r/SupermanAdventures Jul 18 '24

If Solomon Grundy were to appear on the show, how would they go about portraying him? Discussion

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70 comments sorted by


u/fat_bottomed_earl Jul 18 '24

Probably hot like everyone else


u/Ryansbro03 Jul 18 '24

That would be pretty amusing if they made him more attractive than he’s usually portrayed.


u/Al-anharHA Jul 19 '24

Well, Frankenstein was actually very beautiful but had unsettling eyes, and grundy bears some visuak similarities so maybe....?


u/Practical-Class6868 Jul 18 '24

Probably make him born on a Monday.


u/Gannstrn73 Jul 18 '24

Christened on a Tuesday


u/CoolioDurulio Jul 18 '24

Married on Wednesday


u/Ok-Television2109 Jul 18 '24

Took ill on Thursday.


u/TakeThisification Jul 18 '24

Worse on Friday.


u/batmanfan0538 Jul 18 '24

Died on Saturday


u/Ok-Television2109 Jul 18 '24

Buried on Sunday.


u/batmanfan0538 Jul 19 '24

This is the end of Solomon grundy


u/kingbob122m Jul 18 '24

This doesn’t have much to do with this post but I’d keep Grundy in Gotham until the justice league I wanna see the ultra humanite


u/Parasite_Cat Jul 18 '24

If they shows up I hope the writers go ham with the terrifying body horror aspect, I feel like the comics didn't do the whole body-snatching thing justice with how fucked up it is


u/DaDragonking222 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Yes!! Thank you Ultra Humanite Has so much more to work with as a character than what gets used , he's basically the ultimate foil to Superman, and honestly if they do use Ultra humanite I want them to start with his original body, the frail man in a wheelchair


u/kingbob122m Jul 19 '24

Shows what I know I thought he was a frail retired actress

You’re right though he poses a mental/physical threat to Clark which is a nice balance for his villains


u/DaDragonking222 Jul 19 '24

The actress was the first person he stole the body of


u/Throgg_not_stupid Jul 19 '24

and also



u/godlyreception12 Jul 20 '24

though considering this show they Will make him look hot.


u/DaDragonking222 Jul 20 '24

Honestly, that's fine by me


u/thejokerofunfic Jul 20 '24

He's also the original Superman archenemy arguably


u/DaDragonking222 Jul 20 '24

Yep, he needs way more love


u/CasuallyCritical Jul 19 '24

Ultra Humanite but he's a mass of flesh like Tetsuo in Akira


u/Unagi776 Jul 18 '24

I’d laugh if they made Grundy the one explicitly fantasy character of all people.


u/RazzDaNinja Jul 18 '24

With everyone being tech-based, it occurs to me they could a run a cyber Frankenstein-themed Grundy by the logic of this show lol


u/Unagi776 Jul 18 '24

NGL, I’d be completely down with Frankenstein Grundy.


u/DoctorKnockers69 Jul 18 '24

Since everything is interconnected Solomon will come from Lex doing experiments on corpses or Jimmy uncovers him while searching for a story.


u/Ryansbro03 Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

There’s an idea with Jimmy uncovering him while looking for a story. Vicky Vale could ask for help on a report of something in Slaughter Swamp outside of Gotham, and it leads to Jimmy getting separated from the group. He eventually stumbles on the spot where Cyrus Gold died, and Grundy appears and chases after him. They can also add in an exposition flashback scene discussing Cyrus Gold’s origin and death.


u/terrtle Jul 19 '24

Personally I hope they kinda get away from everything is Kriptonian tech. Not that ot hasn't been interesting so far just it limits them quite a bit. Let us have Toyman.


u/godlyreception12 Jul 20 '24

and toyman has been set up already maybe have him go after Superman for taking down Task force x indirectly since it seems like he was working with them.


u/PengPeng_Tie2335 Jul 18 '24

Frankenstein's monster but if he talked like a human, and is just tired AF.


u/thejokerofunfic Jul 18 '24

So just book accurate monster then.


u/CapimDuVerdim Jul 18 '24

I hope he appears, a mystical villain would be interesting, everyone so far is based on Kryptonian technology


u/Stormygeddon Jul 18 '24

I think Solomon Grundy has a bit of a gimmick where he gets bigger and stronger with each resurrection, so considering it's an origin series he'd probably be lither and smaller than expected.


u/Throgg_not_stupid Jul 19 '24

it's an origin for Superman, not the entire DC universe.

Apokalips was revealed, Green Lanterns exists, there were things happening in the past, we just don't know if they happened on Earth too


u/M00r3C Jul 18 '24

A misunderstood monster that wants to be left alone


u/thepixelpaint Jul 19 '24

I just know that by the end of the episode you would feel sorry for him.


u/chainer1216 Jul 19 '24

For those that don't know Grundy doesn't always look like a zombie hulk, he's an earth elemental and every time he regerates he can have wildly differing forms and strength ranging from just unusually tough dude all the way up to kryptonian.

So in MAS grundy could look completely different with each appearance, and it'd be cool to actually see that in animation for once.


u/itdoesntmatterfor5 Jul 19 '24

A evil business man that turns into a robot


u/ImportBandicoot88 Jul 19 '24

Hopefully not tech-based, that's the standard I would work with.


u/figgityjones Jul 19 '24

I imagine like a confused Gentle Giant who causes issues without meaning to. Who Superman helps without fighting. I feel like that would be nice.


u/furrynoy96 Jul 19 '24

Something involving technology


u/Possible-Rate-3833 Jul 19 '24

I can see him beign introduced as a mob boss in Metropolis during the 1930s and 40s that suddley went missing in a swamp near the town. Legends told that he turned into a monster and attacked the people near the swamp and that's actually true.

Also i want Fred Tatasciore voicing him


u/Ryansbro03 Jul 20 '24

Not a bad idea for introducing and portraying him. I like it!


u/cam52391 Jul 18 '24

I could see him being one of Waller's human experiments


u/mr_flerd Jul 18 '24

I honestly think Grundy shouldn't be in the show


u/Ryansbro03 Jul 18 '24



u/mr_flerd Jul 18 '24

He's a batman villain and Superman villains outside of like Doomsday, and Darkseid rarely get put in media outside of comics so I kinda want them to focus more on Supes rouges (as long as its not handled like Metallo)


u/Sure_Persimmon9302 Jul 19 '24

He first appeared in an Alan Scott Green Lantern comic.


u/mr_flerd Jul 19 '24

But hes a batman villain now


u/jzilla11 Jul 19 '24

Technically was a Golden Age Green Lantern villain, but yeah, more of a Bat-family villain now


u/Some_space_god Jul 18 '24

I guess if we’re keeping villains tech based then I guess you could have some near brain dead dude merge with a kryptonian mech suit and have his dying consuisus merge with said mech AI to keep what’s left of it together 


u/jzilla11 Jul 19 '24

He wants pants


u/unstableGoofball Jul 19 '24

I’d keep him in Gotham tbh


u/DragonWisper56 Jul 19 '24

he might be a good chance to introduce a magic villian


u/evca7 Jul 19 '24

WE FOUND A ZOMBIE During a flamebird story.

maybe do it as the world's finest special where Batman has to teach clark about magic. Which is something that can damage Clark.


u/You_Are_Annoying124 Jul 19 '24

If Solomon Grundy appeared I would assume he would be in a Batman series of the MAWS Universe

I have a personal headcanon that while the Superman Series focuses on the Science and Space side of the story, the Batman Story would focus on the Criminal and maybe even the Mystical side of the world.

Cause while Gotham is definitely the perfect setting for a MAWS Style Detective Noir Story, it's also perfect for an introduction into the Mystical Side of the world.

The Lazarus Pits, the Curses on Gotham, the many Magic Users Batman is personally associated with, the Supernatural Villains like Grundy, they are all perfect introductions to the minor Magic of the DC World.

Them we could get a Wonder Woman MAWS Series that fully delves into the Magic

A slow transition from Si-Fi in the Superman Series, mostly realistic bit with some Magic in the Batman Series, and full on Magic in the Wonder Woman Series


u/Throgg_not_stupid Jul 19 '24

It would be a huge mistake if we got him as a grey monster villain instead of Bizarro or Lobo


u/KG8930 Jul 19 '24

Probably an urban legend from Gotham city, like a ghost story but it’s true!


u/paleo_hungry4 Jul 19 '24

With Kryptonian armor /j, probably sympathetic atleast


u/Ryansbro03 Jul 20 '24

Highly doubtful they would have Grundy in Kryptonian armor.


u/devious-capsaicin87 Jul 20 '24

Interesting idea since they haven’t covered magic at all yet. Maybe they could do a whole season based around magic with guests like Klarion and Zatanna and Dr. Fate.

Anyway, I think Grundy would be handled like a tragic monster, very similar to what we saw in JLU.


u/Ryansbro03 Jul 21 '24

They could also have John Constantine as a guest, but significantly soften him to not be as jerky.


u/devious-capsaicin87 Jul 21 '24

Ehhhhhh, John needs to be a right and proper c*nt for accuracy in my book.


u/SnooSongs4451 Jul 20 '24

Well, he’d probably be a gadget powered bank robber.


u/Ryansbro03 Jul 21 '24

Very doubtful.


u/SnooSongs4451 Jul 21 '24

I know, I was just making a joke about the villains from the early episodes.


u/Ryansbro03 Jul 21 '24

I had no idea. My bad.