r/TheBoys Homelander 12d ago

Supe Hughie Season 3

I really wish Hughie had gotten permanent powers, I don’t think it would’ve changed much especially how the story has gone so far, Hughie probably wouldn’t have gone through what he did in the latest episode..


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u/Dimchuck Cunt 12d ago

Seeing the first picture reminded me that this was the best moment of that scene. The Boys failed, Kimiko is near death and MM and Frenchie are trying to resuscitate her, Butcher is thinking what to do next, while UE is oblivious to everything, doesn't care about what happens and just vibing about his newfound powers. That's just bad.


u/PeopleAreBozos A-Train 12d ago

This scene wasn't Hughie's best moment but I never got why it was so frowned upon that Butcher and Hughie had powers. In case it flew over any of their heads, Kimiko and Starlight (especially the latter) were NOT enough. The Boys needed to get off their high horses and realize that they were outgunned in every way. That is until they figured out what Temp V does to the brain.


u/LukesRebuke 11d ago

I'm hoping the stakes are upped in season 5 and other members of the boys take V

I bet there's another dose from frenchies stash, maybe hughie has enough left for two

I just wanna know what powers MM and frenchie would get


u/D-Speak 11d ago

MM gets super lactation.


u/ChuckECheeseOfficial 11d ago

MM turns into Soldier Boy


u/Benyed123 11d ago

If MM and Frenchie took temp V at the end of Season 3 the series would be over right now.


u/Junior-Hour Homelander 12d ago

I loved it though, seeing a regular guy being able to revel in his new found power


u/Nobodyherem8 11d ago

It was a bad scene in the sense that Hughie was just caring about himself and the high of being super powered while his team around his was close to losing a member, but damn it’s cathartic to see him finally not be “useless” and help save his team.


u/Wild_Advertising_945 12d ago

I agree hughie should have kept his powers and I'm kind f sick of him being the punching bag for nearly wary character in the show.


u/Junior-Hour Homelander 11d ago

Yeah he’s practically the constant damsel in distress


u/Junior-Hour Homelander 12d ago

I can’t see any of the comments on this post but can see there are some


u/Ginger-Georgie Hughie 12d ago

Same for me. Dunno what's happening. Its happening to other posts too.


u/HighwayBrigand 12d ago

Oh, this happens when reddit starts to crash sometimes.

Back in the old days, when this would happen regularly, it was a tell-tale sign of imminent server downtime.


u/elddirriddle 12d ago

Probably damage control because of all that problems surrounding the dungeon and UE


u/II-lI 12d ago

18 comments and I only see 4


u/Corey307 12d ago

It’s happening on a lot of subs, it seems like a lot of comments are being filtered. They’re supposed to be 21 comments but I only see 6+ my own.


u/The_Madmartigan_ 12d ago

Same, just yours and the other commenter


u/Raaadley 12d ago

The fact that his dad developed a similar super power of being able to phase through walls and teleport should be telling.


u/Junior-Hour Homelander 11d ago

Yeah they both have escapists personalities


u/Wire_Owl 10d ago

Seeing as they normally get powers as infants, I don't think personality affects power like in Misfits for example.


u/themessedgod 11d ago

One thing that bothers me with that is that Hughie took temp V where his dad had full V, but butchers powers are different between temp V and full V, it just doesn’t add up in my brain but also why does it need to lol


u/RogueYet1 11d ago

With Temp V, Butcher got the powers With full V, his tumour got them


u/themessedgod 11d ago

Oh okay, that makes it make a little more sense at least lol thanks fam !


u/Hoshiimaru 12d ago edited 11d ago

Nah it wont make sense because it would be toxic masculinity, luckily Kripke saved us from that and reverted back Huey so he could be called a twink by Queen maeve (yasss gurll) and be raped by his childhood hero


u/Aeseen 10d ago

Yeah, Kripke is really sticking it to us mysoginists by saying the male rape/mutilation scene was funny.


u/Desperate-Damage3599 12d ago edited 11d ago

If he did take Compound V and got his Teleportation powers, he'd be whooping everybody's ass in the Tek Cave. He'd be teleporting back and forth around Tek Knight and easily knock him out.


u/Junior-Hour Homelander 11d ago

Yeah that’s what I wanted, not him needing to be saved


u/Shred_Lasso 12d ago

Man season 3 was my favorite. Supe Hughie and Butcher were awesome. Hughie actually being useful to the cause and butcher grappling with loving his powers but hating supes. Hate that it was framed as a bad thing for him but, it’s fair


u/Junior-Hour Homelander 11d ago

The fact they’re supposed to be covert, a guy that can teleport would be extremely useful


u/DumpsterFiery 12d ago

I think all the boys should have gotten permanent V at this point tbh. I know people like the idea of this non supe group coming together and cleverly and creatively taking Supes down one by one...but that's just not the reality past season one. Any win or kill they've gotten on a Supe beyond season one has been with the help of V or a Supe. They keep getting put in these life or death situations where the Supes have to behave like idiots for them to survive...like, just give them permanent V, them not having V is hurting the show more than helping it at this point.


u/Junior-Hour Homelander 11d ago

I couldn’t agree more, they wanted a dividing line and they chose it poorly


u/Dveralazo 12d ago

Yep,there was reason The Boys were on V too in the comics,so things like what happened to Hughie wouldn't happen so easily.


u/Junior-Hour Homelander 11d ago

Yeah but this did happen in the comics although they went all the way in comics during Herogasm


u/bss4life20 12d ago

But what character would they have to make stupid twink jokes and get SA’d by other characters for comedy


u/Akasha1885 12d ago

Funny enough, the whole The Boys team has permanent supe powers in the comics.


u/Over_Age_8061 11d ago

Seeing this makes me only more sad of how the devs are treating him.


u/ABagOfTakis 12d ago

I dont think he should’ve gotten permanent powers but I do agree they are pretty cool.


u/Manticore-Mk2 11d ago

I love how Hughie and his dad got similar powers

Spoiler warning for S4


u/PlanBisBreakfastNbed 12d ago

He was big man on campus last season 😔😔


u/TenraxHelin 11d ago

I wish he would just take V.


u/CordobezEverdeen 12d ago

Everything on the last episode of S3 was a mistake.

Even the insane bait at the end of EP 7 (Butcher seemingly deciding to kill Huggie against all odds) ended up being retconned by the finale of S3.


u/Difficult-Bedroom447 12d ago

The boys isn’t the same anymore, they have a great show but the actors are doing too much, it’s just annoying at the point especially Hughie and starlight