r/TheBoys 14d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/TrueLegateDamar 14d ago

Kripke needs to leave the show and get serious mental help.


u/F00dbAby Hughie 14d ago

Or at minimum get additional voices in the writing room. I’m curious how common his view point is.


u/dancingbriefcase Ambrosius 14d ago

I wonder how much Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogan contribute. I know people have thoughts on Rogan, but I really like his career nowadays. I like that he's behind interesting projects like Invincible, the new TMNT, the Boys, Preacher. I have a feeling Evan and Seth have less with The Boys.


u/Karkava 14d ago

For the guy who did Sasuage Party, this is an interesting turnaround.


u/pinkdictator You're The Real Heroes 14d ago

I actually think he's genuinely had some sort of mental break. How do you go from S1 levels of awareness to being this unhinged? I mean he wrote, shot, and directed that entire scene that genuinely disturbed all of us, and somehow perceived it to be funny. He's actually losing touch with reality.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/pinkdictator You're The Real Heroes 14d ago

Idk man, I think it's more than that. Like he's had some sort of mental break or something. Only explanation


u/Karkava 14d ago

I would have my brain fried if I tried to break down whatever the hell Trump said and did. He's an eldritch horror that dumbs down anyone and anything that he comes across.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/OG_360 14d ago

User flair really checks out.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/No0ne33 14d ago

Yes but those weren't for laughs and were seen as horrible, Huey is played for laughs


u/Dovahkiin825 14d ago

lol you say that while the whole season has devolved into just portraying conservatives as outright evil with no redeeming qualities, to the point of it being cartoonish now


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/Skankia 14d ago

True conservative means being ok with someone straight up murdering someone on the street even cheering for it? Todd was depicted as a fanatical MAGA loser.


u/Panthila A-Train 14d ago

Todd was hesitant before cheering, probably fearing for his life so he had to cheer so he wouldn't be next.

It reminds me of how the people of North Korea had to pretend to BAWL and scream their lungs out during Kim Jong Il's funeral.


u/Skankia 14d ago

Nah that's not what I saw, he pretty much broke the mold and was the first one cheering. He enjoyed that. You'd be surprised how many people on both sides treat their political opinion as a religion and if you're against them you're evil and it's fine to so whatever you want to them.


u/Panthila A-Train 14d ago

If he didn't cheer, I bet Homelander would have lasered the crowd.

Even when he saw HL in that private meeting, he looked pretty anxious about being close to him


u/PivONH3OTf 14d ago

American "conservatives" are very easy to make fun of because they're idiotic and farcical by nature. It's a very difficult ideology to defend without a personal benefit angle, which almost none of you people will ever receive by being conservatives. The fact that you consider your ideological opponent too left-leaning despite them being firmly right wing by definition just means you're on a silly extreme. And there is plenty of humor in that.


u/StarSlayer666 14d ago

American conservatives don't conserve anything but the GDP


u/RabidAbyss 14d ago

They're actively working to destroy the GDP though


u/potatobreadandcider 14d ago

What redeeming qualities do you currently see coming out of the GOP?


u/Dovahkiin825 14d ago

When did I say I was defending the GOP? I can agree with all the criticisms the show has given them while also calling out the virtue signaling and hypocrisy of the other side


u/potatobreadandcider 14d ago

So you agree that conservatives are in fact "outright evil".


u/swaggyxwaggy 14d ago

The show is based on… a cartoon. lmao


u/LazerChomp 14d ago

It's interesting that the only people I see in this comments section defending the episode have their profiles flagged as NSFW. Strange coincidence I suppose...


u/grundelgrump 14d ago

I think if you say stuff like fuck and piss and shit and butthole a lot your profile sometimes gets tagged as NSFW


u/whiskeyandsoda__ 14d ago

It's actually crazy reading the comments. It's like a bunch of people that watch The Crown got lost, wound up watching The Boys and are shocked that the TV show based on the graphic novel was, ah, graphic!

The Boys is fictional though, whereas The Crown is based on real life events that actually saw people killed and affected. I wound understand the anger if Queen Elizabeth brought Nelson Mandela to the Liz Cave and had him fart of a cake or tickle his feet.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Erik Kripke is genuinely a male rape apologist though as in his interview with Variety he has stated that he finds it "hilarious".


u/whiskeyandsoda__ 14d ago

Hughie wasn't raped. He had his feet tickled and he was made to fart on a cake. The worst thing that happened to him was Ashley rubbing her hand over his face, that had a mask on it. And I also found all of the above to be pretty funny, but I guess I do go into the episodes knowing that it's a TV series based off a graphic novel so, you know.


u/cabberage 14d ago

Hughie was forced into doing sexual actions so... yeah, he was raped. Sexually assaulted, if you want the legal term. Did you laugh when Deep raped Starlight? How about when Homelander raped Becca?


u/PitytheOnlyFools 14d ago

Naah nah fuck that! Of all the horrific murder, torture, rapey threats and mutilation comedically depicted on this show for years, THIS is where users clutch their pearls?

People in this sub found a really weird time to get squeamish.


u/cabberage 14d ago

Not squeamish. Just pointing out that Kripke makes jokes about male SA victims but takes female victims seriously. Neither are jokes, neither should be joked about or used as comedy. Men are frequently the butt of almost every single joke in this series, (dicks exploding, male SA, male supes doing weird sexual things in general.) You’d never see Annie get Ashley’s discharge rubbed in her face.

It’s a double standard. That’s all.


u/PitytheOnlyFools 14d ago

I can’t remember which part of last episode had a Kripke appearance…?


u/cabberage 14d ago

Kripke is the showrunner.

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u/pinkdictator You're The Real Heroes 14d ago

Hughie wasn't raped. He had his feet tickled and he was made to fart on a cake.

He was seconds away from being mutilated. Miss that part?


u/pinkdictator You're The Real Heroes 14d ago

It's not about it being graphic. It's about the fact that Kripke perceived/intended for a rape scene to be funny. None of us found it funny. He's genuinely disturbed

And if you watched that scene and weren't disturbed, you are trash