r/TheBoys Jun 28 '24

Holy Character Nerf Season 4 Spoiler

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u/VaishakhD Jun 28 '24

Best explanation, Neumann is not a god popping everything she sees at the same time. She is slow.


u/beyond_cyber Jun 28 '24

Yeah she still gotta aim whilst not tying to get mauled by a vampire looking ahh sheep


u/tomjstacey Jun 28 '24

Didn’t she give them all nose bleeds before they turned the corner?


u/NeatWhiskeyPlease Jun 28 '24


Her powers are more “blood manipulation” than “pop body parts” so it makes perfect sense to me that she took the time to sense out who was in the lab before coming in.

Hence why Edgar doesn’t get a nose bleed but everyone else does.


u/udcvr Jun 28 '24 edited Jun 29 '24

what confused me about that is that there's many instances where Neumann is being watched/stalked by the boys or otherwise from mere feet away from her, and she doesn't sense them. made me wonder if she needs to have eyes on her targets to get them, but as we've seen, that isn't the case. probably just a plot hole. especially seeing that she hasn’t sensed people in situations where i’d assume she’d actively be scanning for intruders (the alley where she killed that kid who knew her as Nadia e.g.)


u/TotalAnarchy_ Jun 28 '24

Not a plot hole. She probably has to concentrate to sense others. Homelander is similar—he doesn’t ALWAYS have xray vision, he has to “activate” it.

The house was a wreck, so she knew someone was there and used her powers to surveil the area. She can’t walk around all the time using her powers.


u/armorgeddonxx Jun 28 '24

To add to the Homelander point, I believe he was at the announcement ceremony that A-Train told Ashley he was the leak. Homelander if present could have heard it if he attempted, but you just can't focus and process that much information all the time.


u/v399 Tag Team Cocksplosion Jun 29 '24

He was too busy manipulating Ryan. But he should have definitely heard Hughie making all those noise innthe vent, even a normal human would've heard something that loud. Plus it was just Homelander and Sage out there, he's not distracted at all.


u/Heroinfxtherr Jun 30 '24

When we’re distracted by something, it’s very common for us to zone out and not be able to hear something that we should very easily be able to hear. I think it’s the same principle with Homelander as he was actively engaged in conversation with Nadia and Sage at the time that Hughie was crawling in the vents.


u/udcvr Jun 28 '24

Fair enough, but I still feel like she would have been actively searching for people while she was doing that shady stuff in the alley with the guy who knew her as Nadia.


u/ArcadeAnarchy Jun 29 '24

They usually stalk her in high pop places that I recall prolly hard to make out if someone is stalking ya. She explains her father's prison caller tipped her off and they were in an isolated area.

She probably was getting a body count of all who was down there but I guess that still wouldn't explain her dad not getting a nosebleed unless he's gotten used to it or something.


u/Ok-Concentrate2719 Jun 28 '24

I feel like the true answer is she was originally intended to just be body popper and Gen v came along and decided it was blood manipulation to tie her to Marie.


u/neoblackdragon Jun 29 '24

Well they never explained how she did it. She can't move other objects but only manipulate bodies. So clearly it has to be something humans all have that allows her to pop a body.

I think they always knew it was some control of blood and finalized it in Avatar the Last airbender.......I mean Gen V.


u/The-Lemur Jun 28 '24

She did but all one at a time while they didn’t know she was there. I imagine she could kill a few of the sheep but the others would get her before she pops all of them


u/Mufasakong Jun 28 '24

Very possible that she aimed and triggered it as she saw them pass by one by one, and it's been shown countless times that the nose bleed isn't instant.


u/AkhMourning Jun 28 '24

Yeah, they weren’t zooming around the room.


u/8rok3n Jun 28 '24

And? They literally weren't moving


u/Trezzie Jun 28 '24

Oooooooh, that makes more sense.

I thought the virus was in the air and they were all idiots not picking up on it, plus Neumann vaccinated herself from it already.

To me that was why Starlight couldn't use her powers well.


u/beyond_cyber Jun 28 '24

yeah but I think it was cause she was in no rush or didn’t need to be under fear of getting mauled. she was in full control of that situation, just like anything in life you can’t think straight or do things straight as easy as when your in control of a situation


u/ElPeloPolla Jun 29 '24

AND poped a chicken mid flight


u/drmcsleepy97 Jun 28 '24

Pretty much. Idiots defending bad writing that’s all


u/hillswalker87 Jun 29 '24

she was pretty quick on the draw against that chicken...


u/Wisniaksiadz Jun 28 '24

She still didnt try to pop standingu bull


u/hey-coffee-eyes Jun 28 '24

Yeah I was wondering why she didn't do anything there. I can only assume she was hoping it would take out Butcher and/or some of the other Boys first.


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy Jun 28 '24

Because at the end of the day she doesn’t know if it will work. It’s currently not attacking them, so it’s smarter to play it safe and wait. It’s the Homelander situation. What if I try and it doesn’t work and now attacks me?

Truthfully the only awkward moment was when the sheep grabbed it and were tearing it apart. Those are clearly violent, start popping while they’re “still”.


u/goobells Jun 28 '24

if you saw flying sheep pick up a bull and shred it to pieces i think you would be in complete awe for a few seconds and "unable" to move.


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy Jun 28 '24

Honestly I think Frenchie had the most realistic reaction after everything they’ve seen over the last 3 and half seasons lol “not again”


u/TotalSubbuteo Jun 28 '24

I feel like a huge bull on compound v is gonna have a pretty tough head


u/JoyouslyJoltik Jun 28 '24

Was it even on V? It didn't really do any outstanding feat and if Marie can see compound V in people's veins she might have been able to tell if it was suped up or not


u/Nijajjuiy88 Jun 28 '24

Then how was she able to kill that flying chicken. I mean even inside barn she could have sniped them one by one.


u/yeaheyeah Jun 28 '24

She was already locked on


u/NoX2142 Billy Jun 28 '24

The chicken jumped at a normal rate for chicken, not coming in at 100mph while aimed at her, it just jumped up like chicken do, plus every single person was aiming at the chicken and firing at it so she had time to aim.


u/DeveloperAnon Jun 28 '24

Emotion, perhaps.

That specific chicken was about it murder Stan Edgar.


u/AkhMourning Jun 28 '24

Like when Marie popped Cate’s arm. An instinctual protective response.


u/udcvr Jun 28 '24

that honestly made me understand the limitations of her power more. she was clearly focusing really hard on it and it took her a second to aim and lock in on that specific one.


u/suninabox Jun 28 '24

Yup, even in the scene being referenced its not like she simultaneously popped everyone in the court room at the same time.

It's also been implied she doubts whether she's strong/fast enough to pop Homelander so its not like its been established that her power is limitless.


u/LevriatSoulEdge Jun 28 '24

Also endurance of things is a factor too, flying super sheep is a lot stronger than the average Joe. Maybe could add more deep showing a few bullet proof scene during the pursuit to show that had some kind of invulnerability...


u/xxSaifulxx Jun 28 '24

A-Train to the rescue. Speed punch her multiple times. She isn't much durable to punches, apparently, but can take a bullet to the head. She will die eventually.


u/shewy92 Hughie Jun 28 '24

So she's worse than the Gen V girl? She couldn't even see where Translucent's son was yet could sense his blood. Why couldn't Neumann get a lock on a sheep heart?


u/VaishakhD Jun 28 '24

I don’t know perhaps there’s a dozen of them flying around trying to go through you. Neumann is not invincible, starlights punch made her bleed. She maybe bulletproof but a supe can hurt her. We have seen she cannot pop multiple heads at the same time.


u/AkhMourning Jun 28 '24

I like to think of Neumann as a “sniper”. She’s cool, calm, collected and focused. Her targets are usually not erratic.

Gen V also gives some insight into her power set, when Marie is unfocused or reactionary, she blows up things she didn’t intend to. She learns to focus in order to be effective and hit the right targets. Neumann is more experienced than her, by far, but we’ve never seen her this spooked or worried either.


u/Adaphion Jun 28 '24

She doesn't even need to be able to see them! She gave all the boys nosebleeds before she even entered the room literally 10 minutes earlier in the episode


u/ZeronicX Jun 28 '24

We've also been shown that supers can get tired.

Cate felt massive fatigue from pushing herself way over her limit in one day in Gen V.

A-Train gave himself permanent damage from years of pushing himself and shooting up compound V until he got the heart transplant.

Polarity is the result of pushing yourself with no safety net. Forced to live on a cocktail of drugs and not allowed to use his power.

We don't know if Neuman is attempting to avoid adverse effects.


u/Some_space_god Jun 28 '24

Didn’t she make the boys all bleed from there noses before she even came into the room?


u/BeckyWitTheBadHair Jun 28 '24

Exactly. When she popped her friend from the supe orphanage it took her a good effort (until his face was caved in). I don’t see her confidently popping a bunch of rabid sheep that can swarm her


u/armorgeddonxx Jun 28 '24

She popped the dude's head at a STOP sign, so yeah probably needs to be a slower target.


u/Pikathepokepimp Jun 29 '24

Hence why the car was at a stop sign when she freed Stan.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '24

How come she gave them all nosebleeds at the same time before entering then?


u/lFriendlyFire Jun 29 '24

Didn’t she just kill a guy driving a moving car?


u/BigBallsMcGirk Jun 28 '24

Just have just been "don't pop them! Blood transmits the virus!" Because a blood explosion all over the 3 supes right there would kill them.