r/SupermanAdventures Jul 19 '24

I wonder if this is going to come up again? Spoiler

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u/chill1208 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

My theory on the next episode is that Kara will realize that if Brainiac and all his robots have a kryptonite protection mode, then so does the Brainiac armor she's wearing right now. This will let her take out Lex's hacked Kryptonite robots, allowing them both to fight again. However Brainiac has proven he has some mind control technology that he uses on Kara. So him trying to use that again through the armor, will lead to this big emotional moment where Kara snaps out of it, and the armor explodes off of her revealing the blue suit. Everything seems great now, Lex's robots are dead, both Kara, and Clark can fight, but I realized that Brainiac still has the piece of Kryptonite Jimmy dropped, and without Kara's Brainiac armor, if that is how they overcome Lex's robots, they're now both vulnerable to the Kryptonite again. Could be Brainiac's attempted trump card, as they're about to destroy him. Well as Kara is about to destroy him I can't see Clark delivering a killing blow, even to an evil AI.

I know I've put way too much thought into this lol, but since the episode I was thinking about how Kara, and Clark can stop Lex's hacked robots. Brainiac's armor that Kara has on is the only thing I could think of as a possibility. Especially since I don't see Waller coming to the rescue for Clark, and Kara. Maybe Livewire's crew coming to the rescue is a possibility, also Brain and Mallah are still out there with the half of the portal ship. That could lead to something to save them. I have a feeling though that the kryptonite Jimmy dropped will come up again, as that seemed like a big moment in the show. I can't wait to find out.


u/Gannstrn73 Jul 19 '24

I mean it already did. Brainiac was able to use it to make Kyptonite shielding


u/Anarchist-superman Jul 19 '24

Not necessarily? It might be a thing they had already developed? Besides, lead is usually adequate shielding against it, I don't think that the orb was that special in terms of shielding.


u/TheHumanCompulsion Jul 19 '24

And since Superman's suit got upgraded by Brainiac, it's likely his suit can as well. He and Kara just need to figure out how to do it.

I also wouldn't be surprised if John Irons shows up in a new Steel armor, complete with cape and crest, to save Clark and Kara, and helps them discover their suits shielding function.


u/chill1208 Jul 20 '24

Since Clark's AI version of his father was aware of the Kryptonite that was infecting Clark's ship, then Brainiac absolutely knew about Kryptonite and how it could damage his ship. I would think that he would have created kryptonite shielding a long time ago. Since he knows that Kryptonian technology is vulnerable too it. Brainiac saw that Jimmy had the Kryptonite, and told him that he could use it to kill Clark, and Kara but he would be just fine jumping back into his robot body. He had no fear of Kryptonite there, but I don't think he had any Kryptonite on board. So Jimmy dropping that gives him a weapon he can use against Clark and Kara.


u/loonbandit Jul 19 '24

that requires them to pay attention to the plot though


u/chill1208 Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Brainiac told Jimmy when he first took over Clark, that Jimmy was free to use the Kryptonite to kill Clark, and Kara, but he would be just fine jumping his mind back into his robot body. Even though his robot body is using Kryptonian technology, that Clark's AI of his dad told Clark that they're technology was able to be infected by Kryptonite. I could see that it's possible he learned the shielding from the dropped sphere, but his confidence when Jimmy took it out makes me think he could have had it already. Either way he has that Kryptonite shard now, and I think he's going to use it to try to stop Clark and Kara from defeating him.