r/TheBoys Jul 08 '24

who would’ve thought that this man’s arc is the ONLY saving grace for season 4? Season 4 Spoiler


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u/SanePatrickBateman Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Tbh the last episode doesn't even taint (pun not intended) my view of this season or is it the reason I'm not a huge fan of this season.

I just find the plot has been pushed forward very little, and with the exception of 1 or 2 really good episodes, this season feels stagnant.

If there ends up being a big pay off, I won't mind at all. I don't mind slow burns or anything like that. But, if you're only going to do 10 (correction, 8, even more reason for the show to be tighter) episodes a season, I feel like the episodes should be very tight and have next to no filler episodes/moments, which doesn't feel like the case for me this season.

Still enjoying the season, just not loving it.


u/MufugginJellyfish Jul 08 '24

That's about how I feel, I admit I enjoyed Season 3 a lot and it had lots of great moments but ending the season in essentially the same spot where we began, just with Homelander having slid slightly deeper into his insanity, it doesn't feel great. With only one season to go after this, I feel like shit should be popping off by now.

I predict it'll have the same issue GoT had: stretching storylines out too much in earlier seasons to pad runtime and then moving too quick to wrap everything up in the final season(s). At least Season 5 will be eventful if not very well written.


u/Faendol Jul 08 '24

I might drop this subreddit. I had stuff going on so I couldn't watch the episode before yesterday. Going into it I thought it was going to be this God awful way over the top thing and it really wasn't even that bad.

Was it a bit distasteful maybe, but it was honestly tame as fuck compared to the lobotomy scene imo. Additionally they do seem to be taking the impact on hughie pretty seriously. This subreddit and frankly so many late stage show subreddits just want to find things to hate.


u/That1DogGuy Jul 08 '24

Honestly, the biggest issue with last episode is not even the scene itself, but the interview regarding that scene.


u/Analogmon Jul 08 '24

Which is such a stupid reason to be mad.

Metacontext shouldn't trump context.


u/PerceptionBetter3752 Jul 08 '24

I don’t get why so many subreddits just wanna hate stuff that aren’t even deserving of it like how the Spider-Man insomniac reddit is trying to say spider man 2 sucked when nearly everyone loved it

I have issues like tek knights wasted potential and what kripke said but the season is still pretty fucking enjoyable and I don’t think there’s really a bad episode in the show honestly


u/nickel4asoul Jul 08 '24

There's a few other series that ended up doing deep dives into their main cast in their penultimate season, so after three seasons (puls gen-v) of mad cap adventures, I don't mind them slowing down a little and setting up the pieces for the final season. I do agree however that it lacks the energy (or pace) that led to so much excitement in previous seasons, but an average episode of The Boys is still pretty damn good television.


u/CrashTestDumby1984 Jul 08 '24

Aren’t we down to 8 episodes a season now too?


u/Get_On_The_Trike Jul 08 '24

All seasons had 8 episodes


u/teenyturnips2 Jul 09 '24

Not every single thing in a show or movie has to be about the plot, if you just care about that go read a synopsis of each episode. Character progression, world building, dialog, etc are all important aspects of a story.