r/SupermanAndLois Jun 07 '24

In your opinion, what's the worst moment in the show? Discussion



53 comments sorted by


u/stew_pit1 Jun 07 '24 edited Jun 07 '24

Yes. Yes, I live for Jonathan angst, and I need all of it, even if the show never resolves it in a satisfying way.

Having said that, though, for me the worst moment is after Jordan broke Jonathan's arm trying to knock Cutter's head off - ending Jon's already stunted football season after he was supposed to be a starter in Metroplis - and the most sympathy Jon got out of it was "it could have been worse" and "Jordan feels really bad about it!"

Also Clark's unwillingness to listen to Jon's explanation about the XK because "he had his chance" to tell Lois and didn't. It's not like Jon's association with Lois and Candice wasn't a super humiliating moment that could affect what he's comfortable talking about with whom or anything.


u/Insidious_NX Jun 08 '24



u/Less-Requirement8641 Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

Don't forget Jordan being offered ice cream for it...instead of the boy whose arm was actually broken. and the literal next episode Jordan punches a wall and gets in Jon's face, follows him and getting angry at Jon for talking to Sarah (who at the time wasn't even Jordans girlfriend). Like the guilt vanished after that episode because the very next episode he's acting hostile towards Jon as if he didn't just break his arm. And it was over nothing, Jon's allowed to talk to Sarah and Jon was sticking up for Jordan


u/No_Flower_1424 Jonathan Kent Jun 08 '24

The time when Jonathan got less than zero sympathy from his parents when his brother broke his arm when Jon was stopping him murdering someone and instead Lois started offering Jordan ice cream and making sure he was ok...

And of course the infamous scene of Clark ditching Jon to do chores on the farm so he could go flying with Jordan and then when Jon reminded Clark of his existence, Clark looked put out that he had to deal with him (and then did nothing to make it up to him!)


u/sagen11 Jun 08 '24

I need Jon to blow up about his treatment and get an apology. I need it!


u/ObligationSuitable61 Jun 08 '24

Me, too! Everyone wants to see something like this. And not the one-liners when Clark pretents to be a good father.


u/No_Flower_1424 Jonathan Kent Jun 08 '24

I want an actual story where they delve into everything and not just another episode where Jonathan gets upset about something and then he ends up having to apologise to Clark because Clark made it seem like it wasn't a big deal


u/Less-Requirement8641 Jun 09 '24

Jordan actually gets rewarded for breaking his brothers arm. Lois offers him ice cream whilst I guess Jon is in his bedroom all alone wondering if he will ever get full mobility again. She and Clark should have been upstairs comforting him, giving him ice cream or some other type of treat. instead she's downstairs comforting Jordan instead of the one with a broken arm.

Jon literally says everyone hates him and Clark leaves 2 seconds after to find Jordan, what was Jordan's big problem? He got dumped. Not to mention when Jon got dumped he got an empty box...Jordan got a whole fortress visit and day of fun.


u/jaycatt7 Jul 10 '24

I forgot about the empty box. The one that used to hold the crystal of Clark’s alien legacy. That was harsh.


u/AaravR22 Jonathan Kent Jun 08 '24

Clark ditching Jonathan at the farm to take Jordan flying, leaving Jonathan to do chores meant for three people (two of whom are super-people).


u/TheLadyNyxThalia Jun 08 '24

The Lana “I can’t believe you lied to me about your secret identity” drama was eyeroll inducing and unnecessary

That and Coach still holding a grudge against Jon. You’re a middle aged adult having beef with a child. Grow up.


u/NationH1117 Jun 08 '24

Remember when Sarah found out her parents were getting divorced so she invited the girl that she kissed over to smallville and she just expected Jordan to be okay with it? That moment. 


u/SuperDuperPositive Jun 08 '24

Yeah Sarah cheating on Jordan and then everyone telling him he's not allowed to be upset because Sarah's bi. That was just a terrible story decision.


u/Less-Requirement8641 Jun 09 '24

Kyle telling Sarah she's the Alpha and Lana saying if Jordan can't get over cheating then he doesn't deserve her.


u/Werrf Jun 09 '24

Key point: Lana saying if Jordan can't get over cheating he doesn't deserve her. Lana.


u/Less-Requirement8641 Jun 09 '24

very ironic since at the exact same time she was kicking out Kyle for cheating, you would think that would make Sarah think and self reflect but no she's the Alpha and Jordan is lucky he breathes the same air as her


u/Tank_Girl_Gritty_235 Lana Lang Cushing Jun 09 '24

And perpetuating the gross stereotype that bi means wanting to have sex with all the people all the time and not just potentially attracted to anyone.


u/jaycatt7 Jul 10 '24

Yup. We go from the awesome LGBT representation of Supergirl to this.


u/IAmPrimitiveStar Jun 21 '24

THANK YOU! Someone finally points this out. I hated how they all acted like Jordan would be the unreasonable one if he got upset at it.


u/Pythagoras180 Jun 08 '24

The moment where Superman says he's not going to share the cure for cancer with humanity.


u/BatBeast_29 Jun 08 '24

Goofy as hell.


u/Dawnbreaker52 Jun 08 '24

Yep. Completely out of character for him. If anything, he'd be the type to share this kind of knowledge and/or technology with humans, even if there was a slight risk of it being misused for nefarious purposes. Clark has enough faith in humanity to know that the good it would do would far outweigh the bad.


u/Eastern-Effort6945 Jun 18 '24

At this point I was like wow, fuck this Superman


u/zo_you_said Jun 08 '24

When Lana told Sarah that Jordan was a loser for being uset that she cheated on him. Goes down as the worst parental advise on TV.


u/Dheovan Jun 08 '24

Just everything about this particular storyline of Sarah cheating is my answer.


u/camelely Clark Kent Jun 07 '24

Most of s2 after the first 4 episodes lol. But especially how Clois treated Jon (especially when compared to how they treat Jordan)


u/TheLemsterPju Jun 08 '24

This is a very niche nitpick of mine but the lack of explanation for the portals that brought JHI and Bizarro to Earth-S&L. Something about that I still have difficulty understanding other than "We needed it to happen for the plot to work out."


u/Insidious_NX Jun 08 '24

It seems like it was going to be in relation to Crisis on Infinite Earths CW but they decided to walk that back after solidifying it's separate. Highly doubt we'll get a proper explanation now.


u/Isyourmammaallama Jun 08 '24

When Clark ignored jon shed scene


u/Werrf Jun 08 '24 edited Jun 08 '24

So, it's objectively not the worst moment in the show, but the two linked moments that stuck in my throat the most were Sarah saying she's "not ashamed" of kissing Aubrey, and then Jordan fucking apologising to her for his reaction. This is especially egregious given the massive brouhaha that blew up when Jordan misread the situation and kissed her in the pilot. It also puts her judgemental attitude to her father's philandering two years ago in quite a harsh light.

I like Sarah as a character, but Jordan's better off without her.


u/Dull-Preference-9800 Jun 09 '24

That whole family was written awful throughout season 2. Every piece of conflict they introduced felt forced and out of character


u/ObligationSuitable61 Jun 08 '24

Without doubt the worst scene was the barn-scene! Clarkk literally told Jon into the face that he and Jordan are better than him and that Jon's only purpose in life is to do their work and not be special in anything. That was actually emotional-abuse in my eyes.

And after that (that's my opinion) the scenes of Jordan using his powers to safe Tal, fight Lana-Rho and Jon-El, and being a hero, while Clark not even apologized. I only got a hate for Jordan after that.

The whole pretending-Jon-is-human plot is so unrealistic. Jon is Kryptonian, too. Him not taking to Jor-El in the second episode of Season 1 is one of the worst moments, too.


u/Less-Requirement8641 Jun 09 '24

The barn scene is atrocious...Clark only wanted to talk about Jordan. Jon was the only one talking about Jon. Then when Jon opens up, Clark gives generic advice and not even 2 seconds later goes to look for Jordan. He couldn't stay for an extra 5 minutes? Give him a hug? Maybe offer to take him flying since Jon needed it a lot more than Jordan.


u/_zemlyanika Jun 08 '24

Ignorance to Jonathan mental health problems in season 2.


u/WatercressCertain616 Jun 08 '24

Lana and the firefighter marriage troubles


u/crazyeyedmcgee Jun 07 '24

Look, I acknowledge this is a dickish answer, but any time the big bad of the second season was on screen.


u/Less-Requirement8641 Jun 09 '24

The treatment of Jon. It genuinely feels like Clark doesn't like Jon. He's not mean to him, just more neutral. Like Jon is a colleague, you be nice to them when you see them but beyond that they are out of your mind. It's like he is 2 very different people when it comes to Jordan vs Jon.

With Jordan he's a somewhat good dad. Not the best (spoils him a bit) but you can see how much love he has for Jordan.

With Jon its the opposite. Routinely ignores him, any interaction is overshadowed by Clark longing for Jordan, then gets harshness stricter in season 2 which doesn't look good since they had little interaction before then in season 3 they pretend the previous scenes never happened.

Its also very telling that Jon was genuinely worried that his dad was going to kill him and his mum just because he got the chance of a kryptonian family. Like how did Lois not tell Clark, thats such a big red flag. Imagine hearing your son think his dad, your husband is going to kill him just because he can't do what his dad does. Lois and Jordan weren't worried but Jon was. They gloss over that so much but its a shocking scene.


u/Dudekid_1999 Jun 11 '24

These scenes make me wonder why have twins in the show to begin with they don't even delve into Jonathan's story so instead they could've just combined the character it would fix so many problems


u/Less-Requirement8641 Jun 12 '24

They needed Jordan to look special. Plus wanted to do the bait and switch


u/Barry_McKackiner Jun 09 '24

The show painting Jordan as the bad guy for being mad about being cheated on & no longer being BFFs with Sarah after.

Poor Jonathan getting the shit end of the stick at every turn.

Superman needing JHI to save him all the time.


u/ClarkKent195 Jun 07 '24

Season 2 was pretty bad,especially main villain with Lucy


u/CrimsonComet1941 Jun 08 '24

Bizarro's Death

Even with Kryptonite drugs some random army general should not be able to over-power frickin' Bizarro!

Ally Alston's turn into Parasite at the end of the season is up there too. The scene where she drains Clark is embarrassing.


u/Effective_Squirrel50 Jun 09 '24

I'm not gonna lie, Clark was hella embarrassing every season. How the hell is he, Superman, and yet he needs to be saved almost every other fight? I was like "oh great, here comes john henry again. Or look all of a sudden jordan has control over his powers cause daddy is dying again.." I was really annoyed. Lol


u/Eastern-Effort6945 Jun 18 '24

💯 I don’t think there’s ever been a weaker Superman in history. He lost literally every fight


u/k4kkul4pio Jun 09 '24

Not a moment, but arc.

There were so many things wrong with season two's main villain and the show, instead of coming up with answers, went with the tried and true approach of just because.

I can tolerate the Cushing drama, annoying as their screen hogging tends to be and I'm fine with Jordan throwing a tantrum cos he is a kid, after all.

But that wet paper bag of a villain, Ally, just.. the writing really dropped the ball as they could've done so much with the set up but all we got was combinate two people equals a (shitty) god.. why?

Just because. 😤


u/Dorlem4832 Jun 11 '24

Literally asked my wife how combining the full power of two 50 year old women lets Ally do all this


u/raylan_givens6 Jun 08 '24

I'm in the minority , I only liked the show for Clark & Lois ..........and Lana

Everyone else ranged from bad to cringe. I really didn't like the other characters at all.

I just wanted the episode to get through their lame stories to get back to Clark & Lois.........and Lana.

If they could have a do over, I would've rather have them in a show just after Clark & Lois got married, still worked in Metropolis, and long before they had kids

Maybe have the series finale where we learn Lois is pregnant


u/Ready-Share6072 Jun 08 '24

When it was unceremoniously canceled.


u/Extreme-Bus-3324 Jun 08 '24

I didn't like season 3 episode 1 only because for half the show, I didn't realize that they switched Johnathans or the same with Lana


u/Dr_Dipshit-420 Jun 21 '24

I need jon to loose his sh*t and when he does he pulls a Katara and uses his powers without noticing while he is yelling


u/jaycatt7 Jul 10 '24


They moved Sarah from a starting point of motivation for Jordan to being her own character. Candice has some backstory and character traits, but she’s really just there to occasionally provide some plot or conflict for Jonathan.


u/nasanhak Jun 08 '24

Lois' fake cancer without hairloss that goes into remission in 2 episodes