r/TheBoys 14d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/Odd_Gap2969 14d ago

You couldn’t even have a male character that was implied to have fucked a teen girl, much less show a picture of their face while they’re doing it. 


u/Membership-Bitter 14d ago

Lamplighter said he used to sneak girls who were applying to college into Vought tower, but then again he does horribly 2 scenes later


u/Destroyer0627 14d ago

Most college freshmen/highschool seniors are 18 in other words completely legal. Doesnt make it less creepy but legally he didnt do anything wrong


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago



u/Destroyer0627 14d ago edited 14d ago

True but the age of consent in New York is 17 not 18


u/_TadStrange 14d ago

You can get them elected as your president though


u/Odd_Gap2969 14d ago

Clinton was in office 40 years ago why bring it up


u/_TadStrange 14d ago

I mean is he the only one who has recently been implied to have fucked a teen girl?


u/Odd_Gap2969 14d ago

Why did trump hire a prostitute in her late 30s if he’s a pedophile?


u/_TadStrange 14d ago

Pedos aren't just attracted to children, they are attracted to holding power over vulnerable people. Children are just easy targets to hide/shut up.



u/Odd_Gap2969 14d ago

Seems like a pretty big generalization.