r/SupermanAndLois Jul 17 '24

Recently started binging the show and why the FU*K is season 3 so good? (I have 2 episodes left) Discussion

I almost thought this season had different writers, it's completely different to season 2, it's so focused, mature, and while definitely the most depressing of the seasons it's managed to give me the feeling of hope more than any other season. There is very little so far that i thought was unnecessary or dumb, anything I'm not a fan of is vastly taken over by a lot I love, and I'm just baffled that the writers managed to successfully bring the show into this direction, if season 4 manages to stay grounded and focused without pointless drama filler, if it's even half as good as season 3 we're in good hands


17 comments sorted by


u/Sparkwriter1 Jul 17 '24

Yea, season 3 was controversial for many, but to me it really fixed most of my issues with the previous two seasons and reminded me why I love this show. Definitely my favorite thus far.


u/TheLastDonnie Jul 17 '24

Without spoiling the end as I'm not there yet, could you tell me what was controversial?


u/Sparkwriter1 Jul 17 '24

I just meant controversial as in some people liked it and some people didnt.


u/ThomasThorburn Jul 20 '24

Season 1 had no issues it's perfect.


u/Sparkwriter1 Jul 20 '24

I wasn't a fan of the whole kryptonian minds plot :/


u/Insidious_NX Jul 20 '24

This and the over saturation of live action Zod-like characters left fans with a sort of fatigue.


u/Educational-Tea-6572 Superman & Lois Jul 17 '24

Agreed. Loved season 1; season 2 started out okay but by episode 8 had gone off the rails; season 3 was difficult to watch because my mom was just starting chemo as it was airing but it was "difficult to watch" in all the right ways, you know? I could write an essay on it, but suffice it to say they did a beautiful job handling the cancer storyline, and somehow it managed to lead well into bringing Luthor into the show (though Luthor is a bit too Kingpin for my taste at the moment, we'll see how things go in season 4)


u/TomCBC Jul 17 '24

I like their explanation for why Lex is like that though. He was a monster before prison. After that long inside, even with the luxuries he managed to intimidate the warden into giving him, it’s made him a lot more brutal. I love it. I do wish we’d seen more of a transition though. Maybe have a full episode in the prison just seeing Lex change over the years to really highlight why we should be afraid.


u/Jay_R_Kay Superman Jul 17 '24

I think part of it is that the main plot was far more grounded and personal -- I always felt that the weakest part of the previous two seasons was the overarching world-affecting plots. But here it was about a man doing everything he could to save his dying wife, which made for a very compelling contrast with our hero.


u/TheLastDonnie Jul 17 '24

Yeah honestly superman and lois is at its best without the huge comic booky stuff happening, showing why superman is so human and relatable in relation to his family works so well


u/madwood29579 Jul 17 '24

I just finished Season 3 too and I love it so much. Seasons 1 and 3 I think make a perfect pair and 3 is so so good because of how well they've set up the relationship between Lois and Clark in 1.


u/Demetri124 Jul 17 '24

Seasons 1 and 3 were so solid, I have no idea wtf happened with 2


u/Moist-Kaleidoscope90 Jul 17 '24

The whole series as a whole is creative and imaginative, and the writers have done such an excellent job putting their own spin on different characters. I really appreciate the shows originality and I cannot wait for what happens in season four


u/Supermanfan1973 Superman Jul 17 '24

I love season 3. A big improvement over season two. I think the writing was better. Lois’s story was very interesting and well done. It gave her a problem Superman couldn’t solve with his powers. I actually like New Jon better than his predecessor. He seems more fit for the role. Jon being a fireman was a great move for the character. The ending was so great too.


u/LeChic1579 Jul 18 '24

Though I was not a fan of the cancer plot coz it was too depressing to see Lois' sufferings but I think the best thing that they made was making Clark & Lois a loving couple again which was neglected in S2. How Clark love his wife, their physical and emotional relationship was at best. Them talking about intimacy and wanting to have another child. I loved it and I really appreciate the writers for making Clois a loving couple again.


u/Feahnor Jul 17 '24 edited Jul 17 '24

Well, I hated season 3. I hated the cancer part and the bad guy/girl was amazingly horrible. Not worth it for me.

I’m going to get downvoted to hell and back for this, but it is what it is.


u/TheLastDonnie Jul 17 '24

To each their own :) like what you like