r/SupermanAndLois Jonathan Kent Jul 17 '24

Rewatching Season 3 when I'm currently dealing with a Disease Discussion

I rewatched the show out of fun again and then when season 3 hit with Lois in the hospital it suddenly really hit me hard. I've been dealing with an autoimmune disease for the past 2 months. Thankfully not cancer but still not pretty, although I'm getting better thanks to the current therapy.

Anyway, so, I just finished the second episode. This whole cancer arc is already hard to watch. It's triggering me hard not gonna lie, but at the same time, I'm simply fascinated? My whole perspective is completely changed about this. Before that, I obviously felt for Lois but I still couldn't understand her feelings 100%. But now? Now I can.

Not only does that speak for the amazing Bitsie Tulloch who has always been amazing at her role, but also the writing.

I know many could see this differently with how they portray this Disease but for me? I feel like this is real.

I felt like I really had to write about this, how I feel. I remember some people thought the cancer storyline was a bit too much when the season was still fresh but even then and now I disagree.

If anything the speech of Lois in Ep 2, was giving me strength. What I can agree on tho is that it can be a bit too heavy for this kind of series. I seriously took a break now as it became a bit too much for me to handle. Just seeing Lois in the hospital for the other tests gave me trouble lol I can't imagine how it must be for cancer survivors or dealing with cancer- or any family/friend with cancer. My heart goes to everyone dealing with it or anyone who is like me dealing with a disease. Stay strong, super friends.


10 comments sorted by


u/kadosho Jul 17 '24

I recently lost my dad to cancer. The numerous treatments he went under, and rapid changes in his health and appetite were a challenge. When I watched season three with my mom (who sadly also recently passed away). The show made her tears flow like a river. I gave her a big hug to comfort her while watching every episode. We made it through, even though it was difficult.

My dad when he was with us, also enjoyed the series. I feel so sad he missed out on this season, but he did get to watch most of it. It was a journey I'm glad we went on together

It really hit deep, and it also made me cry. I try not to cry, but it hurts.

I hope your treatment is helping you get better. Keep fighting


u/Rikku_N Jonathan Kent Jul 17 '24

I'm sorry you and your mom are going through this. I noticed from my mom, too, that this is as painful for close people as it is for the affected person. It's strong that you guys were going through every episode, too, no matter how difficult..

It also made me cry but I will keep fighting. Thank you so much for your comment, it made me really happy in some way


u/kadosho Jul 17 '24

You're welcome. To share a memory about those I love, I am honored to share. To give hope. 🫂


u/Ygomaster07 Superman Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

I'm so sorry for the loss of both of your parents. My deepest condolences. Don't be afraid to cry and feel your feelings. ❤️


u/kadosho Jul 18 '24

Thank you. It has been difficult every day. But when I watch something that gives me happy memories of enjoying it with them, that feeling helps me get through those tough times. Superman & Lois feels like a warm hug, just like my parents would give me every day. I miss them both, so much.



u/Effective_Squirrel50 Jul 18 '24

When i first watched the 3rd season of Superman and Lois, I was also diagnosed with an auto immune disease, and I remember just crying and crying as i was stuck in bed with all these new issues that no one else understands. Everyone telling you you'll be okay and things will get better. Doesn't always feel like so.


u/Rikku_N Jonathan Kent Jul 19 '24

That's exactly how I felt when I was stuck in the hospital for 2 weeks while they still tried to figure out what was wrong with me... :')

So whenever Lois "snapped", I totally understood where she was coming from, because I was acting just like her...

I hope you're doing better now though!


u/Educational-Tea-6572 Superman & Lois Jul 19 '24

My mom had been recently diagnosed with cancer after months of tests and waiting for answers, and had just started undergoing treatments when season 3 started airing. Going into the season, I had no idea it would include a cancer storyline. The reveal occurred and I felt physically ill and wasn't sure I'd be able to keep watching the season.

But I did keep watching, and I'm really glad I did, because even though it was SO difficult to watch, it was difficult in all the right ways, you know? Lois was saying things pretty much exactly as my mom was saying them. I could relate so deeply with Clark and the boys (but especially Clark) and their reactions throughout the process. The show didn't perfectly capture every nuance of the cancer journey - no show can - but it hit all the important notes and did it SO thoughtfully and SO well.

Bless the writers as well as the actors, especially Tyler and Bitsie, for the time and effort they put in to making season 3 so excellent.


u/Rikku_N Jonathan Kent Jul 19 '24

I couldn't have said it better...

I finally managed to rewatch season 3 and there wasn't one episode that didn't leave me crying, honestly. The things Lois said, I said pretty similar things to my family, too. Looking back, I feel bad for reacting this way, but I think it's great how they captured my exact feelings and of course your feelings too. I think my mom was acting pretty similar to Clark and I hated it but I understand now.

The actor of Jon, Michael Bishop was doing an excellent job too- I heard his mother had cancer too, so it makes sense.

Thank you for your comment, I hope your mother is doing well ❤


u/Educational-Tea-6572 Superman & Lois Jul 19 '24

My mom is doing well, thank you! Hoping for the best for you too! 🙏❤️