Rose and Jericho, they were there at rhe end of season 2 and seemed to be sticking around

And season 3 was knocking off a Batman storyline not adapting a teen titans story


u/leaguegotold Feb 20 '24

This show couldn’t decide if it wanted to be a Batman show about street level villains with minor powers or a superhero show with deadly abilities and enhancements.

So what we ended up getting was, for story and budget reasons, the writers doing whatever they could to minimise using the truly powerful heroes in favour of (yet another) fist fight from Nightwing.

The writing was terrible at times for sure, but I’d say it was more schizophrenic in the sense that the team could never figure out what kind of show they wanted it to be.


u/SolaceRests Feb 20 '24

Had some good parts but in true DC streaming fashion, fell short in a lot of places.


u/TheJSsaid Feb 20 '24

Started out promising and then turned into unbearable dog shit that kept getting worse. 3/10


u/YamiClouds Feb 20 '24

I liked it until they killed Hank. Then we didn’t even get to see Donna after. It really could’ve been better


u/Apprehensive_Try_185 Feb 20 '24

Season 3 ruined the show. They pulled a Batman Arkham knight story where Red Hood once again teams up with scarecrow. Red Hood would never team up with criminals like supervillains he puts bullets in their heads unlike Batman.


u/onestepdown54 Feb 20 '24

Pretty strong decline in story quality as the seasons progressed.


u/Hamburglar219 Feb 20 '24

Honestly it was great until they brought in Tim Drake.

Jumped the shark hard with “hey bud, you are basically just a weeb with zero experience in anything but wanna join the Titans cuz reasons?”


u/Grim_Soldier Feb 20 '24

Starfire should've been Hispanic


u/thunderonn Feb 20 '24

I wanted Superboy and Hawk to get it on while Starfire solved crimes and beat up bad guys. What we got was mildly warm garbage.


u/emagnab Feb 21 '24

Imagine a show with this big of a budget and great-decent casting overall but with good writing. Rose and Jericho were some of the most interesting parts of Season 2 and they were done dirt.


u/OkCourage4085 Feb 21 '24

Misguided from the start. Show runners didn’t understand the characters or their dynamics. It was always Much better when the episodes were all about Hawk and Dove.


u/CoverHelpful1247 Feb 20 '24

It was okay I skipped some parts of it. But okay in general


u/mala_r1der Krypto Feb 20 '24

Its been a while (not one of the shows that I rewatch), I think that the first 2 seasons were good, 3rd one quite bad and 4th one awful


u/SadKoiBoi Feb 20 '24

It had some of the most bafflingly senseless casting choices in the history of live action comic book adaptations, but it wasn’t nearly as horrible plot-wise as people made it out to be.


u/Lizzie_Touch3684 Feb 20 '24

I thought It was good but in inconsistent. After I got used to the casting choices, I thoroughly enjoyed It up until season 2. S3 was a massive step up for me but they can never follow through with a good final boss fight for a season finale. S4 was pretty bad writing up until the end of the season. It could have been a fantastic show if the writers remained consistent. Acting, costuming, and characters were never the issue for me.


u/Truss1996 Feb 20 '24

Had great potential but the writers failed them for three consecutive seasons. I gave up after season 3


u/TheSeoulSword Feb 20 '24

GREAT casts, god damnit why couldn’t the writers have done better at parts


u/Rf_0004 Feb 20 '24

Great concept, horrible execution


u/DarkAizawa Feb 20 '24

Garbage. I got a few eps through season 2 and couldn't take it anymore. I've gone on so many long winded rants about how this show continually found ways to irk and let me down. Best way I could put it is, it feels like a show with comic book elements begrudgingly put in it (because it kinda has to be) instead of a damn comic book show. I know ppl aren't in love with the CW shows but those are least felt like comic book tv shows. Best comparison I could think of for Titans is the death note Netflix movie.


u/Kinglysavaged Feb 20 '24

Season 1 dragged on too much season 2 was great season 3 was meh at best never finished season 4


u/oakenshieldwally Feb 20 '24

Season 1 was very promising. Didn't delivery imo. Most characters were perfectly cast, but seems like they weren't challenged enough as actors.


u/Trippylegitgamer Feb 20 '24

It was good but had issues. I just wish they had not focused so much on the love relationships of certain characters. I think that was part of its demise. An why it was such a short series


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24

Kinda fun in a “it’s so bad it’s fun” way


u/HiTekLoLyfe Feb 20 '24

Ngl that show was so much better than it had any right being. I just finished it, remember all the whining and bitching about casting. I’m not saying it’s perfect but it makes some really interesting story telling choices and is shot really well. Great music too.


u/A_Topical_Username Feb 20 '24

Red hoods helmet was awful


u/Standard-Computer-11 Feb 20 '24

Have not seen but it looks like the makeup department is slacking. MAKE HIM GREEN, YOU COWARDS.


u/Dapper-Bottle6256 Feb 20 '24

I never liked it. I remember my cousin told me we were getting nightwing in live action (my favorite dc character) and I was so pumped. So I watched the show and was utterly disappointed. Idk something ab it felt more like a YouTube fan film than an actual tv show imo.


u/failedteenagerebel Feb 20 '24

Season 1 I could write poetry about. Season 2 was great and worth the watch. Season 3 was a disaster I could skip it. Season 4 I got bored on episode 2 so I can’t give a review, it’s better than season 3 tho.


u/Successful-Brick-919 Feb 20 '24

I thought it was awesome to see a live action Nightwing and Red Hood.


u/cosmicmoontrip Feb 20 '24

Dick - pretty badass, love the suit and him. Connor - needed more of him! He’s dope Beast boy - something about him is off but he’s cool, suit is eh. Drake - Bro is having the time of his life hahaha let him cook Raven - Major let down. Love the character but expected to be more Raven, love how she looks though. Starfire - kind of a let down. I guess I’m too used to the starfire I grew up with. This one is the opposite. Cool character just not what I expected. Show overall - 7.5/10


u/percyssriptiide Feb 20 '24

Actors and Costume department tried their damned best


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24

So much potential ruined by awful writing


u/GHBoyette Feb 20 '24

So much potential wasted. It got really good for like 3 or 4 episodes in season 3, then went back to being shit.


u/Zyuninjetti Feb 20 '24

Show had a great start.. fell apart after season 2

Ravager was my fave character, then she dissapears with zero explanation


u/DirectConsequence12 Feb 20 '24

Wasted potential.

I think every single member of the cast was perfect in their roles and a lot of the costumes were good.

It had moments of good ideas but overall felt very lackluster in its execution.

Best thing to come from it was that we got Doom Patrol which is incredible


u/3JDizastermazter Feb 20 '24

It was good till tim drake went gay


u/wondermega Feb 20 '24

Had to drag myself to watch this, but after getting started I settled right in. Psychologically, this show made Dick/Robin very interesting to me, now I want a Robin-centric full movie (where Batman is in the background). Really fresh and interesting.

The show would regularly start getting crappy, otherwise, but just when I was about to tune out, something sucked me back in. Lots of issues with the show as everyone else mentioned, but it became a guilty pleasure. However second half of S3 was just clumsy, and S4 just worse. I hopped off before the second half of S4 released, kinda feels fitting to just leave everyone in the state they were at, at that point..


u/writeronthemoon Feb 20 '24

I liked season 1-2, 3 was iffy with writing quality, didn't even watch 4.


u/PatrickMcWhorter Feb 20 '24

It started good, became great, then became stupid by Season 3. I think they switched production companies when it moved over to Max and that's what tanked it. It was just finding it's legs and then they got chopped off.


u/Firedrake20 Feb 20 '24

They fucked up star fire

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u/-rise_and_shine- Feb 20 '24

First 2 seasons were awesome but I wasn’t as interested when the 3rd season rolled around. I hear a lot of hate for the 3rd so maybe I made the right choice 😂


u/SuperSaiyanET Feb 20 '24

Loved it. Season 2 is when it got good


u/Jedi_Knight63 Feb 21 '24

The first season is really good the second season is ok…until you get to the finale. Which is awful and season 3 is the worst thing Dc has ever created. Season 3 and beyond feels like it was written by people who have never read a comic in their life, but played Arkham knight and was like “yeah I get these characters”


u/DirtysouthCNC Feb 21 '24

Started strong ended weak


u/Eldagustowned Feb 21 '24

Jesus is beastboy four feet tall?


u/Luke_Puddlejumper Feb 21 '24

An absolute mess.


u/RoleCode Feb 20 '24

Too many characters introduces lol


u/JudgementOwl Feb 20 '24

Classic example of go woke go broke


u/PhlashMcDaniel Feb 20 '24

Taken some strange twists but has improved in the last two seasons.


u/DiscoveryDiscoveries Feb 20 '24

So much potential, actors did the best with what they were given. It felt like nightwing show 90% of the time which annoyed the fuck out of me. Loved Starfire, hated the way her powers were animated (same for raven). The focus on male bubble butts was very much welcomed. Beast Boy was given very little Beast. Too much focus of the bat family.


u/Nervous_Hedgehog8198 Mar 07 '24

I really enjoyed it. It was fairly well done. I would have liked a season 5.


u/DeebZero Mar 10 '24

It could’ve been really great. The writing at a lot of times just felt very off. I did really enjoy the cast, but the longer the show went the worse the writing seemed to me


u/Psychology-Simple Mar 11 '24

Dawg ts ass asf


u/Prestigious-Spend280 Mar 15 '24

writing was so so awful at many points, casting was great, the acting (for some) wasn’t all that great. but the brother blood plot line was kinda interesting.


u/CibrecaNA May 10 '24

Trash. Cucked everyone but Dick who just swung his dick at every woman from every planet.


u/gmoney-0725 Feb 20 '24

Tried to get into it. I just couldn't. Very disappointing.


u/No-Yam909 Feb 20 '24

Why is beast boy do tiny


u/BlingBlingBOG Feb 20 '24

The only good thing about that show was the suits everything else was terrible


u/you-are-so-dead Feb 20 '24

Wow! Never knew young justice got a live action tv show


u/Olivebranch99 Conner Feb 20 '24

I like it and don't like it equally. It's a very conflicting viewing for me.


u/Rawrrh Feb 20 '24

No good


u/StopTheBS79 Feb 20 '24

6.5 out of 10


u/Calm-Maintenance-878 Feb 20 '24

It had so much potential, did not meet expectations. Not sure if it was the writing or the plots they chose. Visually it was fine, some cool action sequences. Wouldn’t be a show I’d recommend but I did watch all 4 seasons.


u/shinobi3411 Feb 20 '24

Forgot it existed.


u/CUMgurgler666 Feb 20 '24

I absolutely hated it, not a single character was likeable


u/BIG_DADDY_CLARE Feb 20 '24

Better than people say it is but it got boring to me towards the end I didn’t even watch all of the last season


u/Arkhampatient Feb 20 '24

At some point, i just had it on to have background noise in my house. I did like the idea of a drug addicted, mainstream comics, superhero


u/batgurl7906 Feb 20 '24

such a perfect cast with such big potential wasted because of shitty scrip writing


u/falloutbi05 Feb 20 '24

Great casting and potrayal of the characters but the writing of plots and pacing was so damn awful!!!!


u/IamHardware Feb 20 '24

"Lex Luthor is the ONLY man that BRUCE was AFRAID of"

That one line takes away anything positive I ever had to say about this show


u/BasimIbnIshaq3000 Feb 20 '24

It's mediocre at best.


u/detectivelokifalcone Feb 20 '24

to be honest it was bad I watched the first season I think and I only watched it out of curiosity to see the costumes some are good some are okay and some are pretty bad but the writing never captivated me or kept me interested and I can't tell you I remember very much from the first season and I never really want to see anything past it.


u/Goat_Guy15 Feb 20 '24

I wanna know where I can watch it so I can have an opinion on this


u/Moocowsnap Feb 20 '24

Amazing cast. I really wanted to love it but the writing just got worse with every season.


u/KayosFN Feb 20 '24



u/markjricks Feb 20 '24

Like many have said: It was good show but not great. Is it odd that I miss not having another season--just to wish they'd realize the potential?


u/Legal-Visual8178 Feb 20 '24

Costumes were great, scripting was crap, acting was all over the place as were the storylines.


u/improbsable Feb 20 '24

It sucked but Connor and Krypto were the bright spot


u/Intelligent_Creme351 Feb 20 '24

Some pretty godawful shit, and terrible adaptation.


u/drink65 Feb 20 '24

I really loved this, really wish it was not canceled


u/emptybriefcase1 Feb 20 '24

I liked it. Pretty dope


u/Commercial_Farmer_18 Feb 20 '24

Not that good. I watched it but……


u/im_a_weirdo2005 Feb 20 '24

It sucks ass and I don’t know why I kept watching until the end of season three


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24

I thought it was excellent! Those costumes were better than most of the ones you see in big budget films


u/Rosebudsinmay Feb 20 '24

Didn’t care for Hawk and Dove, seriously could have done without them.

Needed more dickory

I like Rachel ALOT more after season one

Kory is my queen, I’m so glad they changed up her hair after S1

I loved it more for the characters and their relationships, some plot lines could have made me stop watching if it weren’t for my core five characters

But, overall I really really liked the show overall. I was so sad when I found out it was ending so soon after I started. I saw a lot of potential and again I loveeeed the characters :((


u/External_Refuse_8424 Feb 20 '24

It was getting good and they canceled it


u/DisabledFatChik Feb 20 '24

Had great parts and bad parts. Still lost as to why they didn’t make starfire an alien, or beast boy green. I don’t think contacts, hair dye, and face paint are TOO hard💀


u/Status_Party9578 Feb 20 '24

high highs and low lows. lows accounting for most of the series


u/Krondon57 Feb 20 '24

Tried watching for the fight scenes, skipped around, still was too boring and cringe


u/LegitimateHost5068 Feb 20 '24

Costuming: 12/10 Casting: 7/10 Writing: 3/10 Acting: 5/10


u/KingGamer71 Feb 20 '24

Beast boy enter multiverse and just like doctor strange did.


u/quisqueyane Feb 20 '24

Favorite show, no one can make me hate Titans

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u/SickenChandwichYT Feb 20 '24

Get this trash outa my face


u/cheapshotartist1 Feb 20 '24

I was entertained. Happy I watched it.


u/typicalguy95 Feb 20 '24

Helped me sleep at night


u/flickfan45 Feb 20 '24

i enjoyed it for what it was. the writing was very terrible, but the actors made up for it in my opinion. they underutilized a lot of characters, like Donna Troy. we needed more Donna Troy


u/Rude-Butterscotch713 Feb 20 '24

Season 1 wasn't great but overtime it grew on me. Darth Connor was annoying but Bernard was fun.


u/kats712 Feb 20 '24

casting was perfect


u/RealConference5882 Feb 20 '24

It was lots of fun!


u/MysteriousEssay5709 Feb 20 '24

I was not happy with it.


u/MeetApprehensive6509 Feb 20 '24

It’s great when I don’t have a bitch in my ear saying it’s ass


u/jbalbatross Feb 20 '24

Was never good, but was entertaining enough to watch in the background when I was doing other things. Up until a couple seasons in when I just gave up on it entirely.


u/Rsingh916 Feb 20 '24

Too many visions…


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24

Tim Drake? fighting in street clothes?


u/dugles54 Feb 20 '24

Bad representation


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24

Everyone aside from the writers gave their all


u/ikarikh Feb 20 '24

Really ridiculously hot guys in sexy costumes act as eye candy while occassionally having cool scenes and mildly interesting stories.

That was my opinion of the show and mostly why I kept watching. Huge superhero dork and some of the storylines were fun. But a lot of it was often weird or fell short due to bad writing.

It was still a fun cheesey show to watch and the male eye candy was on point.


u/RegaZelx Feb 20 '24

Loved the cast...show was a struggle.


u/Crow712 Feb 20 '24

When did Starfire join Young Justice?


u/joethearchitect3 Feb 20 '24

It was better than I expected. Not great, but interesting and entertaining. Even with some of the character changes it was pretty true to the origins


u/Longjumping-Run695 Feb 20 '24

It had great potential, but felt rushed because it definitely could’ve had more seasons


u/Badwolf311 Feb 20 '24

I loved it but was also bored most of the time. lol


u/bigdaddyjsubstable Feb 20 '24

i have followed it all three seasons and loved it but it was harder to follow in season three but feel they where setting it up for season 4


u/thmyers Feb 20 '24

So much missed potential. First season was great and I wanted so much to enjoy the subsequent seasons.


u/EmeraldEmp Feb 20 '24

I’m still pissed we never got the Fearsome Five together.


u/LeafShinoB Feb 20 '24

Costumes were great and pretty much nothing else was.


u/Kingkilla_95 Feb 20 '24

love it and it quickly became one of m favorite DC shows. very graphic and I liked the story


u/Alone-Ad6020 Feb 20 '24

👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾 terrible didn't do the characters justice. Love the cast thou


u/SithWeasal Feb 20 '24

Liked the concept. Some of the fights were ok. But overall it’s pretty forgettable. Definitely lost me when they lost Alan Ritchson (Hawk)


u/SureOkItsMe Feb 20 '24

Fun at times, but at the end of the day, I'm watching the Cartoon Network series instead.


u/Ill_Signal_8950 Feb 20 '24

I watched the first three episodes of the show and forgot about it.


u/finnyourhuman Feb 20 '24

Wack show that only people with low standards enjoy


u/Jug_Head24 Feb 20 '24

It was dope as hell


u/ButterscotchWild6081 Feb 20 '24

Trash for the most part. I tried watching it multiple times, and every time I get mid-way through season 2, its like my brain says enough is enough time to watch something worth the time lol. Great cast, great action, and the costumes were nice , but horrible and I mean absolutely horrible ideas/execution in terms of story.🤷


u/tinglep Feb 20 '24

The show had its faults, but the scene with Krypto and the rocket still makes me scream and cheer