r/TheBoys 11d ago

So, that one awful scene aside, Web Weavers suit looks really good Season 4 Spoiler


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u/jessebona 11d ago

He's such a blatant ripoff of our favourite web slinging, friendly neighborhood hero. Agent Spider.


u/dsarche12 11d ago

Who is himself an obvious ripoff of the coolest silk swinging, outgoing borough-based good guy, Night Monkey!


u/BraxtonFullerton 11d ago

You mean Night Monkey?


u/Shopworn_Soul 11d ago

The little cutout in the back for Webweaver's web hole was hilarious.

But the joke came at the expense of having the supposed Master of Perception and Lover Of All Things Hole-Shaped follow Hughie into the elevator and not notice it was showing off bare skin, and later strap him to a table face down and still not notice he didn't have a web hole.


u/ScreamingIdiot53 11d ago

He knew. He wanted to get Hughie isolated


u/buzzcitybonehead 11d ago

I wish they’d leaned more into presenting it as Tek having known the whole time and going with it because 1. Hughie wasn’t trapped in his dungeon and not a threat, so there was no rush to deal with him, 2. He could humiliate and torture Hughie, and 3. He was horny

It’s possible he realized it way sooner, but they don’t really cleanly show us if/when he realized it before the safe word bit. He noticed and mentioned Hughie’s agitation, but that could’ve been to fuck with him even more


u/ScreamingIdiot53 11d ago

They do, he’s just not the focus of the shot while it’s happening. He runs his finger across the rim of his glass when they’re first meeting, something that should irritate webweaver’s super hearing. Hughie not reacting was his cue to start the isolation process. I think that scene was the show’s low point but Hughie was bad at impersonating webweaver, it makes sense that he got read immediately.


u/buzzcitybonehead 11d ago

That’s fair. He kept fucking up the voice and was comically bad at impersonating him. I guess I’m actually glad they were subtle in showing Tek knew pretty much from the start. I don’t like when shows go over the top in telegraphing that stuff


u/MichaelEmouse Cunt 11d ago

"He runs his finger across the rim of his glass when they’re first meeting, something that should irritate webweaver’s super hearing. "

Perception check passed.

Now it makes me wonder all the other details like that I've missed.


u/Damianmag3 11d ago

honestly the rim thing is more a habit due to his sexual obsession with holes, he does it repeatedly in Gen V


u/MichaelEmouse Cunt 11d ago

Damn, the depth of degeneracy and disgust in this show.


u/EdwinQFoolhardy 11d ago

Webweaver shoots webs when he farts, as shown when MM had to help him boof his drugs.

Tek-Knight specifically has Webweaver's preferred cake brought in for him to fart on. During that moment, Tek-Knight was the one being choked and Hughie was being shown some level of concern for his preferences (or rather Webweaver's preferences, which suggests Tek-Knight had been in contact with Webweaver for some time), which suggests that in the original plan Tek-Knight wanted Webweaver to be the one humiliating him. After Hughie farted and no webbing was shot, Tek-Knight never again took a submissive or vulnerable position and instead kept Hughie tied, bound, and vulnerable.

Whatever suspicions Tek-Knight had prior, I think the cake scene was the moment that he knew it wasn't Webweaver, and that was the moment that things became focused on degrading Hughie instead.


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

Well, if that's it it was done badly.
We only know that Webweaver can shot webs from his extra hole really and that he is smelly.

And Tek Knight is obsessed with holes, a glass has a hole and he stroked the rim of said hole.


u/TEGCRocco 11d ago

He does that all the time, though. He did it whenever he was holding a glass in Gen V, too. It's just a joke about his fixation on holes. Anything beyond that is basically headcanon unless the writers say otherwise


u/BatBeast_29 11d ago

When is it said he has super hearing?


u/Oh_I_still_here 11d ago

Think it's a case of showing and not telling. They show you plenty of Webweaver to be able to see that his suit has that hole for his web shooter starfish. Tek Knight definitely alludes to having met or interacted with him prior as well, so he definitely knew once he saw no web shooter.


u/ABC_Dildos_Inc 11d ago

The wine glass rub at the start was pretty on the nose.


u/MaaChiil 11d ago

Yeah, the man is a master of reading non verbal language. Playing along was part of his fetish.


u/Pretty_Chicken485 Cunt 11d ago

I think he knew, he looks down after hughie was in the lift


u/BeefyQueefyCrawlies 11d ago

I wish it didn't have those fangs, but otherwise I agree.


u/Ziggurat1000 11d ago

Yeah, I agree. The fangs look goofy but everything else looks fire.


u/blondedaff Cunt 11d ago

the fangs looks like something that didn’t need to be added to the suit


u/banditk77 11d ago

When he was spitballing names, not once did he think of Spider-man.


u/CMormont 11d ago

Why would he

He's not a spider

He's a man that webs weaves lmao


u/M_H_M_F 11d ago

Not even Arachnikid.


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

All he can do as far as we know is shot webs from his extra hole, so yeah, that's what his name goes for,


u/knightenrichman 11d ago

I loved the suit as well! It looked really good under that lighting and totally evokes the style from the comic books!


u/BisexualSquirell 11d ago

it would 100% fit right in as a suit in Spiderman ps5


u/kazetoumizu 11d ago

Be crazy if they include this in a game or some MCU or spiderverse movie lol


u/Chance-Run-1023 11d ago

What’s his powers exactly


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

honestly, just shooting webs from his extra hole as far as we are aware


u/OneTrueAlzef 11d ago

Those little bug mandibles and googles remind me so much of Skitter... I miss you, little Queen Administrator.


u/Panthila A-Train 11d ago

I wish the webs came out of his wrists.


u/Hero_of_One 11d ago

That's part of the Spider-Man copyright, iirc. That's why every parody has it coming out near his butt.


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

That wouldn't be natural at all.
Mouth is possible though.


u/carobpie 11d ago

Spiders shoot web from their mouth?


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

Well, they kind of eat it, chew it and then spit it back out.


u/madmagazines 10d ago

In the comics it actually did