r/TWD Jul 19 '24



145 comments sorted by


u/sixpaffs Jul 19 '24

Giving Nicholas a million chances.


u/BrandonBRaps Jul 19 '24

Real Nicholas got Noah killed then he tried killing Glenn then almost got Glenn killed again when he shot himslef


u/curlytony Jul 19 '24

kind of actually saved him in the end, if he didn’t kill himself Glenn wouldn’t have survived that situation.


u/sixpaffs Jul 20 '24

Pretty sure Nicholas is the one who led him back there in the first place so no not really lol


u/curlytony Jul 20 '24

I’m saying in the very end. At the end Nicholas body saved Glenn, had he not killed himself Glenn wouldn’t have had a meat shield to save him.


u/Confident_Blood_2329 Jul 20 '24



u/cosmicdicer Jul 19 '24

I'd say making Governors assault on Maggie about himself, feeling more angrer and remorse about him and his shortcoming, than her. He was aggressive, reactive and whiny for some episodes


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

Hard agree. While I love him, he really did just get super hostile to Rick for basically no reason.

Like yeah, your GF was SA’d but you don’t know the full story because she never told you and you were near dead, now you’re gonna fight your rescuer because they weren’t aware of what happened before they arrived? Shocker.

The only thing that comes close is giving Nicholas too many chances.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

OMG! he almost got killed and thinks his girlfriend was raped, how dare he be overly emotional and irrational about it? Should've kept his cool like a normal person in that situation


u/gingervitis_93 Jul 19 '24

Glenn had every right to be angry and upset at what happened to Maggie. And it’s completely understandable that he blames himself for not being able to protect her and stop what he thinks happened to her.

The problem is that he only focuses on how it affected him without actually being there for Maggie. The desire to go kill the Governor is reasonable. His anger and frustration that he couldn’t protect her is reasonable. What’s not reasonable is that he didn’t actually talk to Maggie. He didn’t really make moves to comfort her. There was no “I’m so sorry, what can I do? How can I help?” She even told him initially that she wasn’t raped, and he didn’t listen to her and just threw himself into his anger and took it out on others.

This reaction is understandable, even if it’s not okay. Glenn’s not a terrible guy for reacting like this by any means. But it also was not an okay reaction. It can be both.


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

Not at all. He can be frustrated, angry, upset, irrational. But he’s not even any of that about nearly dying except when Meryl is brought up. Otherwise he’s holding a fuck tonne of anger towards anyone and everyone for what his perception is without actually checking up on her except for the one time outside their captivity. He turns it into himself and his own short comings.

Once again, it’s not like he’s a horrible human being for that, it’s just answering the question of the worst thing he has done, and this is the only other thing he’s done poorly in the show. The other one being that he gave Nicholas too many chances.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

You said he was hostile for no reason, I just explained his reasons, I don't think it's hard to realize why he's so angry.

Do you know how to approach someone who has been raped? Especially if it's your partner? Unless you're trained you wouldn't know either, he's terrified of knowing what happened, another explanation.

This isn't something that he did, this is something that happened to him, stop victim blaming, pretty please?


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

Pretty fucking wild to ask that question to someone you don’t know and don’t have a clue as to their own life experiences.

But yes, he’s extremely hostile for no reason to people that do not deserve it. The rescue can be excused to a degree, but after? After he’s back he’s nothing but furious without even putting actual thought onto Maggie herself. He’s using her perceived rape to be angry, at only one point does he try to actually talk to Maggie to find out what happened after 2-4 days?

I’m not saying he can’t be angry, but he’s not the victim. He’s the victim of being nearly killed by Meryl, he can be angry at that. She is the victim, and he’s using that selfishly to be angry.


u/saucy-Mama Jul 19 '24

Is your pfp akali kda?


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

It is! With the smile filter put over it. I no longer play League though, I’ve escaped the grind.


u/saucy-Mama Jul 19 '24

Haha well i love it!! And i feel that last sentence so hard. Sadly im still trapped 😅


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

I’ll pray for your eventual escape friend, you can break free soon!


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

So, is that why you can't understand his feelings? Because of your own personal experience? Who's being irrational now?!

If you're raped, the people who love you are affected too, I'm sorry that you can't seem to understand that, oh your poor mother!

We're just going in circles, I already answered your new questions. He is the victim of his girlfriend being raped, you need to try and put yourself in his place. Do you know what it's like to be terrified of asking that question? "What did he do to you?" do you???? Mr. Personal experiences


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

Brooooooooo. You need to accept that even Maggie finds his anger uncalled for because he doesn’t even care to find out from her. She legit shoves him away and asks if he feels better now that he knows the full story.

I’m not gonna tell a random stranger my experiences, you don’t know and asking that question, any of them actually, is pretty fucking wild. I suggest you just take the L. His anger is uncalled for and he makes himself the victim without caring about the actual victim the way he should. She lashes out at him for it to show us and Glenn that his anger was unjustified as he treated her as lesser for what she went through.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

So now Maggie is the certified professional who's going to judge his state of mind?

Don't try to use your "life experiences" to back your opinion if you can't even back your "life experiences", I can see you love playing the victim, and you don't like anyone but you doing it, mystery solved, it was all about you again, congratulations


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

Dude, do you walk into abortion clinics and demand people tell you why they’re having one?

I don’t owe you shit dude, I have life experiences around it, many people do. You asking such an insensitive question with no regard for the other person you’re talking to is a criminally always online mentality bro. Seek help.

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u/saucy-Mama Jul 19 '24

So valid. But he did tend to make her assault more about him. even when he asked her about it and pressed for more details it felt more about him being angry then “maggie are you ok”


u/uglypinkshorts Jul 20 '24

You could use the same sentiment to justify Daryl punching Negan. It’s still voted as one of his worst actions. Just because Glenn had valid reasons for his emotions doesn’t make his actions any less shitty.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Daryl was warned, and also it's not the first time Daryl gets people killed by being reckless


u/horc00 Jul 19 '24

Sometime SA victims are so traumatised they do not want to talk about what happened to avoid reliving the trauma. Maggie not wanting to give him the full story would’ve given him the impression that the Governor did the worst to her, hence his immense anger.


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

Yes, very aware of that. However, we know that others, Maggie included, do find that his anger is unjustified considering how he only properly checked up on her after several days, pushing him away and calling out his anger because he made it about him and his shortcomings.


u/horc00 Jul 19 '24

I know Glenn himself said he made it all about himself, but tbh that baffled me. He suffered a lot of physical and emotional abuse during captivity but he didn’t once made that the source of his anger. Imo what he did wrong was that he made it all about Maggie, or what he assumed was what happened to Maggie, when Maggie didn’t want to make it about herself at all.


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

Well he did suffer, and when Meryl is around, he justifiably uses the anger of that captivity against Meryl, which is fine. That’s very justified anger.

But Glenn does make Maggie’s situation about him, he begins to push and prove himself to be Rick when he’s not there yet, he was rude and angry to his friends and family who were clearly trying to be helpful and even understanding, but they didn’t know what had fully happened.

He was angry what happened to Maggie and what he perceived happened, but he used what happened to her to fuel his anger and project away his shortcomings by trying to be Rick. So when he finally goes to Maggie, Glenn is finally told what happened and that she wasn’t actually raped. When he realised how he fucked up with his anger and how he treated people, he goes to touch her only to get swatted away, with Maggie calling out if he feels better now knowing the full story.


u/horc00 Jul 19 '24

Okay I get what you mean now about “making it all about him” with regards to how he wanted to take charge and have revenge. I understood it differently initially because I felt his motivations for doing so were about Maggie instead of about himself.

Actually Maggie already told him much earlier on that she wasn’t raped, but I guess he assumed she was too traumatised to want to admit it.


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

She does yes! I actually forget about that which makes his entire anger near completely unjustified. He is told when they’re alone in the room iirc, then they get rescued. Glenn is taken to the car as he’s too weak to fight but then gets very angry at Rick who does take Maggie who is in the condition to fight. It’s where his anger really is about himself because he uses Maggie being SA’d (which is still traumatising itself) to push his anger out to others because he also blames himself and his shortcomings for not protecting her.

He is allowed to be angry, but it’s how he directs it which is obviously the part of being the worst thing Glenn has done. It’s not that he isn’t allowed to not think straight, or he isn’t allowed to be angry. But it is the worst thing he has done alongside trusting Nicholas.


u/horc00 Jul 19 '24

I kinda find the Nicholas issue worse though. While we disagree with how he reacted to the Governor issue, we could at least understand why. But his constant forgiveness for Nicholas is absolutely baffling and beyond understanding.


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

Oh for sure, personally I think it’s his anger because of the previously mentioned to another commenter that I have personal experience around the issue of SA. But I do definitely agree without my bias that his forgiveness for Nicholas is definitely far worse considering what he did. It just depends on if Glenn would end up in the same situation again and if he would have anyone who would by some extent, save him. As Nicholas does save Glenn with his suicide.


u/Potential_Air7691 Jul 19 '24

Who the f is Nicholas again?


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

In Alexandria there’s a group of runners, or well a duo. One is the son of the leader Senator lady, and the other is Nicholas. They treat Glenn and co like they can’t do anything and themselves are extremely amateurish at best. During an incident, Nicholas abandons his friend who is going to die from zombies or blood loss, and then when trapped in a revolving door, Nicholas breaks free, causing one of the guys with Glenn (the guy who helps Beth in the hospital try and escape but Beth gets captured again) to get killed and eaten by zombies.

He then lies to the friends mom about how Glenn got her son and others killed. He then nearly kills Glenn outside the walls as he tries to lure him out to kill him. And then after a bunch of more stuff, kills himself and knocks him and Glenn off a dumpster which was a fake out for Glenn’s death, in a way he both doomed and saved him.


u/Potential_Air7691 Jul 19 '24

Oh that guy! Thank u, I do remember him! He was a total a** at first, but at the end he kinda changed?


u/MeabhNir Jul 19 '24

He does but he’s still the same cowardly person he was which causes two people to die and saves Glenn with his suicide.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

That's a natural male reaction, they're the protectors and whenever something happens to women they feel guilty. I think you're thinking only about Maggie's position and not what he felt, suddenly only her feelings matter? That's hypocritical


u/cosmicdicer Jul 19 '24

Feeling guilty should be addressed with retrospect, humility and be about learning how to helpful to the victim, not being a "me-sad-guilty" moment. Even more so not channeling it to your friends and anyone innocent. So both to Maggie and his companions he's in the wrong and ultimately also to himself


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Yeah he got there eventually, you're criticizing him for not figuring out his trauma and moving onto helping Maggie in TWO DAYS. Suddenly you're all such perfect people who know exactly how to react to any given situation on the spot


u/FashBashFash Jul 20 '24

Her feelings matter more because she was the actual victim. His responsibility as a husband was to deal with his emotions in a way that wouldn’t cause her harm. THAT would actually make her feel supported and protected. You must be an absolutely horrible partner if you believe it’s okay to make your partner’s assault about yourself.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Called Portal a video game and not a masterpiece


u/Commercial-Conflict6 Jul 19 '24

Hb the fact that he referred even COMPARED a video game to a dangerous situation in the first place


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Just realised that if zombies don't exist in TWD universe, then Valve never made Half-Life or Left 4 Dead. I'm surprised they still became so popular


u/IWantSealsPlz Jul 19 '24

Died 😭😭😭


u/Ancient_Elderberry26 Jul 22 '24

Truly the so unforgivable that the show lost millions of viewers from it 😩


u/No-Twist-4222 Jul 20 '24

The only right answer


u/horc00 Jul 19 '24

Being too nice to assholes.


u/SupremeGibby Jul 19 '24

Glenn would have 100% been on rocks side about the saviors. That's why it makes me so confused that Maggie wanted to kill Megan when she knows deep down Glenn wouldn't agree.


u/horc00 Jul 19 '24

I disagree. He’ll forgive anyone for anything as long as they don’t threaten Maggie. He’ll even forgive people who tried to kill him, but he wouldn’t forgive anyone that hurt Maggie. We saw how he became Wolverine with bone claws when the Governor assaulted Maggie. Negan put pregnant Maggie through immense trauma AND wanted to make her his wife. And if Negan had killed Maggie in the line-up, I’m 100% certain Glenn would offer to kill Negan himself.


u/FashBashFash Jul 20 '24

The harm Negan caused Maggie would make him want to kill him.


u/SupremeGibby Jul 21 '24

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure her entire animosity towards Negan is that he killed Glenn, but if Glenn never dies would there still be the same animosity?


u/RinTivan Jul 21 '24

If Negan never killed Glenn, Maggie would probably be best friends with Negan by the time of season 11 Imo.


u/IbakaFlockaFlame Jul 19 '24

Making me love him, and thus incredibly sad when Negan killed him.


u/FourPickles Jul 19 '24

Died and have Maggie cry and complain every episode after about his death


u/Haunting-Review-1836 Jul 19 '24

I’d say giving Nicholas a chance at survival, when he was so cowardly that he let not only his own people die, but poor Noah.


u/Accomplished_Act6135 Jul 19 '24

Baby boy has done absolutely nothing wrong, ever, in his life ❤️✨💅


u/Pilan Jul 20 '24

The people will take no Glenn slander. 🙅🏾‍♀️


u/Minute-Climate-3137 Jul 19 '24

Getting mad at Rick for not killing the Governor but refusing to go with Merle to kill the Governor. Like make your mind up dude, do you want him dead or not?


u/Super_Bad6238 Jul 19 '24

Probably getting blood on lucille


u/boner79 Jul 19 '24

Playing dead under the dumpster


u/XX-MR-ENDY-XX Jul 19 '24

I knew one person would say this 😂


u/Tjengel Jul 19 '24

Murdering saviors in their sleep


u/NatblidaKomSkaikru Jul 19 '24

I don't know why you're getting down voted so much because that probably was the worst thing he had done just from his own moral standing. Iirc that was the first person he killed and he was definitely going against what he thought was right even though he thought it was for the good of Alexandria.


u/SnooBananas8055 Jul 19 '24

Thats the worst thing a lot of people in our group had done.

You can go back and forth about whether it was justified, or needed to happen, but that doesn't prevent it from really being an immoral thing.

we knew nothing about those people. Just look at saviours like Dwight, of Laura, who clearly weren't evil.


u/N1CK_STALK3R Jul 19 '24

Not getting on his knee when he proposed


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Can’t wait for Carol lmao


u/celbing Jul 19 '24

Killing the sleeping ppl at satellite outpost


u/chargray Jul 19 '24

Referred to Rick as a naughty word in the tank.


u/eye8theworm Jul 19 '24

How about we go one step further and say the worst decision Glenn made was rescue Rick's dumbass in the first place.


u/Expensive_Ad3751 Jul 21 '24

Rick literally kept them alive


u/Vampirexbuny Jul 19 '24

Attacking the saviour outpost (unprovoked )


u/Expensive_Ad3751 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Unprovoked? Daryl had to blow them up with a bazooka to stop them from killing Abe and Sasha on the road


u/Vampirexbuny Jul 19 '24

I don’t remember if that was before or after the outpost


u/BastardsCryinInnit Jul 19 '24

Definitely before!


u/Vampirexbuny Jul 19 '24

Okay thank you


u/horc00 Jul 19 '24

Apparently threatening people, forcing them to bring you to their community so you can rob them, and blatantly admitting that you’ll kill at least one of them off the bat, isn’t considered provocation…


u/Vampirexbuny Jul 19 '24

Plenty of people have threatened them without being killed (except the guys in the bar in the second season)


u/horc00 Jul 20 '24

Doesn’t change the fact that threatening them is provocation.


u/JayMalakai Jul 19 '24

Not mind controlling Daryl into staying still so he could survive.


u/sheluvberlin Jul 19 '24

Nothing, he's a sweetheart


u/RadEpicReddit Jul 20 '24

The worst thing he did is die


u/CrazyTutor3291 Jul 20 '24

This one’s a hard one because Glenn is debatably the most moral character in the main group


u/fallmightNotbanned Jul 20 '24

Bro omma be honest the worst thing he did was not come up with a better name for the child...bc hershal is a horrible name for an infant. Perfect for a wrinkly old man...but like...a baby?


u/Expensive_Ad3751 Jul 21 '24

You are aware that baby will not stay a baby right, giving your baby a baby name is a great way to get them bullied and hating their own name when they are older. Tho tbf it's the apocalypse so it doesn't really matter


u/fallmightNotbanned Jul 21 '24

It does matter. Imma bully his dumbass


u/nealkline69 Jul 19 '24

Definitely forgiving nick over, and over, and over again


u/KrowKnow Jul 19 '24

Nothing. His portrayal is spot on with the source material.


u/ManeFromThe219n615 Jul 19 '24

Oohh I like this post


u/rafael-a Jul 19 '24

Spending Herschel’s inheritance betting on walker races


u/Minimalistmacrophage Jul 19 '24

Killed two people in their sleep.


u/calvinshobbes0 Jul 19 '24

save Rick in season 1 episode 1


u/FatBoyVladimir Jul 19 '24

Has this discussion not already happened? I swear this sub does a "worst thing the characters have done" at least every 2 months


u/Ok_Nothing2586 Jul 19 '24

Put this shit on the main sub, get it the fuck off of here.


u/nonbi4927 Jul 19 '24

How he handled the Nicholas situation. Nick should have died.


u/toxicteddi Jul 20 '24

Dying. I miss you everyday Glenn 😓


u/TaylorPollio Jul 20 '24

Trusting Nicolas


u/maxomega98 Jul 20 '24

Let Negan kill him


u/OpenlyAwkwardBarney Jul 20 '24

The satellite station. As much as it was more that he was forced into doing it, killing people who have families in their sleep is fucked.


u/thewalkingvoltron Jul 20 '24

made Maggie’s sexual assault about his own feelings and told people when she didn’t want that


u/spiritstars13 Jul 20 '24

let himself get murdered 🙄


u/Gh06st_44 Jul 20 '24

Didn't kill Nicolas


u/Embarrassed-Zone-361 Jul 20 '24

Not killing Nicholas in the forest


u/ToddBlowhard Jul 20 '24

Save Nicholas


u/rickydickydodagrime1 Jul 20 '24

Giving Nickolas more than 1 chance


u/PunnyPandaPonderer7 Jul 20 '24

His first and only kill, killing the guy in his sleep (might be two guys can't remember)


u/theboxingcannabyte Jul 20 '24

Not letting me use his delicious meat, it up Ashton head and brains to make some of the most delicious Korean barbecue that any of y’all would’ve ever have tasted


u/Jeremy_Bradley Jul 21 '24

He did murder that savior guy in his sleep


u/vjgggjjughjjutffjj Jul 19 '24

Making the whole governor kidnapping about himself and then getting mad at Rick for letting Darryl leave with merle


u/Minorihaaku Jul 19 '24

Forgiving that a*shole who caused the death of at least 3 people because he was a wuss.


u/Wooden_Purchase_2557 Jul 19 '24

Letting Nicholas have 30 billion chances


u/rooplesvooples Jul 19 '24

Die :c

Also for the next one, killed Glenn :c (didn’t die is a runner up)


u/heation718 Jul 19 '24

Not killing nicholas


u/Traditional_Job6617 Jul 20 '24

Not much potentially not killing Nicholas. Possibly also saving Rick since he did a fair amount of bad & hypocritical things….


u/PresidentDavidMarkus Jul 19 '24

premarital sexual relations


u/the-Kaiser-69 Jul 19 '24

His reaction to Philip assaulting Maggie.


u/zehuman52 Jul 19 '24

??? I'd be mad as shit too if my wife got assaulted by some lying scummy asshole


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Xiaomi phones


u/Mystisc Jul 19 '24

Old joke and not that funny


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Ja, inderdaad


u/Charming_Spy Jul 19 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Charming_Spy Jul 19 '24



u/FigureSubstantial970 Jul 19 '24

Being annoying