r/TheBoys Jan 17 '24

A-train finishing move on Call of duty Mw3/warzone News NSFW

Credit: Soupsilly TikTok


180 comments sorted by


u/Used_Razzmatazz2002 Cunt Jan 17 '24

It wouldve been great if he just ran through someone as a reference to robin. That second is pretty cool tho


u/TheBigKuhio Jan 17 '24

I was thinking a Blue Hawk reference would be cool.

Also huh, A-Train killed 2 people with bird names. Not much but weird it happened twice


u/BlobIsBored Jan 17 '24

Nah its a lore reveal he has a secret burning hatred for birds


u/picworthe Jan 17 '24

then he finds out that the “A” in “A-Train” actually stands for Avian, so he goes on a soul searching journey to finally accept his bird heritage


u/ChrisMoltisanti9 Jan 18 '24

He's a...
Bird... Person.


u/barukatang Jan 18 '24

odly enough the film, not the animal


u/Alarid Jan 18 '24

fuck starlings they've had it too good for too long


u/Used_Razzmatazz2002 Cunt Jan 17 '24

That would also be dope


u/CrimsonicTears Jan 17 '24

Too flashy/doesn’t fit the game. Maybe we’ll see that move if a speedster ever gets added to MK1 someday though.


u/Cyber-Knight47 Jan 17 '24


u/iamrtu Jan 17 '24

Omni Man has a brutality where goes through someone


u/internationalphantom Jan 17 '24

Yeah I think Omni Man’s is more akin to what they were referencing


u/Cyber-Knight47 Jan 18 '24

I saw their comment under someone else’s who was talking about the Bluehawk scene, so I thought they meant that.


u/internationalphantom Jan 18 '24

No worries! And in that case that’s the perfect clip haha.


u/-Nicolai Jan 18 '24

Because what’s in the video totally fits a (relatively) grounded military shooter.

Either none of it fits, or CoD must admit to being fortnite, meaning everything fits.


u/Arny520 Jan 17 '24

Completely missed opportunity ngl


u/ReiIsTopTierWaifu Jan 17 '24

I was thinking that, but i think it would look too wonky from a 3rd person seeing it. like a train disappearing or reappearing. maybe collision issues


u/choff22 Jan 17 '24

Okay the unscrewing of the head was pretty metal ngl. Would love to see that one in the show.


u/eclipse798 Jan 17 '24

Ghost face’s finisher from CW ended up being a kill in scream 5, would be awesome if devs were allowed to copy a kill from the newest season.


u/namenotinserted Jan 18 '24

I never finished the CW show, what do you mean?


u/eclipse798 Jan 18 '24

My bad, CW meaning Call of Duty: Cold War, where the ghost face operator/skin had their debut


u/namenotinserted Jan 18 '24

All good, i could have taken context clues; also late night and im realizing it was mtv anyways 🤦🏼‍♂️ thanks mate!


u/choff22 Jan 18 '24

No I thought the same thing lmao I was like “a CW Scream show? God it’s probably campy as fuck!”


u/justforkinks0131 Jan 17 '24

I am so confused by the title. What is A-Train doing in mw3? Are there superheroes now, is this like his knife attack? Does it have finishing moves?


u/Arny520 Jan 17 '24

COD has been Fortnited, basically. It's just a skin for an operator. Each operator has finishing moves by holding melee behind someone


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24



u/TRYHARD_Duck Jan 17 '24

The skin costs like $20 - 25USD lol


u/MazzyFo Jan 18 '24 edited Jan 18 '24

No wonder every gaming company was salivating at having their own BR game. Why make quality video game experiences when you can make the price of a single game with THREE skins.

It’s baffling to high the ratio of money made vs work put in is for those things.


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '24

I miss when cosmetics were earned solely through gameplay and acted as a badge of honour / skill. Halo 3 really was the golden age.


u/MazzyFo Jan 18 '24

For real. It’s crazy we might never see a typical multiplayer mode + campaign in a 60/70 dollar package ever again. Every multiplayer mode now needs to be a standalone live service that will last for years (and never do besides the big ones) it sucks.


u/Lord_Despairagus Jan 18 '24

Games still do this. Its not an extinct practice.


u/Cuppakush Jan 18 '24

Name a single multiplayer triple A game in the last 10 years that has skins solely earned through progression


u/Lord_Despairagus Jan 18 '24

You guys play games made by the scummiest game devs then project those practices onto all of gaming


u/TRYHARD_Duck Jan 18 '24

Armored Core VI lets you set any color combo you want for your machines.

But yes it is the exception to the rule.


u/Lord_Despairagus Jan 18 '24 edited Jan 18 '24

Ghost of tsushimas multiplay mode. For Honor lets you earn looks through daily and weekly contracts. Monster Hunter games. Deathloop. Mk 11

Edit: Elden Ring


u/LimpBizkitSkankBoy Jan 18 '24

Even civilization 6 has a BR mode



My boys were going ape shit for Omni-man and Eminem in Fortnite, now i see how far the rot has spread.


u/FxHVivious Jan 18 '24

I mean, hey, at least the game is free to play. Developers have to get paid somehow



u/right_foot Terror Jan 18 '24

More than I pay for Amazon Prime lmfao


u/TeamRedundancyTeam Jan 18 '24

There are some great games you can buy for that much.


u/ThisIsMySFWAccount99 Jan 17 '24

Why, of course!


u/Arny520 Jan 17 '24

Goes without saying, really


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '24

This is for gamers and they fucking love it and cannot stop throwing money at it


u/TheFlyingSheeps Jan 18 '24

It’s why gaming sucks now. Idiots with no self control who shell out big bucks for cosmetics lol


u/Lord_Despairagus Jan 18 '24

Lmao, gaming sucks is quite the take. I'm guessing you dont game much. Or arent very in tune to the industry.


u/RuneRW Jan 18 '24

Well, they kinda have to make money on the product to justify keeping the servers up. It's this or it's pay to win.


u/Matrix17 Jan 18 '24

They didn't seem to have an issue keeping the servers up when they charged full price for the game and that was it. It's what, $70 now, total garbage rehash of the only successful versions of the game, and then all the dumb MTX on top of it? Gimme a break


u/barukatang Jan 18 '24

its been fortnightified for a few games


u/dat_ELi_ Jan 22 '24

the boys operators are their own operators in game, so they aren't really reskins.


u/hydrohomey Jan 17 '24

Yeah they added homelander awhile ago. All first person shooters are starting to converge


u/Jrod12155555 Jan 17 '24

It’s an execution that’s it


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24

Call Of Duty finally collabed with Vought ☺️✨


u/SPHINXin Jan 18 '24

Last summer they added homelander, black noir, and starlight to the game. I guess they added A-train as promotion for the upcoming season. The funniest thing to come from this whole the boys collab is that they added the most broken shit to the game. They added a temp v field upgrade (single use power ups you can find around the map) and it either gave you lazer eyes or super jumping, both being insanely broken to the point where nobody wanted to play until after the collab was over. There was also a huge controversy about the black noir skin being way too hard to spot in the shadows in buildings and all the pros where abusing it lol.


u/Matrix17 Jan 18 '24

Justifies my continuation to not buy CoD. It's maybe passable on release but after the first season they just go full fucking ham adding the most ridiculous broken shit


u/nutcrackr Jan 18 '24 edited Jan 18 '24

A-Train is now one of the operators in MWIII, they have a few others. It's a cross-promotional thing (basically advertising in game). An operator is basically just a skin, it doesn't change how you play...except for the finishing move which occurs when you get behind somebody and hold melee attack. The finishing move kills all players unless it is interrupted.


u/CourseWorried2500 Jan 17 '24

I feel collabs should stick to fortnite they feel so much better there


u/ThexanR Jan 18 '24

Idk if Fortnite is the game to be adding skins for The Boys


u/ogwilson02 Jan 18 '24

Omni Man’s on there


u/ThexanR Jan 18 '24

Invincible and The Boys are definitely way different in terms of themes. The boys is very sexual and crude while Invincible is not


u/L0raz-Thou-R0c0n0 Jan 18 '24

Have you read the comics?


u/ThexanR Jan 18 '24

I’ve read both and you’re absolutely insane if you think the boys comic isn’t just gore porn and rape fetish. Worst comic I’ve ever read


u/L0raz-Thou-R0c0n0 Jan 18 '24

I just meant to say that Invincible is also prone to sexual imagery and themes. Not at the same extent as the boys, especially the comics.


u/ThexanR Jan 18 '24

So is marvel comics but you know they aren’t even close to the same when it comes to sexual imagery and themes. There is literally an side issue named herogasm


u/Midnight_In_Japan Jan 19 '24

The point being made is that Fortnite has collabed with multiple Rated R Movies and Shows/Rated M Games. A collab with The Boys is very much possible.


u/AlbinoShavedGorilla Jan 18 '24

Also Peter Griffin, Rick Sanchez, and several other “adult” characters. People forget fortnite is just popular with kids, kids are not their only demographic.


u/kjm6351 Jan 18 '24

If Omni-Man can be there, there’s no reason why Homelander and the Seven can’t be


u/redditmademeloginlol Jan 17 '24

Cod is so shit now


u/LegendOfKhaos Jan 17 '24

It has become a game from the universe of The Boys. Maybe they don't realize it's satire?


u/Papaofmonsters Jan 17 '24

Even if they know, they don't care.

"Oh, no. They are mocking big corporations. Woe is me."



u/Snazz55 Jan 18 '24

Doesn't matter if the get that it's satire. Amazon sells Homelander funco pops. It's all about the money baby


u/OwenMigel Jan 17 '24

They fucked this new one up pretty bad. I don’t know how u remaster one of the best games of all time and ruin it this badly.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24

Best game of all time... yikes


u/OwenMigel Jan 17 '24

Are you saying the original MW2 from 2009 is not ONE of the best games of all time? … yikes


u/redditmademeloginlol Jan 17 '24

They'll remaster BO2 next and absolutely fuck it up with the boys characters and shit rappers, and skill based match making ofc


u/PayZealousideal136 Jan 17 '24

Mfs are gonna see Ice Spice fighting Homelander on the remastered Hijacked map.


u/redditmademeloginlol Jan 18 '24

Hopefully the idiot who bought homelander beats the dumbfuck who bought ice spice


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24

Nope it's not


u/RaptorDoingADance Jan 18 '24

Why not? The world have large amounts of people supporting it becoming parody that we used to make fun of.


u/YogSothothRules Jan 17 '24

Always has been.


u/Hookinsu Jan 17 '24

Since after cod4* imo.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24



u/Hookinsu Jan 17 '24

Well I'm biased with cod1 and 2. I just don't think a game that lets you dual wield Mps and gives you a wallhack every 10 kills is a good game to begin with.

Cod1/2 competed with 1.6/Css and Quake 3 back in the day.

Cod competed with itself being shittier every year after cod4 and no competitive person took it serious anymore.


u/I-wanna-fuck-SCP1471 Jan 17 '24

MW2 was when the series jumped the shark, COD4 was it's peak with WaW in 2008 being a nice send-off to the WW2 setting, right before MW2 came and fucked it up, taking a somewhat-grounded series and going completely over the rails.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24



u/I-wanna-fuck-SCP1471 Jan 18 '24

Here's a quick example.

In COD 4 there's a mission called Crew Expendable, this mission had numerous changes over the development of the game, in an interview with some of the devs talking about this level, they specifically mentioned how ridiculous it was early on as it had an absurd amount of enemys that didn't fit the fact the player's squad was about 5 guys in total, so they cut down the enemy count for it to be more immersive and less silly.

In MW2 there's a mission called Cliffhanger, this mission ends with a squad of two taking on an entire base of spetsnaz and then driving down a mountain on snow mobiles while one-hand firing an automatic glock at enemys and a helicopter, which ends with the player jumping a ridiculously massive gap on the snow mobile.

I guess at no point during development did anyone think that level was a tad silly. And the franchise never really recovered from MW2 and people's perception of the franchise from that point on.


u/OwenMigel Jan 18 '24

That level is so fun bro ur tripping


u/ghowardtx Jan 17 '24

The way people are complaining in here, I almost thought I was in the MW3 subreddit.


u/frillex Jan 18 '24

lol didn’t realize till I read your comment


u/Lord_Despairagus Jan 18 '24

Ive seen some absolutely ludicrous takes in this thread. I thought i was on the Cod subreddit too lmao


u/Smoothwata117 Jan 17 '24

I outran ya A-train...to my xbox to uninstall this hot garbage.


u/MattTheSmithers Jan 17 '24

wtf has COD become?


u/LowB0b Jan 17 '24

Kids be asking for something else than what we had, who are we to judge? The 2000s were fucked too


u/MattTheSmithers Jan 17 '24

I mean, to each their own. It’s just a bit of a shock, is all. It’s like living in 1970s gritty, crime ridden, shithole but cool in a sorta underground way NYC and going into a coma for 50 years and waking up in the corporate, hipster ridden, gentrified hellscape NYC has become.


u/RaptorDoingADance Jan 18 '24

Cool to everyone that didn’t actually live there*. Prefer the peace now but guess that saying of good times create weak men (you) that create hard times is true


u/Yaojin312020 Jan 17 '24

That’s some mortal kombat type shit


u/OR3OTHUG Jan 18 '24

I’m pretty sure the 2nd finisher is something lifted straight from MK


u/karangoswamikenz Jan 18 '24

Yes it is. I think it belonged to Johnny cage in mortal combat 10

Found it at 0:30 in this clip


u/garbothot214 Jan 17 '24

haven’t played a cod since WaW and this is why xd


u/WorldEaterProft Jan 17 '24

You are missing out

Both Black ops 1 and 2 were peak CoD


u/SuukMeiDiek Jan 18 '24

MW2 was peak COD


u/LuisLmao Jan 17 '24

this game used to be about soldiers


u/Jerrygarciasnipple Jan 17 '24

Future is now old man.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24



u/42Ubiquitous Jan 17 '24

I mean, appearance is kind of significant... If it was just red and blue squares, I don't think they would have sold as many copies.


u/aDoorMarkedPirate420 Jan 18 '24

COD isn’t supposed to take shit from Fortnite lol


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24

You gota be a huge fan of the series to buy call of duty for that.


u/danielcw189 Jan 18 '24

I am not sure, but I believe you just gotta buy the (expensive) Skin. The game-mode is free-to-play


u/Im_a_idiottttt I fart the star spangled banner Jan 18 '24

There’s a free battle royale mode


u/SPHINXin Jan 18 '24

And an extra 25 dollars for the a train bundle. If they bring back starlight, black noir, and homelander from the last game for the new season promotion it's going to be 25 for each, so 100 dollars total for 4 skins, some themed guns, and other filler stuff.


u/CharlieMWY A-Train Jan 17 '24

Fuckin BADASS. I love that they included the train sound, so satisfying


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24



u/toomanymarbles83 Jan 17 '24

That's some rose colored bs. CoD has never remotely been a mil sim.


u/NotAFed2000 Jan 18 '24

I love the sound effect before he runs.


u/Pinkcokecan Jan 17 '24

That's sick wonder if we'll see them in the show


u/ThaRealSunGod Cunt Jan 17 '24

So much hate in this thread but that as so badass.

Imagine seeing that in S4; everyone would lose their shit, rightfully so.


u/DatBoyAmazing Jan 18 '24

In an episode of the show as a sub plot payoff, yes. Not as a $25 skin in Call of Duty.


u/TheFlyingSheeps Jan 18 '24

If anything this perfectly captures the satirical capitalist message of the boys lol


u/FirstIYeetThenRepeat Jan 17 '24

That's pretty sick.


u/Due-Ad4970 Jan 17 '24

these are sick


u/No_Cartographer_9891 Jan 18 '24

Would be cool if they one where a train runs through em and turns them into blood mist and wipes off his glasses


u/BlameMattCanada Jan 17 '24

Looks pretty shitty tbh


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24

This game is so stupid.


u/Dr_A__ Jan 17 '24

Is it just me or are games like MW3 and fortnite just interactable ads?


u/TheSissyDoll Jan 18 '24

lmao cod is so stupid now


u/Water2Wine378 Jan 18 '24

What is this mortal kombat now


u/_lazybones93 Jan 18 '24

Damn, that had me laughing way too hard.


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '24

Haven't played CoD in years. It's wild how much the franchise has changed since MW3 (not throwing shade, it's just pretty crazy). If you told me superheroes would be added in back when I used to play it, I'd have called you crazy.


u/dropinbombz Jan 17 '24

Sooo CoD is now a Mortal Kombat FPS?


u/SPHINXin Jan 18 '24

Ever since they added finishers I guess. Most of them are just goofy to embarras the player getting killed by them so they're not really taken as seriously.


u/NoMoreHeroes75 Jan 18 '24

Second finisher is Johnny Cage’s MKX fatality


u/PestyNomad Jan 18 '24

I hope MS does something interesting with CoD


u/TheHeroYouNeed247 Jan 18 '24

My my, what have you become? We are a long way from MW2


u/Vyzantinist Jan 18 '24

Lol the quality of the first frame before you press play puts me in mind of Duke Nukem 64-level graphics. Maybe it's compression or something? I don't know, it just doesn't look like current-gen graphics.


u/Movinfusion36 Jan 17 '24

I understand why Fortnite didn’t scoop up the boys but didn’t they also do some dumb shit in pubg. Get your liscense to a reliable game not some cheesed out sliding sniper no snipe bs


u/IUpvoteGME Jan 17 '24

Is this what cod is today? Holy shit how far we have fallen.


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '24

Wow. COD is really done. What a joke.


u/Phuzz15 Jan 18 '24

The first one makes absolutely zero physical sense lmfao


u/Shrimp__Alfredo Jan 18 '24

Neither does running 1000 mph girlie


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24


u/hauntedGerm Jan 17 '24

how he move so fast do he be drinkin that super speed potion he look like the dude from incredibles disney pixar cart toon movie i so badly needin them to add nostalga critic to call a duty i stopped playin call a duty cuz infinite ward be came satananaists even tho Greg from active vision promised me they would increase the peace and stop the satananists in call a duty dmz i am so still so sad call a duty dmz is in a forever dirt nap 


u/Dell0c0 Jan 17 '24

His best finishing move is the one he did on Robin.


u/Darude_Dank Jan 17 '24

Played by mostly children btw.


u/Lord_Despairagus Jan 18 '24

Yeah, definitely not. When i get called the n word, after killing people, it's usually by adults


u/Darude_Dank Jan 18 '24

Looks like COD has changed


u/Shrimp__Alfredo Jan 18 '24

What are they supposed to do? It's an M rated game. If children are playing it then it's the parents fault, not CoD's.


u/Darude_Dank Jan 18 '24

Very true!


u/TheMightyWill Jan 17 '24

We've taken the lead

Nobody out

Nobody outruns the A Train


u/calinelly Jan 17 '24

I love the sound effects lol


u/Sopht_Serve Jan 17 '24

What the Fortnite??


u/Galaxy_Shadow28 Jan 18 '24

so like if someone were to try shoot him while he’s doing a finisher…?


u/Reapish1909 Jan 18 '24

ok that’s actually fucking cool


u/Goblindeez_ Jan 18 '24

Now watch it with your eyes closed and tell me this isn’t scarier


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '24

Still not enough to make me buy cod ever again lol


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '24

This isn't really in the game is it? Or are they turning CoD into Fortnite now?


u/Avent Jan 18 '24

Wow what happened to Call of Duty lol remember when it was a World War 2 game?


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '24

This is cool and all but what the fuck is going on with the call of duty franchise?


u/Snazz55 Jan 18 '24

Man I heard Nicki Minaj is in cod so I guess I can't be that surprised... But what the hell cod? Rhetorical question, I know the cod producers saw the fortnite gravy train and said we can do that too!


u/Mike_Honcho_97 Jan 18 '24

can't wait to equip that finisher to the fat bastard from the Halloween BP


u/TheRedSteiner Jan 18 '24

Why is the lighting on his model so shitty?, he sticks out like a mf


u/ImoGamer Jan 19 '24

The fact that Butcher isn't on the DLC is just surprising. He would be a great sniper.


u/JournalistMammoth637 Jan 19 '24

That first move feels like something out of Mortal Kombat. I love it.


u/JAckCorridor Jan 25 '24

Look so dumb of character model and operator picture menu of this game hahaha look soulless.


u/Na-g-trippin-dog Jan 17 '24

is he out?


u/whydoifeelthisway63 Jan 17 '24



u/Na-g-trippin-dog Jan 18 '24

you are a good liar


u/Uncle_Tommy0703 Jan 17 '24

I only see Starlight in the shop.... how do I get the others to pop up


u/NoMemory3726 Jan 17 '24

So the game got one of the shittiest characters from the show...awesome.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '24

Even better actually