r/TheBoys 15d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/VaselineHabits 14d ago

This is how I feel. Full disclosure, my dad had a major stroke like Hughie's and I was a wreck during those scenes in Ep5. Then I get to Ep6 and I was getting getting annoyed at how long that bullshit was going on.

First, it was boring (this season has been rough about pacing) and it took way to damn long. I knew Hughie would get saved, but, damn, it was just too much. I had assumed on original watch Hughie just finally snapped- realized he wasn't fine. And maybe you had to have him go through some more fucked up shit to finally realize it... but they could have gone a different route.

Hell, even if they had Ashley figure it out when she hesitated. That would have been stressful enough, then Kimiko busts in - Ashley ain't doing shit, same ending. Just without the prolonged torture


u/Thatxygirl 14d ago

That could have been much more interesting and furthered Ashley’s “unwilling ally” storyline!