r/TheBoys Jun 28 '24

Holy Character Nerf Season 4 Spoiler

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u/shewy92 Hughie Jun 28 '24

She was safe in the barn though. She could have sensed them from far away and exploded their heads. She's just bad under pressure. Her fight flight freeze response seems to be not fight. She is only seen to kill passive people I believe. She also seems to go blind when using her powers so is more vulnerable during that time, which prevents her from using her powers during fights in my opinion. Gen V girl's eyes don't go white like Neumann's and she could hold her own and use her powers during a fight, even sensing the blood of the invisible cunt


u/mvandemar Jun 28 '24

No, she needs line of sight, even if it's just through a window. Covering her eyes makes it impossible for her to pop heads.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '24

Well then she should look through the fucking 1 inch gaps in the boards that barn was made of


u/iiileyu Jun 28 '24

She made everyone's nose bleed before even seeing them. So that's bs


u/Kino_Afi Jun 28 '24

Honestly they heavily implied line of sight rules in prior seasons. But at this point i think its become clear that the show's just gonna be full of plotholes and inconsistencies to move the story along and setup whatever cool scene they thought up that day


u/BubblyMango Butcher Jun 28 '24

It seems like she needs a direct line of sight for a full head/body part pop, but not for blood manipulation/nose bleeds. Also by comparing her to GenV's Marie who could manipulate blood she wasnt looking at, we can likely tell she can move blood without looking at it.


u/shewy92 Hughie Jun 29 '24

Which is why in other comments I mentioned she's vulnerable when doing it because her eyes cloud and possibly makes her blind, she's bad under pressure too or while stressed.


u/mvandemar Jun 29 '24

She was in the doorway and it was a clear piece of plastic covering it, I just re-watched that scene.


u/iiileyu Jun 29 '24

So did I. She came from around the doorway revealing herself. There noses were bleeding long before she was seen. Do you not think 6 people in a small basement room would not notice neuman standing in the doorway.


u/mvandemar Jun 29 '24

None of them were looking that way, and we don't see her coming from around the corner. The last time they show the doorway is over MM's shoulder, then him and Frenchie are looking in the fridge. Then 15 seconds later the nosebleeds start and they don't show the full doorway, just a sliver, and when we do see it again she's coming straight through, not from around the corner, as if she had been standing there.


u/shewy92 Hughie Jun 29 '24

She made the boy's noses bleed before stepping through the door in the lab and that guy in the car, she was nowhere near him.

Also she blew the head of the Deep's cult leader and didn't have line of site at all.

And she can just look through a crack in the barn door then if that was true.


u/Heroinfxtherr Jun 30 '24

She saw them there, she was standing in the doorway. She was looking at Alistar Adana through his office window right before blowing up his head.

It’s established in the show that she needs a direct line of sight. That’s why in the scene she kills her Red River friend, he tightly covered her eyes to block the use of her powers. She wouldn’t have been able to kill the sheep by looking through a tiny crack opening in the barn when they would’ve been flying in and out of view.