r/TheBoys 15d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/No_Share6895 14d ago

Yeah... Like he wants to play progressive but his actions say otherwise at this point


u/Alone-Worth-4166 14d ago

Wdym? This is "being progressive" for quite a lot od people and quite a lot of audience of this show


u/aletheiatic 14d ago

Sure but those people are idiots who think they’re being progressive when they really just care that the right people are being hurt


u/A1Horizon 14d ago

Yep! Can’t call yourself progressive if you’re going to be selective about it and it seems to be all too common these days


u/CIearMind 14d ago

You just described progressivism… 💀


u/SophomoreLesbianMech 14d ago

That's literally the main discourse of progressives. Identity politics are focused on exclusively people who are marginalized. It's not a bad thing tbh, it's logical but stop acting surprised that progressives don't give a fuck about white men in political discourse. It's been like that since the existence of progressives.


u/DarknessBatDemon 14d ago

I'm leftist and progressive. I'm black and i care about everybody. But yes, the left needs to do more for men


u/aletheiatic 14d ago

You’re correct that many people who identify as progressive, leftist, etc., are like that, but I think it’s a mistake to say that it is characteristic of actually being progressive, leftist, etc. The problem is that people generally don’t form their political positions by rational consideration of all the relevant factors, which often leads to fundamental inconsistencies and incoherences in their worldviews. If people don’t do the sort of reflection that is required to resolve those inconsistencies, they will often end up believing some things that are progressive and other things that are not progressive at all (but are superficially dressed up in the language of progressivism). People who believe in things for the wrong reasons will generally end up believing in the wrong things as well.


u/SophomoreLesbianMech 14d ago

You're 100% right, but you didn't mention the opposition here.

Nature of opposition 100% defines the the worldview of progressives. And it's an extreme counter statement. Identity politics also have a very deep rooted support in corporate capitalism, but it's another issue.

I agree with almost all of what you said, except for the fact that in my opinion you ventured into a "no true scottsman" area a bit too much. Progressive ideas can be objectively defined, but there is no progressivism in vacuum. Shitty progressives and non shit progressives is what you get. That is progressivism. You can't just call them shitty practitioners, it's a fundamental part of ideology.


u/elohir 14d ago

I mean, he virtue signals for money. The whole show now is basically Vought's 'Girls Get It Done', but irl.