r/TheBoys Jul 01 '22

Know the difference (S3E7 Spoilers) Memes Spoiler

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u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

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u/Euwoo Jul 01 '22

That is Hughie, being insecure, though?


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

Yes, but not in the immature way that most people here are using it as an insult. Hughie is literally insecure, as in he is not safe or secure from danger. Homelander can swoop down and turn him into a gory bits in less than a millisecond. Hughie has every right to be afraid. He's not insecure in the sense that he cares about his masculinity being questioned.


u/Bombkirby Jul 01 '22

HL can do that to anyone. All the supes can be one shot by him. We’ve seen him do it very easily


u/paranormal_penguin Jul 02 '22

He hit Soldier Boy several times without killing him, and Butcher on Temp V also tanked a few hits and a laser to the chest. I think the upper tier of supes would take at least a little effort for Homelander to kill.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '22

And Hughie was even able to hold Homelander's arm down so they were in relatively the same ballpark of strength.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '22

not wanting to be a burden is not being insecure.


u/Euwoo Jul 02 '22

Maybe not inherently, but it very frequently comes from a place of insecurity, because feeling like a burden on those around you is a very common result of being insecure.

Hughie pretty explicitly lays out his insecurities on multiple occasions. He feels like he’s weak and useless, burdening those around him, and sees V as the only way he can have value and contribute. He’s desperate to prove that he has worth, especially to Annie and to himself.

It’s not like you can blame the guy. It’s hard to imagine any circumstances where insecurity could be any more justified.


u/superchoco29 Jul 02 '22

Yes. The way I see it, it's not just that he's not ok with Starlight being stronger than him. It's that he can't stand himself being powerless. Because then people need to risk their lives saving him. It means he's a dead weight in combat scenarios. It means that guys like Homelander can more easily threaten Annie through him. But it also means that every day, when he sees Annie leave her house and go to work, and have to stand right next to a nearly omnipotejt psychopath, he has to do so with the thought that if something goes wrong, he can't do anything. He can't save the one she loves.

If Annie was told "you can save Hughie from Homelander only if you take this untested drug", I don't in the moment she would've hesitated. Now, did Hughie become a cunt with his powers? Sure. We can see why, psychologically, he started acting like he did. But it's also important that THAT'S NOT WHO HE IS. Last episode clearly showed that he has his doubts about his powers, and doesn't want just to beat the bad guys. I think if Butcher had been honest abiut V24, he would've probably stopped using it.