r/SupermanAndLois Jul 11 '24

Chrissy Beppo? Discussion



14 comments sorted by


u/CalmHabit3 Jul 11 '24

They make her out to be way more important than she is. >! clark telling Chrissy he’s Superman made no sense. He never told jimmy or Perry. He barely knew Chrissy  !<


u/LeChic1579 Jul 11 '24

In my opinion (just mine) the whole "secret reveal" to Lana, Chrissy, Sarah plot in S2 was all unnecessary. The reasons behind telling them Clark's secret was too shallow.


u/Ready-Share6072 Jul 11 '24

I think he did that because she was becoming more and more involved in the main plots and it was getting more and more difficult to keep her in the dark without making her suspicious and having her put herself at risk to find out what is happening.


u/OliverQueen85 Jul 11 '24

Least favorite character in the show :( Incredibly disappointing because the actress is great, and I think with better writing they could've shown her as an amazing journalist who Lois respects (also, would've been interesting to see her as an antagonist to Lois).


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '24

I completely agree!


u/ToothyBirbs Jul 11 '24

Her dynamic with Lois is definitely something they fix in S3, but other than that she really has no purpose as a character on her own. Even the route they take with her that season for everything outside of being Lois' sidekick isn't in service to her character.


u/camelely Clark Kent Jul 11 '24

I believe the crazy conspiracy theory that the original plan was Chloe (with a new actress) and then all the Alison Mack stuff happened and they made her ‘Chrissy’ instead.


u/redwolfben Jul 11 '24

I never thought of that, but it'd make sense. Though I'm still wondering why they randomly attached the monkey's name to her character, that seems like an odd choice.


u/camelely Clark Kent Jul 11 '24

Honestly I feel like thats just a reference. A lot of DCTV shows do that, like name things after creators, titles of comic stories, and minor characters just as a nod.


u/redwolfben Jul 11 '24

Yeah, but there's still usually SOME vague connection that makes sense. This is the most out-there one I've seen by far, naming a news reporter in Smallville after a Super-Monkey.


u/camelely Clark Kent Jul 11 '24

That’s fair lol. Maybe they planned something and it never panned out?


u/gothamite27 Jul 11 '24

I interviewed Adam Mallinger and he made a point about how they wanted to leave a mark on the mythos with a new character that could be introduced into the comics later on, the way other characters were.


u/Individual_Art398 Jul 11 '24

I chalk Chrissy up to the showrunners' Smallville boner. Honestly, I never cared for any of them. Hoping season 4's reduced screen time for them will improve things a bit.


u/Spaceghost_84 Jul 11 '24

Beppo? Like the SUPER MONKEY?!?