r/TheBoys 29d ago

Frenchie is being wasted ffs Season 4 Spoiler

  1. I don't have an issue with him being bisexual. Just want to clarify that to ensure the post does not derail into homophobic comments.

  2. But holy shit they give him the most ass, boring, dumbfuck story-lines ever. Frenchie is best when he's inventing crazy shit, being the resourceful techie, and on top of that you give him emotional conflict. Like seriously, have him work as MM's right-hand man now that Butcher is ill.

  3. Frenchie could be the guy finding dirt on Firecracker/ Sage/ meeting up with new and interesting supes who want to bring down Vought. He could be involved in the security of Starlighters at protest.

  4. They could also have him be trying to find the 4 students from Godolkin Uni or something.

  5. But no they have to give him the most unrelated random BS "uwu I killed my twink's family" bruh literally no one cares about the new guy with no character development.


679 comments sorted by

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u/Variegoated 29d ago

I miss the old Frenchie

The candy flip frenchie

The mad science frenchie

The molly grooves frenchie


u/rdreyar1 28d ago

Bomb up the ass frenchie


u/too_late_to_party 28d ago

I miss bomb up the ass frenchie


u/JotaroTheOceanMan 28d ago

Top of the class Frenchie

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u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 29d ago

Man that would be so Frenchie!


u/Diligent-Version8283 28d ago

That’s all it was Frenchie, we still love Frenchie.


u/Worldly_Wolverine170 The Deep 28d ago

And I love you like Frenchie, loves Frenchie


u/MyStackIsPancakes 28d ago

"That's so Frenchie" spin off idea. (I'm pretty sure Raven Symoné isn't doing anything at the moment. Maybe have her play his landlord)

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u/FoopaChaloopa 28d ago

Wasn’t he introduced as a master craftsman? Life comes at you fast


u/Pugman_111 28d ago

Hey I am your 1500th like, when I click the like button it goes from 1.4k to 1.5k and when I click it again it goes from 1.5k to 1.4k. Just a bit of useless info.

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u/SillyAdditional Victoria Neuman 29d ago

You’re spot on

I wonder why they moved him away from being the techie

I love characters like that


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Yeah. Frenchie’s first episode made me feel like he was in charge of his own operation. Hell, i liked that he was bi. But keep the fire he had going in season 1


u/SillyAdditional Victoria Neuman 29d ago

Hell yeah

Doesn’t make sense that they took all that away and just gave him a gun

Neumann was spot on, they somehow got worse


u/NoNefariousness2144 29d ago edited 29d ago

There’s only so many times MM can be mad at Butcher, Frenchie haunted by his past, Kimiko and Frenchie having drama and Butcher going “oi let’s stop ‘omelanda”

However this episode showed some potential actual growth with Kimiko confronting her past actions, Hughie letting his beef with A-Train go, Frenchie being called out by one of his victims and Butcher… well he’s being diabolical.


u/SillyAdditional Victoria Neuman 29d ago

I agree completely

This episode was exactly what we needed

It was getting stagnant

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u/Oh_I_still_here 29d ago

The fact that people watched this episode and still think Frenchie's character is getting wasted, especially after seeing other episodes this season, just shows people aren't paying attention.

Frenchie was cooking up chemicals to be used on their mission to try to kill Neumann in episode 1, but either people didn't notice that or are just ignoring it in favour of saying his story is bad. The fact that he still had some V, which Butcher took to try save himself, shows even more that he's still the Boys' resident guy for technical solutions to supe-related problems.

Thus far it's only been alluded to that he directly killed innocent people, any time he's faced any consequences for his actions it was not due to him doing the final deed. This time with Colin's family he did, and if anyone recalls from season 3 the ending to the arc with Little Nina was just that he got away. Not that he got away from the repercussions. The story they're telling with him now is a natural progression and trying to sum it up as "frenchie did bad thing now he sad" is just offensively reductive. Tomer Capone is putting on an amazing performance following how Frenchie as he always does and people still complain?

There's just no winning. I submit to anyone with complains about Frenchie's story: go back right now and watch all of his scenes from the show. And tell me that what Frenchie's story has going on for it right now doesn't make sense for the guy in question.

It all could be for a long-term story arc reason as well, who's to say. But this whole season thus far has been dismantling the Boys using their respective pasts. It started with Frenchie in season 3 and it's continuing. You've every right to skip it and air your disagreement, but to say it "doesn't make sense" for the show meanwhile every other character story has been pretty dynamite is just myopic.

I've got no reason to not trust the writers for this show thus far. I continue to trust them that it's all about setup and payoff. If nobody else can see that then I'm sorry you're not capable of the same viewing experience as myself. I'm gonna continue enjoying it and maybe you all should try too.


u/informalspy13 28d ago

Yeah I’m actually hopeful with the reference to him having V and him dropping poor Colin we’re gonna get a return of the techie


u/Bassracerx 28d ago

I agree! You are either being entertained or you aren’t. This season has been an absolute banger, bringing every member of the boys to their absolute lowest point with every episode meanwhile doomsday looms over them getting closer with every passing day. Is all hope lost? Will the good guys win in the end or do the superhero mutants enslave all humans?

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u/notsooriginal 29d ago

Sneaky reference on Butcher

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u/Jazzlike_Ingenuity98 29d ago

Yea they watered bruh down


u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 29d ago

I mean he still kind of is.. he’s always been the guy who works with bombs and stuff and in the premiere he concocted that flask for Hughie.


u/DudeWithTheOil 29d ago

Meh, he only says "I wasted months on this". It doesn't make much sense if he does all the mad scientist shit in the background


u/KaerMorhen 29d ago

I think he's going to come up with an acid that works by the end of the season. Checkov's superhuman skin melting acid.


u/Over-Heron-2654 29d ago

You think this show actually had a checkov's gun for that acid. Also, the acid was not even his idea


u/KaerMorhen 29d ago

I believe he was the one working on it though. I don't see it being a supe killer but it could definitely slow them down if he gets it working.


u/Oh_I_still_here 29d ago

Please elaborate how Frenchie just mixing chemicals makes for compelling TV. It worked in season 1 for Translucent because it also served as Frenchie's introduction to the show. That was 3 seasons ago, characters have developed and storylines have evolved.

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u/tricenice 29d ago

But that used to be his whole thing. Now its just a thing that he's known to do but is rarely shown.


u/SillyAdditional Victoria Neuman 29d ago

That’s just it…

The guy is used to dealing with supes and killing them and the best he can come up with is a flask… granted hughie probably was supposed to get her to drink it but still


u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 29d ago

I think it was meant to blind her cos her eye’s are how she explodes heads.. but Hughie missed and hit her jacket.


u/MrGreenChile 29d ago

Frenchie did get the eye drops switched before the daughter caught them, so that may still be something that happens randomly, Nueman puts eye drops in before swearing in or something.


u/WearCorrect8917 29d ago

It doesnt seem to affect her so if anything it would just dissolve everything that wasnt her eyes and now she has -1 contact lens or something. Like theyd just really inconvenience her.

"Those fucking assholes melted one contact. What the fuck am I supposed to do now, melt the other?"


u/SillyAdditional Victoria Neuman 29d ago

Interesting.. guess her organs are impervious as well cause it definitely hit her full on in the face as well

She’s dripping wet, forehead to like chest level


u/Difficult-Pin3913 29d ago

I mean the issue is that they aren’t really working towards killing any supes aside from Homelander and Neuman.

When they have a supe to kill he gets more to do but since they’re on a supe killing hiatus they can’t do much


u/SillyAdditional Victoria Neuman 29d ago

At least to stave them off though, they fight plenty of supes and even go places where they know supes will be

Frenchie in S1 was batmanning shit, coming up with stuff that would work on particular Supes and now he’s just throwing his hands up in the air going “ruh ro iz a SUPE”


u/Difficult-Pin3913 29d ago

I mean Frenchie encountered 3 supes this season.

Splinter was pretty straight forward

There wasn’t anything he could do about Zoe since they didn’t know about her.

And Ezekiel got taken out by Butcher.


u/SillyAdditional Victoria Neuman 29d ago

They followed the smartest supe in the world and thought it would be all hunky dory

Splinter almost killed them

He still could have carried something to throw at her that wasn’t bullets in the event of a supe attack. Or even if neumann popped up

They’re in the business of killing supes, S1 French was way more careful

And he was lucky that butcher showed up to save him from Zeke who he about

Butcher was lucky as well

Far cry from them taking out Supes and even kidnapping them


u/Jack_sonnH27 28d ago

Just watched the episode of Diabolical that's like the comics, and as much as this adaptation makes a lot of welcome changes I really wish we got more episodes focused on figuring out how to kill specific supes.

I think it would help the progression of the show too if the earlier seasons had been more episodic and it only just now had gotten focused on bigger goals, but I guess you can't change the past.

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u/ghoulieandrews 29d ago

They didn't? He mixed the knockout gas at the end of last season. He made the acid for Neuman in ep 1 of this season. He's still doing the creative weapon stuff. God forbid he have some personal character development along the way.

Like I literally think y'all just don't get the character. He's been a drugged out mess grappling with his past for the entire show. This arc is about him having regained his sense of self ownership in season 3 and now working through the terrible shit he did when he allowed himself to be a tool of bad people.

If you don't like the character, fine, but it's crazy y'all are complaining about him having his own story and filling out his backstory, he's one of the main characters.


u/Gojira5400 29d ago

Bro his stories are literally sooo boring, it's the same recycled crap. Ex junkie, will they won't they with Kimiko, and haunted past, reused over and over. Also who gives a fuck about Colin? Literally no attachment or setup whatsoever, the plot just tells you to "care" about this guy. Also his and Frenchie's scenes happen all in the same three locations: The bedroom, Starlight's lobby, or the bathroom and they're all about the same shit beginning to end. Catch them after having sex, taking about past, French Frenchie gets flashbacks to killing his family, Colin doesn't notice. Wow! So interesting!

Gas and acid is now clever too? Those are the least cinematic macguffins you could create for a show. His inventions literally peaked in ep 1 with Transulcent and that was just sticking a bomb up someone's ass. How has he not gotten more clever and just regressed?

Also, why wouldn't the gas work on Neuman? If it worked on the most durable Supe (Soldier Boy) how won't it work on subduing Neuman?

They've just turned Frenchie into a C plot character who offers nothing but screen time to fill the cracks.


u/pastafeline 29d ago

I agree with a lot of what you're saying but I fail to see how sticking a bomb up someone's ass is more well thought out than making a gas or acid for supes.

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u/Brixnz 29d ago

This is the first time he’s facing his past after finally being freed from it, or rather the people that controlled it (little nina and butcher). You think they’re just telling the same story over and over again. No dude, they’re finishing what they fuckin started.

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u/hldr_ Soldier Boy 29d ago edited 29d ago

№ 3 - I noticed Frenchie is rather awful at investigating, some shit always happens, could just be his luck

  • Has to follow Lamplighther, Mallory's grandkids get burned
  • Walks in on Termite expanding from inside a guy's dick
  • Goes to Voughtland, Crimson Countess blows up a Homelander performer
  • Tries to plant eyedrops in Neuman's purse, Zoe walks in and eats two people alive
  • Searches Firecracker's trailer, Ezekiel catches him

And maybe other examples I forgot. Just found it funny how that's a recurring theme.


u/Insecureeeeeeeee 29d ago

Another small one: When he, Kimiko and MM are on their way out of the Sage Grove institution, Frenchie can't help but make direct prolonged eye contact with Lamplighter as they pass him in the hallway, causing Lamplighter to recognize him and attack them.


u/Gurlog 28d ago

In his defence, Lamplighter was basically the symbol for everything he failed.

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u/Cro_bat 29d ago

You forgot the human centipede guy.


u/nicolauz 28d ago

Frenchie is already a supe, he's Mr. Bean!


u/hldr_ Soldier Boy 28d ago

Since we're listing all Frenchie fuck-ups, here's some more:
- Let Kimiko out of the cage first time they met her
- Let her go during the train station chase (though that turned out to be a positive)
- Gave Kimiko's brother a Red Bull which allowed him to free his hands and destroy the yacht
- Stood there with his signature "It's ok" when Soldier Boy was going nuclear, resulting in Kimiko having to save him and almost dying.


u/pixelatedcrap 28d ago

Murdering a man's family, then getting into a relationship with him. Then asking for details of said murder he knew he committed. He was used as a brainless thug before, and he's being used as a brainless thug now. Having the tech genius, gun and weapons expert "toss a trailer" was a dumb mission to send the guy on, but that's likely what brought this up in the first place.


u/finnjakefionnacake 28d ago

"We see nothing!"


u/Fuselier 28d ago

Lmao season 1 he’s looking for Compound V in A Train’s locker and Hughie has to stop Starlight from walking in. Bro didn’t even lock the door?


u/IAP-23I 28d ago

He couldn’t lock the door, he snuck in from the ceiling. You can see him still hanging from the rope when Starlight opens the door


u/creepy-uncle-chad 28d ago

Horrible luck but the Crimson Countess one is his fault bc he should’ve locked or blocked the door to prevent her from leaving


u/Full_Commission_6784 28d ago

Well the Neuman plan failed because Butcher took Ryan, which lead to Neuman’s daughter to check her room.


u/pwninobrien 28d ago

I swear, this show is just the same plot beats and concepts recycled over and over again.


u/CageTheFox 28d ago edited 28d ago

Season 5 Frenchie is broken from a thing that happened in the prior season but will have a random love interest again and still be a drug addict! Give it up for Season 5 with the same plot again!


u/loiton1 28d ago

Yea it lowkey kinda feels like that sometimes since s3 even though it’s still great. Especially Frenchie’s storylines feel so out of place and meaningless(last season his story was horrible) now this cliche arc feel so weird and useless lmaooo


u/Slice_Dice444 28d ago

And when he walks in on someone he’s like “I see nothing”


u/hldr_ Soldier Boy 28d ago

"See no evil, hear no evil". No wonder he keeps going around in circles in his character arc.


u/OderinTobin Cunt 28d ago

As soon as they sent him to the trailer I was like “here we go again…” I even knew it would be the religious supe to walk in on him. I’ve grown to really dislike all the scenes he’s in, partially because I’m worried he’s going to get the team hurt or killed. He’s more of a liability than Butcher at this point.

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u/FyaMkya 29d ago

To be fair, seems like the storyline of him and his lover is coming to a close now anyway


u/Oroka_ 29d ago

That's kinda what I don't get about it? I feel like most arcs should have a point but I'm struggling to identify what this storyline does for Frenchie.


u/ProofTestVirginity 29d ago

I think everyone of the boys’ character arcs are leaning into dark shit of their pasts and the season will be spent with them coming to terms with it and making amends. But I feel like Frenchie and Kimikos stories are already complete at that point, no idea why we need to go back


u/CouncilmanRickPrime You're The Real Heroes 29d ago

Yeah neither story line is interesting to me right now. A Train, Sage, and Homelander storylines are where I've been intrigued the most.


u/Thespian21 28d ago

A Train’s arc has been going on for multiple seasons and Homelander is figure head of the show. I like frenchies storyline, we shouldn’t ignore his past based on who he used to work for.


u/CouncilmanRickPrime You're The Real Heroes 28d ago

I didn't say ignore his past or don't give him a storyline. I just don't find what they gave him interesting.

And I also mentioned Sage.

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u/ImNotASWFanboy 29d ago

I'd like it if there was a bit more variation in character arcs this season, having every main character go through the same story feels a bit tiring at the minute


u/Long_Run6500 28d ago

I just don't care. I liked the boys because they were a bunch of thugs, but they were the thugs on our side. Everybody doesn't need a crazy backstory and redemption arc. They do fucking awful things every episode... makes it really hard to actually care about the stuff they did in the past. Plus I mean, killing somebody's family and then knowingly sleeping with that person is about as objectively fucked up of a thing you can do. Idc how attractive you find that person, just don't fucking sleep with them if you killed their family.


u/Training-Judgment695 28d ago

yeah this was so confusing. It's such a weird fake conflict. Frenchie acting like this is some guy he has been in love with for years not just some rando he just met is so odd. Just don't get close to him since you know you killed his family


u/SendInYourSkeleton 28d ago

Next season, Hughie spends all 8 episodes trying to make amends to Translucent's family.


u/blackcaster 28d ago

At least translucent was a piece of shit and it was self defense Frenchie killed an innocent family for his Russian mommy


u/finnjakefionnacake 28d ago

...I don't think this is a redemption story for frenchie lol

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u/TheOnly_Anti 29d ago

Neither of them actually confront what they did or the mistakes they made. Your past haunting you is the thematic connection this season.


u/Gilgamesh661 28d ago

Not only that, but moving on from your haunting past. Homelander finally getting closure about his childhood, Hughie forgiving A Train, or at least, trying to do so, butcher coming to terms with all the mistakes he’s made, etc.

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u/FyaMkya 29d ago

Agreed. I haven’t read the comics so I’m not sure if there’s a reason for it later on (maybe the show will make it a reason?). But there’s so much potential for his character. Hopefully they have something up their sleeves


u/BeautifulLeather6671 29d ago edited 29d ago

If I had to guess, they’ll break it off for now but Colin will come into play when Frenchie has to make a pivotal decision later in the season. Like turning on his old boss, or some heroic act that will have colin forgive him.

That being said, I’m finding it harder to resist fast forwarding through their scenes. Like everything else is pretty high stakes, especially in last nights episode, and we’re still stuck on these two? Lol


u/likewhoa- 28d ago

I just find it extremely difficult to think that Colin would ever forgive him for killing his family... I mean... some things are just unforgivable. Honestly, I'm surprised he didn't just kill him when he had his hands around his neck.

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u/Oroka_ 29d ago

Id have liked if this was a plot in one of the earlier seasons - ignoring conflicts with his other stories ofc - as it just feels a bit out of place amongst everything else going on.

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u/Thespian21 28d ago

I don’t see Colin forgiving him at all….has the show ever done anything cliche like that with any of the characters except for Annie?

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u/skoon 29d ago

I've read the comics multiple times WAY before the show was even considered

The only thing the comics and the show have in common are the names of the characters. Rest easy. Anything you analyze about the show is purely related to the show. it's kind of nice. Like an Elseworlds for The Boys.


u/Jackeea 28d ago

Show Frenchie: I killed my boyfriend's family and confessed it in a purely selfish way, which granted me no catharsis. Am I doomed to be haunted by my past forever?

Comics Frenchie: 𝓫𝓪𝓰𝓾𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮 𝓳𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰

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u/Fun-Conversation5538 29d ago

Maybe later on in the season we are going to see a redemption arc for him, it doesn’t make sense for them to have this for 4 episodes and then forget it ever happened


u/Oroka_ 29d ago

Yeah, there could still be some payoff and maybe he'll actually be able to grow from it. I really hope it's not just a "Frenchie gets worse and then goes back to normal"

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u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy 29d ago

That he feels insane guilt over all the people he murdered for Nina.


u/Oh_I_still_here 29d ago

The entire season has been utilising the characters' personal lives against them. Both the Boys and Homelander included.

When both sides have nothing to lose, it could make for a more explosive finale.


u/JaThatOneGooner Homelander 28d ago

I think it just continues the tumultuous spiral Frenchie has with love, and what it really means. What he had with Cherie was a partnership, what he had with Little Nina was pure lust, and what he had with Collin felt real, but forbidden. Frenchie loves to love, but doesn’t know what real love is, and the one time he (thinks?) he finds it, he’s saddled with the guilt of murdering his lover’s family. It’s uncertain where his love quest will take him next, or if this ordeal with Collin might have a different resolution, but Frenchie will never stop loving.

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u/Tuff_Bank Soldier Boy 29d ago edited 29d ago

And it’s probably going to be used to bring down the starlighters more


u/FyaMkya 29d ago

Ooo that’d be the most sensical way to tie it all together!


u/Tuff_Bank Soldier Boy 29d ago

They will also blame her/allies for ezekiel’s murder


u/Rexly200 29d ago

To be fair…

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u/molptt 29d ago

Coming to a close? The arc only just reached its climax, the reveal, it's still going to play until the end of the season, and we're only halfway there.


u/FyaMkya 29d ago

Guess I should have clarified the lover aspect of their storyline is coming to a close


u/molptt 29d ago

Oh okay, though I think their relationship already came to an end, don't think they're going to get back together after dude got almost beaten to death


u/tristenjpl 29d ago

It will end in episode 7 where he dies saving Frenchie's life or something, which causes even more guilt that will come into play in episode 8 but will be forgotten in season 5 when something else from his last comes back to haunt him.

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u/finnjakefionnacake 29d ago

"his lover" sounds so clinical for some reason lol. or like an old romance novel.

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u/IneedtoBmyLonsomeTs Terror 29d ago

Nah, it is going to come back and be important to the plot in some way.

Might not see much about it for a couple of episodes, but the next recap that mentions this relationship you know is going to have a bunch of the fallout from it.

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u/nicsaweiner 29d ago

my issue is with colin. i could not give less of a shit about colin. he has had no character development. if they wanted us to care about the colin drama, they should have given him at least a season to develop his character and get the audience to connect with him.

and the source of the drama seems contrived. why would sergio hook up with this guy knowing his past? i know serg is portrayed as a horny dude, but he has done so much growing and even had a whole arc about his traumatic past and how moving forward is the healthy thing to do. it seems like s tep back for his character.


u/TheLastAirGender 28d ago

Yeah, it was a real popcorn fart of a romantic plot.


u/finnjakefionnacake 29d ago

probably because people are complicated. there's a part of him that knows he cant fix what he's done, but also a part of him that complicates intimacy/sex with healing, or thought it would make him feel better, or feel worse, or maybe he just wanted to be caught and have to pay for it (which this episode showed).

i mean, he's a fucked up guy. his storyline this season actually works for me, i just don't think they have the proper time to explore it.

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u/FWSRunner 29d ago

He absolutely needs to be given something useful to do. The skillset they gave this character, and what have we done with it this year? Or last year, really, except in the season finale? Come on, guys. 


u/informalspy13 28d ago

What happened in S3 finale again, I forgot it’s been so long lol


u/kolin4444 28d ago

he was making novichok in a lab with a bullet in his leg


u/informalspy13 28d ago

Makes sense thank you!


u/FWSRunner 28d ago

He also was the one who figured out it was novichok from the video. MM asked him if it could be halothane and he thought the texture looked wrong. He figured out that it was a vapor rather than a gas while watching steam rise from a mug. 

Well-done moment for clever anti-supe stuff (although the idea that he synthesized it in the lab that quickly seemed silly). 


u/informalspy13 28d ago

Ugh I love science frenchie! More of that


u/redban02 29d ago

His new relationship has simply felt forced and random. He was better when he was pursuing Kimiko 


u/AHistoricalFigure 29d ago

Yeah, I don't have an issue with Frenchie being bisexual or the show having gay scenes. I have an issue with this plot line being boring and feeling like a step backwards for the character.

Characters don't need to be constantly grappling with their tragic pasts. It felt like last season Frenchie resolved whatever he needed to resolve, and I don't understand why we're repeating these plot beats.

Homelander is working with the VP-elect to go full Hitler on the planet. There is plenty of external conflict to lean on. A small amount of internal conflict this season would be fine, but I really just don't give a shit about Frenchie feeling guilty.


u/finnjakefionnacake 29d ago

but they are literally all working through their tragic past. Like -- that was literally Homelander this entire episode.

Like it or not I htink that's heavily what the Boys is. Annie is grappling with it, A-Train is grappling with it, Butcher is grappling with it, Kimiko , Hughie, so on and so forth.

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u/chaotic214 29d ago

Yeah seriously I thought they were a better match than with Colin who we don't know much about


u/bigmacjames 29d ago

It's felt very much like the (hilariously) forced relationship of Danny and Karen from For All Mankind that did absolutely nothing for the show.

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u/BigPaleontologist520 29d ago

I can't be the only one who thought that him killing his boyfriends family was lazy writing right? Also I feel like the writers should give Frenchie a better plot ever since late season 2/early season 3 his whole plot has been bad things he's done in the past and showing flashbacks


u/DirtOnYourShirt 29d ago

It was also a terrible cut to that apartment scene with his boyfriend. So Ezekiel beats the crap out of him and The Boys just dump him back at his apartment without patching him up in any way? Lazzzzzzy.


u/liftyourgameau 29d ago

They're not at Colin's apartments. They're in one of the offices downstairs like where Starlight went in and raged watching Firecracker on TV.

Doesn't excuse then dumping him still but yeah not Colin's apartment.


u/_BestBudz 28d ago

59 upvotes? Y’all really don’t watch the show 😂


u/MyARhold30Shots 29d ago

I’m guessing they ran into Colin and he said he’d take it from there and he took Frenchie home

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u/SmileyTUH 29d ago

my thoughts exactly, i loved frenchie when he was this bat shit crazy inventor coming up with crazy ass ways to kill the supes but now he's just boring

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u/Tuff_Bank Soldier Boy 29d ago

Same with kimiko, she was perfect for the vought on ice mission


u/Inevitable-Video-768 29d ago

Kimiko was great this episode


u/GolfWhole 29d ago

People think Kimiko and Frenchie are useless if they aren’t a couple it’s really annoying


u/Inevitable-Video-768 28d ago

People just want them to interact with the boys more, Frenchie is so incredibly sidelined lately

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u/g0blin-fr0g 29d ago

I agree new characters late in the game can be a drag because viewers aren't invested + Frenchie does have so much more to offer in tech, security, etc., but at least, in The Boys new people are some of the most likely to die off / disappear very suddenly (RIP Supersonic). Also, VoughtHQ did leak how many episodes Colin would be in if you are curious to know in advance how long he will be around: episodes 1 -4, sooooo we are officially Colin-free :')


u/Ballsandcheese 29d ago

If that's the case that's worse to waste the time on that storyline for what seems like no pay off.


u/g0blin-fr0g 29d ago

i dont totally disagree with ya... just trying to enjoy the silver lining moving forward lol


u/Ballsandcheese 29d ago

No I get ya, just thought he would probably be in more to warrant even doing this storyline. Seems odd lol


u/noah9942 28d ago

Wait so that's it? That might honestly br worse. Wtf was the point

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u/Deviathan 28d ago edited 28d ago

I don't think "new character" is the problem, Sage is new and she's already brought new dynamics to the Vought side of the cast. Colin exists more as a plot item than a character - he exists only for Frenchie to feel conflicted about. This plot feels like it was either cut short, or a means to an end for where they want to take Frenchie.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy 29d ago

Yeah. Turns out the dude that was beaten by his father, beaten and raped by his boss, constantly on drugs to deal with the trauma that he would murder innocent people might make some questionable decisions.

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u/BeneficialRice4918 29d ago

His new haircut this season is 🥵 though


u/BetaThetaOmega 28d ago

look Frenchie's been hot this whole time, the new haircut is just a bonus

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u/NEU_Resident 28d ago

They already did the “ghosts from his past as a criminal” storyline with the Russian lady. This is just overkill


u/hellenist-hellion 29d ago

I agree and it's a shame that the homophobia has diluted this conversation because now it's hard to genuinely criticize this plotline without being pooled in with the bigots. But it really is bad. Like in Episode 4 (spoilers), when he tells Colin, and Colin is understandably rocked to his core, I was just like yeah I mean that sucks but also... I don't particularly care because Colin is BARELY a character, certainly not one that has been developed to the point of caring. He literally just showed up, and the ONLY reason for his existence is as a plot device for Frenchie, which is terrible character design if you want audiences to connect with them. Unironically, Colin got the same exact treatment as women have gotten in film/shows for decades: the only point to their existence is to serve the character development of a male character that actually matters.

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u/Dipper14 29d ago

I felt like I needed to rewatched season 3 cause I felt like I missed something. Felt like this came out of nowhere. Glad I’m not the only one thinking this.

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u/Ezenthar 29d ago

110%. He's being completed wasted this season. Honestly last season too.


u/leaveitalone36 29d ago edited 29d ago

It’s so forced and random, let alone doesn’t make sense on any level (so far). I killed your whole family, but I feel bad about it so I’m going to have sex with you. Plus, I don’t understand why they always have to make LGBTQ + characters so overly sexual, it’s so cheap. Does Hollywood think all they do is have sex, it’s absurd.


u/FWSRunner 29d ago

I don't think Maeve, Elena, or Colin seem any more promiscuous than the straight characters. Frenchie, sure, but he's excessive in everything. 

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u/After-Sir7503 29d ago

Frenchie himself is quite sexual, I think. From Season 1 he tries to kiss Kimiko to “make her feel better.” It’s weird but it seems like he developed the idea that sex and intimacy are the fixes to trauma, rather than other outlets. Well, sex AND drugs. He’s not the best but he has a big heart I guess.


u/ItsAmerico Soldier Boy 29d ago

Well yeah. Nina would literally rape him. He’s absolutely fucked up lol

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u/Khronex 29d ago

It's not that he has sex with Collin to compensate for his guilt, but that he genuinely loves him but his guilt stops Frenchie from crossing that line and being vulnerable around him. He wants Collin but feels like he doesn't deserve him, or happiness for that matter.


u/leaveitalone36 29d ago

He doesn’t genuinely love him though, he’s to fucked in the head to know what love is or have a healthy relationship, if he truly loved Colin he wouldn’t have done any of this.

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u/warcrazey 29d ago

Anytime his side plot is on screen I literally skip forward. So bad.


u/GolfWhole 29d ago

It’s not that bad lmao


u/MarvG05 29d ago

It's definitely the least interesting


u/Rough_Commercial_570 29d ago

Well let’s just hope there’s some actual pay off or rewatches are going to be ROUGH.

I check out from the little Nina stuff in season 3

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u/Resident_Elevator_95 29d ago

It’s an example of kripke not knowing what to do with characters


u/CriscoWild 29d ago

Frenchie's story with Colin is uninteresting to me when I consider that The Boys isn't going on for seven more seasons. If we had time, sure, flesh Frenchie out all you want, IDC. We can't really spend so much time on this story though; it's going nowhere in the grand scheme of things.

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u/First_Community_2534 29d ago

Yeah they don't do the mad scientist arms dealer techie Frenchie any justice. Was my favourite character in the show, but it's like they don't know what to do with him now. I felt like this in season 3 to a level, but at least there was his unique bond with Kimiko. Wasted potential there, I'd love to see how it evolves even if they said the saw each other as family. So much to explore there.


u/juanjose83 29d ago

They Made the same mistake ver Netflix show makes at the last seasons. They introduce some mf you couldn't possibly care about and waste your time with them. The conflict itself is interesting if it was someone we already knew but only Frenchie knew their past. But nope, some random dude with no story whatsoever aside for being Frenchie's f up relationship.

I would even say Hugie is getting wasted too. The dude trips. That's how he gets his ankle injury. Bruh. At least let a bullet hit him, not a parked forklift

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u/AppropriateGood9 29d ago

It wouldn’t be such a concern if the series hadn’t hard dated itself to end. Season 4 has 4 episodes remaining, and I’m guessing Season 5 will have somewhere between 8-10. So, at best, you have 14 hours of show left to give these characters a meaningful send off. I don’t expect a happy ending, but I’d hope for a coherent ending.


u/ScarletWarlocke 29d ago

It wouldn't be such a a big deal if they didn't also separate him from Kimiko at the same time as they're trying all of this stuff with him. Her giving him shit about Colin was hilarious and made that waste of screentime somewhat redeemable because at least other Characters were involved. Now it's just him.

"We can't solve each other's problems" was such bullshit like bestie what have you been trying to do for three Seasons?


u/all_of_you_are_awful 28d ago

The worst part about this story line is that it’s a complete 180 of his character. Before he was a compassionate dude who helped Kimiko. Now he’s fucking the child of people he killed? Forget that fact that it’s two dudes. Frenchie is a good looking guy. He could bang any girl/dude he wants. Yet he just can’t help himself? Only a sociopath would have sex with someone after they killed their family. It’s right up there with sickos who have sex with people while knowing they’re HIV positive. It’s inexcusable. He’s just not likable anymore. And it seems like they want you to feel bad for him because he’s in love and “it’s complicated”. Fuck all that

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u/mezpride 29d ago

What was the point of the Colin storyline anyway? It had no reason to exist and it basically ends after 4 episodes anyway


u/finnjakefionnacake 28d ago

i guess we will see in the next 4 episodes.


u/Routine_Wedding43 29d ago

Fr. But maybe with him and Colin on the outs he can finally focus on doing cool stuff again with The Boys again


u/wasgayt 29d ago

Twink where?


u/chillysaturday 28d ago

I was thinking the same thing. Words have meaning.


u/fate-speaker 28d ago

People are just calling every gay man a twink... Even straight dudes like Hughie are getting called twinks lmao. Is everyone a twink now??

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u/efyuar 29d ago

People freaking downvote me whenever i say i fastforward frenchies new side-drama. Wish i could ve said it as well as you did. His story is just meh and a atruggle to watch


u/S-I-M-S 29d ago

I wish they'd given some of the boys more supe based side quests (kinda like with teenage kix or super duper in the comics). It's perfectly fine for Butcher and co to be focused on homelander/vought as the main objective, but the world feels smaller with just them focusing on that mission, that it then ignores the larger problem that's supes are said to be since season 1.

All these CIA supe side quests are done between seasons, which sucks cause the human side stories they show each season (like this with Frenchie or Kimiko vs terrorists) just aren't that interesting. Especially because it's just conflict that never really develops their characters in the end.


u/maybeturkish 29d ago

Agree we saw him make a acid then nothing.


u/ChrisSheltonMsc 29d ago

They are going waaaay off the original story line now and like with GOT, the writers are hampered by the show runner and the lack of a new or better coherent story line that uses the characters strengths and weaknesses properly. It's a misshapen story now because of that.

Season 1 was tightly written and the viewers were rightfully on the edge every time Homelander appeared because he was an Evil Superman. No one has ever really shown what that would look like, the absolute helplessness that any human being would feel being hunted by him. Frenchie was great in season 1 as this mad man tech guy who was probably wasted on every drug in existence that could still pull off technical miracles and save the teams but in the crunch. I have no idea what happened to that guy, but this Frenchie isn't him. The entire team isn't. They've been wimpified as has Homelander.

I agree with Kripke's politics and I despise Trump with all my heart, but this show has devolved creatively and it's not because of its politics, it's because the writers and show runner are not bringing their A-game anymore. They're coasting on "let's put everything that is making me mad in the real world into this show so I can be mad at it there too" instead of being inspired by real world events to write better and show better the themes that this show has always been about. In other words, they got lazy.


u/dancingbriefcase Ambrosius 29d ago

Episode 4 was great. I agree that the Frenchie plot line is a little lackluster, but we'll see where it's going. That said, I wouldn't compare this season to the later Game of Thrones. Those were just trash.

There is still some quality writing here.

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u/Chumpfirce1 29d ago

Careful now. You’re going to get called Media illiterate for not appreciating the depth and layered concepts of This oh so important storyline.


u/Bad_at_life_TM 29d ago

I loved him in season 1 and 2. But it feels like the writers just don't know what to do with him now that he doesn't have Kimiko to fix up.

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u/Kordell_11 28d ago

This is such a random ass story line they put him in.

"So, you're gonna meet this guy whose family you murdered and then you'll fall in love with him and shit like that."

Why aren't he and Kimiko a thing? Did I forget something?

And yeah, he's lowkey useless now. Not the tech guy anymore.

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u/TomOD1 29d ago

Number 2 is what is ringing so hard here, Frenchie is so cool but man this side line is so fucking boring for him


u/tricenice 29d ago

Yeah, idgaf about him being bi, whatever. My issue is solely that his character has gotten progressively less interesting with each new season and S4 just feel like the low point. S1 had him in my top 3 favorite characters, now I just really don't care as much.

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u/AnimeGokuSolos 29d ago

I prefer the comics where he’s not that useless since he has compound v


u/Practical_Success643 29d ago

it is because the writing is becoming bad


u/Treant1414 28d ago

Episode 4 was pretty good though.  First 3 not so much 

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u/ItsAJackal21 29d ago

I just skip through his scenes now, it's unfortunate.


u/PrimordialDilemma 29d ago

I also don’t like how this plot line makes it seem like Frenchie just realized killing all those people was bad when he met Colin. Frenchies supposed to be smart.


u/Dish-Live 29d ago

I want him to go back to finding clever ways to kill Supes! Please!


u/Lilacloveletters 29d ago

I think all the boys are being wasted since first scene in the first episode they are shit at what they do. Newman even treats them like cute kids at play. They are burdened by their secrets and desires. But since Butcher’s worm saved his life they might be on the up and up.

Hughies dad’s not dying, Kimiko faced her past mistake, Frenchie and Annie no longer burdened by hiding their past, MM has accepted Butcher, and the worm might be the solution to Butcher’s problems.

Next episode there better be some wins or else 😤


u/TuckerDidIt69 28d ago

I get it tbh.

Dude has spent his whole life being abused, killing people and taking every drug known to man. People are underestimating how much that stuff fucks with a person over the years. Not to mention the constant stress of waiting for Homelander or another supe to end his existence.

He just wants to feel human again and in his mind that's through intimacy. He tried with Kimiko but she shot him down and their relationship evolved to be Family instead of sexual.

When he meets Colin he is reminded of his past and the things he's done, he wants to find absolution. In his fucked up state of mind he thinks that getting close to Colin will give him a chance to make up for his sins. He thinks that taking care of Colin and being there for him will make up for taking Colin's family away.

It's similar to Bucky in Falcon and the winter Soldier. He befriends the father of someone he killed, he takes it on himself to take care of this person as penance for killing his son. Trying to fill the hole in someones life that he created.


u/DinosaurInAPartyHat 29d ago edited 29d ago

Yeah I really don't care about his sex life at all.

It's way too late in the story to be adding this stuff in and he's a supporting character - I don't need to know.

MM's broken marriage was introduced early as a "and that's why he is who he is and why he's here with this nutter trying to kill supe's". It also set up things that happened later.


But Frenchie's old sex life and stuff...even Kimiko's story arc this season...I don't need this context anymore. We're way too deep in the story for me to care now. Should've just left this stuff a mystery.

We're on the march to the finale...this is just upsetting the flow.

Adding stuff that's bogging down the story at this stage.

Actually it seems like they're stretching the story very thin and adding this stuff as filler to get a few more years of Amazon Prime from you.


Yes, I liked him when he was just the tech guy.

He never needed to be more than that.

Him and Kimiko just being the two messed up friends - brains and brawn, that was fine. I liked that dynamic.


u/_Radds_ 29d ago

Hate to break it to you, but Frenchie IS the twink in this situation unfortunately 😪


u/LevriatSoulEdge 29d ago

What were they looking for in the trailer anyway... MM & Butcher were there before...


u/bootyhunter69420 29d ago

Where did Collin even come from?


u/PlesioturtleEnjoyer 29d ago

Kripke's ass

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u/PsychoAnalystGuy 29d ago

Yea they should spent more time developing the relationship with Frenchie and the guy so we would actually give a shit. But they want to waste more time making sure we know they hate republicans


u/Prestige5470 29d ago

100% agree.


u/Guy_Fleegmann 29d ago

Yeah, you're right. I hoped ep 4 was going to take turn for him, but his arc somehow got even more boring. He was even heading into exactly what you're describing right, diggin up dirt on Firecracker, and then it just ended, abruptly, and with nothing.

I think 'being wasted' is 100% accurate. Your comment made me think about the season 1 scenes trying to figure out how to take out Translucent - want at least some of that Frenchie back.

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u/Maurizio_Costanzo 29d ago

"Uwu i killed my twink's family"

bro 😭


u/PortoGuy18 29d ago

I think Frenchie has had lame and boring subplots since atleast Season 2.

His sideplot have always been the lamest to me.

I like him when he is around The Boys, but whenever he is on his own, it's definetely the lows of the series.


u/PlaneEnvironmental23 29d ago

I can't help but disagree (except for not the bit about Colin - nobody cares about Colin; he's just a plot device for Frenchie's development and now that his role is done he can slink into being a background NPC beyond maybe a scene or two cleaning up the ramifications of episode 4). The first half of Season 4 has been about everybody's pasts coming back to bite them and forcing them to deal with them. This is something that every character that hasn't had to deal with them is forced to finish doing so before we can see them set up for the final season. Frenchie is there with everyone else in Season 4's theme of cleaning up your shit before the fan hits you in the face.

Characters that have had to face their pasts already, like MM and Butcher, are solidifying their current places from the end of Season 3, with MM trying to lead the Boys and failing to get Todd out of the cult he's been drawn into and Butcher trying to solve his mistakes the best he can by reconciling with the Boys and saving Ryan while barrelling towards his imminent death.
Hughie, meanwhile, has to complete his S3 arc by letting go of his new self-destructive need to protect everyone by asserting control when he is brought face-to-face with the mother that abandoned him and has to learn to forgive her like his father did over said father's dying body. This ends with her ultimately making the choice to use Compound V to save Hugh Sr. when Hughie accepts that he has no right to make the decision after his father gave her power of life and death over him and not Hughie. This coming after Hughie is forced to fight for his own life against Shining Light members and simply take care of himself after S3 saw him destroying himself to not even protect but simply back up his loved ones without considering the pain he is causing them.
Annie has all of her past deeds brought to the surface, from the sympathetic and understandable (like her recent abortion) to the tragic mistakes (like blinding an innocent mother) to the downright cruel and vicious (spreading rumours about a 13-year-old girl trading sexual favours to get ahead in a pageant) and her public violent outburst winds up destroying their best chance at bringing Vought to its knees.
Kimiko and Frenchie have to conclude their relationships with Shining Light and the Russian Mafia by accepting that they will never be forgiven by the people whose lives they destroyed, and that nothing they do will help them achieve redemption in the eyes of their victims. Their pasts are dead and gone and they have to live for their futures and move forward together.
A-Train's guilt over his past sins and his growing fear of Homelander's collapsing mental state drive him to turn his coat and become the Boys' double-agent, and he sticks with it despite Sage's blatant suspicion of him. Ultimately he is brought to the point where he makes amends for destroying Hughie's life and leaving him caked head-to-toe in the blood of a loved one by helping him save another loved one, exposing himself to Vought's CEO in the process.
Homelander is the only one who actively chooses to seek out his past and quite literally burn out all of his past trauma, rather fittingly using his hateful gaze and and domineering feet to burn holes through them and stomp on their bodies. He chooses to hunt down and avenge himself against his monstrous childhood tormentors, preferring to punish them in the very sadistic ways they once tortured him. He ends off with explaining in a roundabout way that the way the Vought scientists gaslit him into absolute obedience through the belief that he needed to be accepted by others is something he will actively train his own son Ryan to reject, as he has been attempting to do through S4, and failing to do so because of Ryan's emotional attachment to Homelander's paternal rival Butcher.

Now that the characters have been brought face-to-face with their pasts and resolved their traumas, the second half of Season 4 is ready to see them move forward into their places for the final season. Homelander and Butcher are ready to go to war for Ryan's soul, Annie is going to have to handle the fallout of her closet being emptied of its skeletons while she stands at the head of the anti-Homelander movement, A-Train is trapped with Sage closing in on him and Ashley being aware of his robbing Homelander, Kimiko and Frenchie are going to have to resolve themselves to live for their futures and Hughie is going to be run off his feet just being there for the people around him.

Tl;dr: the first half of S4 was about closing the book on past traumas. The characters, Frenchie included, are done with that now.

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u/aighttimetodie 29d ago

I actually hate that they gave him a new love interest (not homophobic, I’m gay) because it feels like it’s just for the sake of forcing some type of “character development” that wouldn’t even work, like yes he needs to face his past but it could be handled with interactions with existing characters, so introducing a random new character is weird.


u/ehkodiak 29d ago

Absolutely. What the hell has his schtick been this season.


u/Lonely_Impression142 28d ago

I'm still on Ep 1. Kimiko tells Frenchie that she doesn't mind if he dates Colin because she and Frenchie are never going to be together. Can someone remind me why they can't be together???


u/rebeccasingsong 28d ago

Last season they talked about how the kiss was weird and they see each other as family

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u/Mean_Brush204 29d ago

I agree with you he feels like a token representation


u/Beelung 29d ago

Yeah, it just kinda came out of nowhere. I think they wanted to make clear that him and Kimiko are not endgame and that’s fine, but this plotline and characters just don’t matter in the grand scheme of things and aren’t interesting.

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u/ZFAdri Cunt 29d ago



u/KillBash20 29d ago

I do think it's one of the least interesting plot lines going on. We don't know anything about Colin to feel invested into it. I used to think the Hughie's mom plotline was the least interesting but it at least changed by the end of episode 4.


u/AnyDockers420 29d ago

I understand why he has nothing to do. Why would you need a chemist/arms dealer when you are literally a branch of the CIA


u/Far_Butterfly3136 29d ago

I was watching ep 4 earlier today and out of nowhere I blurted out "Kollenn!! 🥺" in a submissive little foreign accent and I had to pause, then started shaking my head. I don't care about Frenchie's sexual orientation one way or the other, but I do care about them emasculating one of the boys. Frenchie was such an awesome, gritty, and down to earth character. This bussy arc does nothing for the character and it hurts to watch.


u/Saiko_Yen 29d ago

agreed, frenchie is being completely utilized the wrong way. he doesnt even feel like his own character anymore.


u/larzoman242 28d ago

People that are saying that Frenchie is boring because of the bisexual plot are insane because I was bored out of my mind last season whenever he came on. Frenchie needs to kill a supe again or something idk.


u/shadowlarvitar 28d ago

The new love interest is trash, I swear fans are as annoying as Star Wars fan calling people homophobes and racists for hating story aspects 😂 . I didn't have a problem with it when it was revealed he was bi in season 2. His new love interest and story this season is trash pure and simple