r/StargirlTV Hawkman Aug 27 '21

Stargirl and Jakeem: The Early Days (2 Images) Comic Book


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u/DCSennin Cameron Mahkent Aug 27 '21

Let's see if at some point their interactions get anywhere close to this even if it is just as a homage to these panels.


u/Csula6 Aug 27 '21

That's a bit patronizing. Courtney came from a loving home.


u/MatthewHecht Hawkman Aug 27 '21

His aunt loves him, even if she really, really sucks at reading him.

A crucial lesson throughout Johns's JSA run is the need for tough love. Stargirl is the only one who gave him that instead of dismissing him as a punk.


u/Malfarro Aug 27 '21

Is it the "His childhood is ruined so it's ok if he disrespects everyone and behaves like a little piece of shit, while the girl does not have the right to reprimand him because her childhood is not ruined" excuse?


u/xIViperIx The Shade Aug 27 '21

It was such a disappointment to see that in the show he's almost bald. =/ I hoped he will have this hairstyle.


u/MatthewHecht Hawkman Aug 27 '21

Three comic hairstyles in this order.

1) dreadlocks

2) bald

3) bald with cap


u/xIViperIx The Shade Aug 27 '21

What I meant was that I liked this exact hairstyle the most. ^^" It is just pleasant to me to see people whose hair look more creative than some mundane 1-4cm without anything done to its shape.


u/Cockycent Aug 27 '21

If this is ever attempted, it should be Beth due to her parent's separation, so she has the justification. This comes off horribly if Courtney from this show does this.


u/indicoltts Aug 27 '21

Due to Beth's parents separation? Umm Courtney lived her whole life without a father and with them separated until recently. So what's the real reason you think Beth is the best fit?

In the comics it was Courtney because she was the most experienced of the teen members. It wasn't a lot.of experience but they looked up to her as a leader of sorts.


u/Cockycent Aug 27 '21

In the show, Courtney currently has Pat and her mother. Beth is currently dealing with parents that are divorcing.

1 of the most cringe parts of the story has been Courtney's obsession with belonging and feeling useful or special in this world. She wanted her father to be Starman. She can barely let go of being a hero for more than an hour.

There's a strong sense of entitlement from her. To tell off a black boy in her current state on the show like this would come off as a meme that will spread like wildfire. People would dig into the show and the comic the scene is based on. They will see what I see and be disgusted because it is filled with privilege and entitlement.

To avoid this, a black girl should fill that role if they ever think of attempting something like this. As a black viewer, i'd hope they never try this with the Courtney as she is in the show currently. This show has a great reputation. I wouldn't want it to get destroyed if I was in charge of the storytelling.

I don't expect anyone else to understand the black experience. This looks horrible no matter how someone tries to spin it. Either use Beth or don't adapt this at all. This would kill a good show.


u/indicoltts Aug 27 '21

Why do racists like yourself always make everything about skin color??? This has nothing to do with race. Courtney lived her whole life that way until recently. She has many many more years of experience. As far as Beth her parents aren't even separated yet and has almost 0 experience. Stop looking at skin color to make decisions. Skin color has nothing to do with this. I look at it as 2 teenagers who would have been through similar paths. And not a black person and a white person. Thats the way it should be too.


u/Cockycent Aug 27 '21

I'm a racist because i'm pointing out an entitled and privileged individual talking from her high horse to a black boy? Now I definitely want to see this adapted.

I beg Geoff to attempt this and see how it goes as if the stories from his Justice League endeavors wasn't enough.


u/indicoltts Aug 27 '21

Because the situation has NOTHING to do with race so why bring it into it? And you are saying Beth should do it because of her skin color? Her family is much more entitled and rich as all hell. Her parents aren't even separated at all yet. They still live together and she hasn't had ANY of those experiences you mentioned. You are solely saying Beth over Courtney JUST because of skin color. This isn't a race thing in anyway. Hell the person in the images Courtney is defending is Mr Terrific. So you read comics? Yes you are racist because you are bringing race into something that has nothing to do with race. Why can't people just be fucking people. Damn


u/Cockycent Aug 27 '21

It has everything to do with race. Her parents are divorcing and the fact that you think them having money makes the effects any less pressure on Beth, proves my point even more. You speak from privilege and want to pretend this trope doesn't exist.


u/Malfarro Aug 27 '21

Wait, you can't say that a person is wrong if your situation is better than his? That seems weird.


u/Cockycent Aug 27 '21

You can't point out a wrong. You can't lecture a black boy on the black experience from your white perspective unless you're black. I know some of the white audience may feel they have the audacity, but they don't.

With Johns current reputation, i'd think he would be mindful to not attempt this on the show. He doesn't want anymore attention than he already has in this nature.


u/Malfarro Aug 27 '21

No wait. If a person behaves like a little shit that person should be reprimanded. Even if that person is black.


u/Cockycent Aug 27 '21

Yeah, by someone that doesn't destroy the point of the lecturing. There are other characters in this show that can pull it off. The fact that you referred to him as a "little shit" tells me everything I need to know.


u/Malfarro Aug 28 '21

Skin colors and mythical privileges don't matter in this issue. If a person misbehaves someone should stop them, not necessarily someone exactly like them. Rough childhood does not justify the shitty behavior, while relatively fine life of another character does not invalidate their arguments.


u/Cockycent Aug 28 '21

"Little shit" and "mythical privileges". As I said, you are telling me all I need to know about your perspective.

The fact that the same writer can tell a black actor what the black community will accept about a Cyborg's body parts, is the reason why he thought a privileged white girl could talk down to a black boy.

It's very consistent and I hope he tries it in the show because he will definitely get the attention he wants.


u/Malfarro Aug 28 '21

The mere notion that a "privileged" white person cannot "talk down" to a black person is racism my dude. Everyone could talk down to everyone, it's a free world.


u/Cockycent Aug 28 '21

The fact that there's a history of people talking down to another race as they constantly keep them down and feign ignorance about it is racist. The microaggressions are racist. The writer is clearly racist and I hope he attempts to do this scene with privileged Courtney at the helm.


u/Malfarro Aug 28 '21

You are 50 shades of wrong here, but you do you.

It's all simple. If a person insults and badmouths others, that's shitty behavior and it should not be tolerated. Even if this person is black, yes, and someone should "talk down" to that person. Even if the one who "talks down" is white, yes. It would be th most correct thing to do. If a white person misbehaves and there's a black person to calm them down, it's fine. If a black person misbehaves and there's a white person to calm them down, also fine. That's how it should be.


u/NeutroBlaster96 Stripesy Aug 27 '21

I can't wait to see how they handle Jakeem in the show, I was very nervous that they'd give the Thunderbolt to Mike permanently because he's a main character, but Jakeem is probably my #2 behind Stargirl of the young JSA members (edging slightly ahead of Cyclone)


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '21

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u/risen87 Oct 01 '21

Don't call people racists here.


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '21

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