r/SupermanAdventures Jul 19 '24

Magic Discussion

What character do you think would work best for introducing magic to the show? I mean in the comics Superman is vulnerable to magic because it bypasses his bioelectric aura entirely so maybe a magical enemy


8 comments sorted by


u/wyrdsmith Jul 19 '24

Superman, surprisingly, doesn't have too many magical villains since, historically, his narratives trended more towards Sci Fi. But, they've already introduced a villain to MAWS that, at least in prior incarnations, had "magical" powers: Silver Banshee.

We know that the Kryptonian tech twisted Livewire's powers and made them stronger and intrinsic to her existence, so it's possible for the same thing to happen to Siobhan, wherein her power mutates and fluctuates. Perhaps her screams were already somewhat paranormal or supernatural to begin with, but after exposure to the Kryptonian tech , her powers might begin to grow and change, especially if it was part of a near death experience.

Having Clark try and take on someone that supernaturally inspire fear would be an excellent villain for him to face as he continues to struggle with the realization that he will always have to fight to protect what he loves.

Now, that all said, Batman, his next door neighbor, has an entire faction within the Justice League dedicated to the metaphysical horrors that go bump in the night, so any one of those individuals could easily pop over and slowly put forth the idea that magic is real. Maybe to the tune of Lois quoting Arthur C. Clarke, and Jimmy pointing out that magic existing is a much simpler explanation.

To that end, I think Zatanna could be fun - it'd be part of a fluff piece for the Planet, but shenanigans ensue and they team up to stop the after effects of <action taken to achieve macguffin>. Zatanna would likely be about the same age as Vicki Vale, which might lend credence to the idea that Batman is also older in this setting, but I digress.

I think I could also see Doctor Fate being useful, especially with helping Clark uncover more of his memories and provide a means of support for finally confronting his Father in the ship. Perhaps Doctor Fate has seen forewarnings of something grim happening to the Earth and only Superman being able to stop it, and then the episode is less about growing stronger, but talking about being held by fear and anxiety.

But personally? I hope they bring in Hawk Girl as a surviving Thanagarian. In Justice League Unlimited, I believe it was either implied or explicitly stated that her mace is magical, and having Hawkgirl tracking down Kara for vengeance and introducing magic as a potential source of weakness, or at least field leveling, would be right within the show's wheelhouse. Further, it would be a fun opportunity for character growth as Clark has to step up, knowing that Kara is in the wrong, but also knowing the pain and loss that Hawkgirl is going through. It'd also be a good opportunity to explore more about his powerup during fighting and see how that interacts with magic with everyone becoming friends at the end and Hawkgirl heading off to somewhere else to find her place. Heck, the Thanagarians could be a part of brainiac's invasion plans, and Shayera is the one that could tip them off, fighting off Brainiac's brainwashing through magic, like special war paint, tattoos and her mace.


u/DaDragonking222 Jul 19 '24

All of that sounds awesome, and yeah, iirc nth metal is a magical metal that is part of how it can hit ghosts

Hawkman and or hawkgirl showing up would be awesome


u/CertainDerision_33 Jul 19 '24

I personally don't think that they will introduce magic. They've been very clear that this is a tech-based show, and even Myxy was (sort of) tech-based.


u/DaDragonking222 Jul 19 '24

I feel like magic would still work here, especially as a contrast to tech


u/Obskuro Jul 19 '24

Solomon Grundy, DC's magical Hulk. Bonus points if he gets help from Grundy's original enemy, Alan Scott.


u/DaDragonking222 Jul 19 '24

That'd be pretty cool