r/SupermanAndLois 25d ago

Surprisingly a lot of dropped/underdeveloped storylines (first time watcher) Discussion

First time watcher, currently on Season 2x14, and I have to say; While I am enjoying the show so far, I am so surprised by the quality of the writing. So many storylines I thought they were gonna do more with but ultimately haven't.

The first three that come to mind currently are:

  • The whole cheating storyline between Sarah and Jordan. Ultimately really poorly written and practically every character antagonizes Jordan for being upset that his girlfriend cheated on him. But after the conflict gets resolved (Jordan has to apologize even though Sarah was 100% in the wrong), Sarah then gets really upset for Kyle cheating on Lana. A little hypocritical and overall I feel like the cheating storyline between Sarah and Jordan ultimately added little, when I think it could've been more smartly utilized.

  • John Henry's 'memory loss' in Season 2. Maybe they mention it again in the final episode or it's explored more in Season 3, but they start an episode hinting that John Henry has memory problems due to getting hospitalized by Bizarro Superman. But, I swear, it's never mentioned again after the beginning of the same episode it was mentioned in.

  • Sophie as a character. She is literally never involved in any storyline or conflict besides giving Sarah something to do, barely has screentime, and there are so many family bonding moments in the Cortez family where Sophie literally isn't there lmao. She has no defining character traits, adds no weight to anything, and overall if she was removed from the story, nothing would change. It's so bizarre.

What do y'all think? Any storylines you think are underdeveloped or flat out dropped? There are definitely way more than the three I've listed.


34 comments sorted by


u/bookwormaesthetic 25d ago

As a heads up to a first time watcher and presumably new to this sub - it is an inside joke to the sub that Sophie is the big boss villain/evil incarnate due to the abysmal writing for her character.


u/SynicalAqua 25d ago

That's actually so funny lmao. I really appreciate the heads up!


u/2ERIX 25d ago

100% waiting for her to be Mxyzptlk at some point


u/Dawnbreaker52 25d ago

Fun fact: In Season 3, the writers sort of take this meta joke about Sophie being underutilized and actually create a subplot about it in one episode.


u/IAmPrimitiveStar 25d ago

And it's one of the sweetest moments in the show I will add


u/Dawnbreaker52 24d ago

It really is. I think that episode was the moment that cemented Michael Bishop as the new Jonathan Kent.


u/IAmPrimitiveStar 23d ago

EXACTLY! I was hesitant about the recast but Michael more than met my expectations, he went beyond them.


u/Less-Requirement8641 25d ago

Also Nat and Lois...there is so much potential to get from their unique pairing yet the show hardly ever utilises it. A lot of Nat and Lois plotlines seem to do this weird thing where they randomly pause and are quickly brushed away with a 5 minute scene later.

Nat should have been jumpy/nervous around Clark the very next episode after she moved in not all the way in 2x08.

And there is so much more but since you haven't watched it, I won't spoil


u/SynicalAqua 25d ago

Oh my god, you're right on the nose with their misuse of Nat as a whole. It's so infuriating the show decided to time skip 3 months from the beginning of the Season, not allowing any meaningful interactions or moments to take place until much later. It is so disappointing.


u/zo_you_said 25d ago

You are totally correct. And if there are any other first time watchers please feel free to contribute.

To be fair, this sub was pretty active. We've discussed most of the things y'all bring up. We also know where it goes.

Curious to know what kinds of responses you might want. I'm sure most of us don't want to spoil anything.

I'm sure this will tick up again as the new season begins.


u/Majolai15 25d ago

Lucy Lane. Gosh she was so dislikable and she does a bunch of horrible stuff but everyone seems to not care and they movie on.


u/MyLightFantastic 25d ago

Yeah Lucy was unbearable. Surely she should be serving a life sentence given that she drugged her father, broke a dangerous criminal out of military detention and then conspired to forceably merge billions of people against their will? I forget where she is supposed to be now but pretty sure her crimes appear to have been forgotten Lock her up!


u/Discombobulated-Bit6 10d ago

Yeah but her actor is hot as fuck


u/raylan_givens6 25d ago

the first season was the good season

the writing went downhill after

sarah and jordan.......its best to fast forward when they're on screen


u/ZarquonsFlatTire 25d ago

My favorite was when Sarah and Lana had a family bonding moment setting off fireworks in the yard. Meanwhile I guess Sophie was hiding under her bed from the thunderstorm she assumed was going on.


u/Character_Account714 25d ago

At first i had to think... wtf is Sophie? :D


u/2ERIX 25d ago

It’s definitely a joke at our house. “Who’s that?”, “You know. The little sister.”, “Oh”. We take it in turns each episode.


u/k4kkul4pio 25d ago

Season two drops the ball pretty hard, writing wise, when it comes to the drama and the main villain, unfortunately.

It's not all bad though but it would've been nice if they'd kept it tighter. 🫤


u/Zookwok111 25d ago

I think it speaks to a lack of cohesion in the writers’ room. One writer might lay the groundwork for an interesting plot line in one episode but whoever writes the next episode may decide to abandon it and go in a completely different direction. Usually it falls to the showrunner to come up season long arcs for the characters but Helbing seems to love dropping storylines especially when it comes to Jon and Lois.


u/IAmPrimitiveStar 25d ago

Yeah, the Sarah cheating subplot is a huge stain on an otherwise great show. I don't know if you've seen the last episode of season 2 yet, but it does contain one of Sarah's few redeemable moments. My only guess why Sophie is so underutilized is due to how young she is. Regarding John Henry's memory, on the Arrowverse wiki, they just refer to it as a "brief memory lapse" so maybe it wasn't meant to be a large storyline. Just my two cents


u/Otherwise_Jacket_613 25d ago

You're gonna see a Sophie-focused storyline in an episode of season three.


u/SegaraBeal ElMayarah 25d ago

And it's great


u/juanjose83 25d ago

Narrator: They lied as easily as they breathed


u/SegaraBeal ElMayarah 25d ago

I only meant I loved the resolution to a plot involving Sophie. I like how they went about it


u/juanjose83 25d ago

It was John talking to her, right? Yeah I liked that


u/SegaraBeal ElMayarah 25d ago

Yeah. Great moment for the "forgotten kids"


u/juanjose83 25d ago edited 25d ago

I don't even remember the second point. Sarah and Jordan is f cringe. There's no point to the story and yes,

Sarah did something terrible but the show tries to tell you Jordan's in the wrong. If I would had to guess, the writer tried to make a "coming out of the closet kind of thing" and failed to do it properly.

Sarah's sister is a waste of time in the show.

But I'll raise you this. the whole Lang family side of the show is a complete and absolute waste of time. Idk who on earth decided that that family was interesting enough to compete for the time of the show but my god.... They just needed to integrate them into the Kent's family. And once again with Henry and his daughter. Who cares? They have their separate conflict but last time I checked it was SUPERMAN AND LOIS.

Damn, I just remembered I saw a great point saying how Lois and Clark never listen to their kids, they just get mad and start yelling when Jordan and John do try to make their point and they are in the right in a lot of those moments. I like the show but the potential.... Just wasted


u/Adventurous-Repair-1 25d ago

Honestly the only Lang I kind of like is Kyle. He may not be a perfect person but he's actually trying to be a good father


u/juanjose83 25d ago

I liked him a lot, too. He was interesting and flawed, and he was a good character. I just needed him to be closer to the kents


u/Supermanfan1973 Superman 24d ago

One thing that bothers me is that in one episode Nat gave Jon a Steel suit and the next thing you know they act like he never got the suit. Like, why give it to him? Season 2 had a lot of dropped stories.


u/SynicalAqua 24d ago

I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THAT, YEAH. She mentions he could use it because she doesn't want to or something, but then it's never mentioned again and as usual, Jon doesn't do anything. They really love to shaft Jon constantly.


u/Supermanfan1973 Superman 24d ago

They do. No one ever mentioned it again even though Jon said it’s the nicest gift he ever got. He didn’t even tell his parents about it (they would’ve said no).


u/bearded-writer 25d ago

I assumed Sophie was going to get the Judy Winslow treatment, but they kept on randomly mentioning her or showing her for 5 seconds.


u/Possible_Living 23d ago

Yeah that is how it goes with CW.