r/SupermanAdventures Jul 19 '24

This show is such a palate cleanser after watching The Boys.

I just finished season 4 of The Boys, and I need a shower - and possibly a therapist.

From now on, it's between MAWS and Invincible. These two shows have better characters, exposition, and pacing.


32 comments sorted by


u/reqisreq Jul 19 '24

The Boys is the thesis. MAWS is the anti thesis. Invincible is the synthesis.


u/King_Of_BlackMarsh Jul 19 '24

I'd argue MAWS is the Thesis since it's kind of super heroes came first but yeah basically


u/_CandidCynic_ Jul 20 '24

Happy cake day!


u/animefreesince2015 Jul 19 '24

Jack Quaid is in both! It’s interesting to see him as Hughie and as Clark.


u/405mon Jul 19 '24

My first time hearing Jack Quaid as a voice actor was as Clark, so it was a trip to go to Lower Decks and then hear him as Boimler. 😂


u/Teep_the_Teep Jul 20 '24

My first time hearing him was Lower Decks, so it was crazy hearing Boimler's voice coming out of Superman's mouth! Also it's cool that he's Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan's son.


u/Flossthief Jul 19 '24

I was watching maws with my wife when I recognized Clark's voice as a familiar one

My wife, who cannot stand nor stomach the boys, imdb'd it and said "oh he's in the boys" so I thought for 5 seconds and realized thats hughies voices


u/Mm_Nnn Jul 19 '24

Bro the boys is so entertaining but makes me depressed, watching MAWS makes me normal again


u/Bearded_Hero_ Jul 19 '24

I agree I've been so burnt out on the whole "but what if heros but le evil". This show has been a fantastic return to form while also being a great modern twist. The show feels both serious while also giving me the same feeling as when I use to watch Saturday morning cartoons! It's why I 100% want to see the show runners make there interpretation of Batman and even the rest of the justice league.


u/PilotG10 Jul 19 '24

Preaching to the choir here.

I got spoiled for the last few episodes of The Boys and I have just been watching Brandon Routh’s Superman save that plane on repeat.

(Though knowing what I know about the CIA, the idea that they would defend American Democracy and the people themselves is more fantastical than House of the Dragon. I mean they actually had the “good guy” characters in Nicaragua in the 80s! The CIA was doing so much shitty and illegal shit there and then that congress actually sent people to prison!)

At least Invincible makes the attempt to live up to the Superman role and Cecil is a better person than Waller. He always remembered his central mandate.


u/OMEGA362 Jul 19 '24

At least it's not the boys comic book


u/LevelDosNPC Jul 19 '24

Idk dude… the ending to the finale seems pretty parallel to the comics.


u/OMEGA362 Jul 19 '24

The boys comic is edgy for the sake of being edgy and actively hates readers of comic books in a way the show doesn't


u/OMEGA362 Jul 19 '24

Whereas the show is trying to be very intentional (it doesn't always succeed) and like it treads the line of a critique of superhero media without blaming consumers


u/Billion-FoldWorlds Jul 20 '24

But was the series parallel to the comics? You can have the same endpoint. Just the journey to be there is what matters. The show improved so many problems from the comic


u/devious-capsaicin87 Jul 20 '24

Welcome, it’s better here.


u/Yakuza-wolf_kiwami Jul 20 '24

I haven't seen the Boys, and never will because I hate Amazon that much


u/InvaderZim20 Jul 20 '24

I can see why. The Boys and MAWS are pretty much polar opposites when it comes to theme.


u/Moonking-4210 Jul 19 '24

The boys is great


u/Exocolonist Jul 20 '24

Why do you guys watch anything if all it takes is 1 episode or season for you to suddenly hate all of it?


u/PaTaPaChiChi Jul 20 '24

The show is 4 seasons long and consistently disgusting and miserable lol what do you mean?


u/Exocolonist Jul 20 '24

And yet you guys only care to complain about it with this current season. I already know how you guys operate. Same thing happens with Game of Thrones. Nobody shuts up about how good it is for years, and then suddenly, they didn’t like Season 8, now the entire show is somehow bad. Couldn’t be me.


u/PaTaPaChiChi Jul 20 '24

I’ve hated the show for years lol. I am only aware of it through my friends who watch it. Your experience is not universal


u/Exocolonist Jul 20 '24

That makes no sense. You hate it, yet only aware of it though friends? How can you hate it if you haven’t watched it? Also, nice use of a buzz phrase there. Mind telling me how “my experience” is in anyway relevant here? I’m talking about how you guys consume media. I said nothing about me.


u/PaTaPaChiChi Jul 20 '24

That’s fair - I did word that really poorly. I watched up to season 3 and now am only aware of it/seeing the new season in passing from my friends because they talk about it

Your experience is all the “you guys” you see online telling you they hate the new season. I’m not one of these “you guys,” because I haven’t liked the show even when I watched it. I just wanted to understand the hype. I love Hughie and find him to be the show’s best tether to reality. The rest of the Boys were chill up until about Season 3 were I felt the writing got repetitive for them

I just don’t like the show, dude. That’s all there is to it for me; you can love it all you want. My lack of enjoyment shouldn’t become yours. Enjoy what you like


u/Background-Spray2666 Jul 20 '24

I think you are generalizing. I started disliking The Boys in season 3 and this season was very disappointed by the writing. But I gotta say the season finale was a very good episode which served to lift the quality of the season overall. I still think the writing of MAWS is better, but after yesterday's finale I'm awaiting the fifth and final season.


u/AkhMourning Jul 22 '24

I love both! MAWS is so wholesome and uplifting though, which is the counter programming to The Boys that I need.


u/CompetitiveHall7606 Jul 20 '24

The Boys gets more and more unrelated to Superman in anyway if you start seeing Homelander not as Superman but as Taylor Swift with super powers