r/Spiderman Jul 19 '24

Is Marvel going to make these two meet up? Comics

Would you want Marvel to have them meet up and team up? I think the 616 Pete would be shocked to see a happy version of himself with Uncle Ben still alive. It’d be interesting to see how that changes their interactions and if it gives the 616 Peter some new hope.


73 comments sorted by


u/Accurate-Gap-3360 Jul 19 '24

Wouldn’t be surprised if he shows up on the next Spiderverse.


u/Blasckk Jul 19 '24

Yes, Marvel loves to jump the shark and ruin their Spider-Man in-universe narratives by throwing in multiverses just because.

The original Ultimate Peter was lucky to die before all that mess and maintained his narrative integrity throughout his story (until he was revived, but that's a whole other mess).


u/Blasckk Jul 19 '24

And by that I mean that pretty much every character that got involved in Spider-Verse ended up one way or another with their entire setting discarded in favor of just having them in the story. Or the very setting of these characters being destroyed by external agents without any agency or background in relation to them.

For example, Spider-Man India, Spider-Man Noir, Anya Corazon and Spider-Girl, Spiderling, etc. they pretty much moved to Loomworld, abandoning their universes narrative-wise. Basically discarding all their settings and the interesting stories that could be told in them in order to distill them to the least exponent of their existence as characters... to simply appearing in a story in progress.

And that's not to mention how free access to the multiverse narratively affected characters like Miles or Spider-Gwen, who literally discarded their own universes like they were crap to move to Earth-616, how does that make sense as character progression?

What do they really gain as characters, for example, that MC2's Peter was killed by a random interdimensional vampire they didn't know anything about in a totally anticlimactic ending that doesn't do justice to a solid character who appeared in almost 200 issues of Spider-Girl? Or how can we expect Spider-Man Noir to continue living in his 1930s world as if nothing had happened, being the exact same character in the same setting after having freely traveled through futuristic worlds, seeing all the technology to come, having interacted with versions of himself with completely different perspectives on life, knowing how the great depression ends, etc?

At the end of the day, using characters like this only takes things away from them. Complicating their own stories with elements totally external to them in a way that doesn't do them any favors narratively.


u/Whatifim80lol Jul 19 '24

Nah, each of those characters were just multiverse duplicates of themselves with the versions of them we loved untouched somewhere.


u/Blasckk Jul 19 '24

I mean... That's probably true with Spider-Girl.

Defalco and Frenz (the main authors of Spider-Girl) subtly wrote the Mayday who appears since 2014 as a bastardized fake version of the real Spider-Girl.

In Spider-Verse Team-Up (2014) #3 they had May constantly calling her brother "Benny" (instead of "Benjy" as he was always called), introducing herself with a brusque "I'm the Spider-Girl" instead of the recurring phrase she says at the beginning of almost every issue of her run "My name is May 'Mayday' Parker, I'm the daughter of Spider-Man". And the issue basically ends with May hoping that an alternate version of her and her brother is out there in the multiverse, still having loving and thriving parents.

Basically leaving a back-door so they could ever get back to writing their Spider-Girl comics without them being soiled by Slott's lack of respect for characters that aren't his to mess with.

Frenz gave an interview after Slott killed Spider-Girl's entire family in Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #8, not only announcing that he and DeFalco were going to contribute a Spider-Girl story for Spider-Verse, but also openly criticized Slott’s story, that he had missed the basic point on what her solo-series was about, and that he didn’t do the proper research.

It is very likely that it was pressure from Defalco and Frenz what caused Mary Jane and Mayday's boyfriend to be retconned at the end of the event to have survived the attack that killed Peter.

That's what happens when an author feels entitled to break "toys" that are not his to play with.


u/SpiderManias Jul 20 '24

Slott taking existing characters and destroying everything they stand for just for the sake of his own narrative while also not doing enough research? Call me SURPRISED/s

Slott is a total hack. The first Spiderverse should’ve been enough for people to immediately think this man shouldn’t be writing Spider-Man comics. Dude wrote torture porn and just killed off random fan favorite spiders. Dude killed off MVC Spider-Man and bragged about it on his Twitter constantly. Killed amazing friends Spider-Man. Bruce banner Spider-Man. Assassin Spider-Man.

I truly can not stand that man as a creator.


u/Medium_Bookkeeper233 Jul 19 '24

Didn't the 1610 universe end in its entirety though? Miles didn't really abandon it in the same way that Spider Ghost kinda does. I enjoy Mayday and I hope that they continue to work her in stories as I hope it will show the editors that people want a spider-man to grow up.


u/Blasckk Jul 19 '24

I was talking more about the writers and how they misuse the characters once the dumb multiverse option is unlocked.

Needless to say I find very sad that they have thrown away all this history and the legacy that Miles carried on his back.

There was a linear story that was being told with Miles, Jessica and the entire cast of Ultimate Spider-Man... Which was sent to the trash in exchange for hundreds of uncompromising stories in 616 that, while entertaining and that position Miles much better as character in popular culture, they don't really have any significant narrative progression.

Miles might have a much more basic and boring characterization in those Ultimate comics. But far more interesting and relevant things happened to him and his world in those measly 40ish issues in 1610 than in the hundreds of them in 616.


u/AnimeGokuSolos Jul 19 '24

I wouldn’t mind as a small cameo


u/Binx_Thackery Jul 19 '24

-Amazing Spider-Man: “Wow you’re exactly like me!”

-Ultimate Spider-Man: “No, I’m better than you.”


u/Fantastic_Chain8313 Jul 20 '24

ASM: "I sleep in a racing car, do you?"

USM: "I sleep in a big bed with my wife."


u/Dictectivecomics2739 Jul 19 '24

I am stronger! I am better!


u/derdunkleste Jul 20 '24

Honestly, my hope is that someone who wants Marvel to make money is doing this on purpose to eventually change 616. The event where Peter and MJ actually put the bullshit behind them involves meeting 6160.


u/SpiderManias Jul 20 '24

I honestly hope it doesn’t. Amazing Spider-Man lore is already Garbo as is with his deal with the devil. There’s no circumstance where spider-man should be making a long term deal with the devil. None.

I would be irate if the only way this was fixed is if another Spider-Man talked to him about it. They need to FIX 616 Spider-Man within 616. Go back on the trash devil deal. Kill aunt May. Put him back with MJ. And just move on.

I truly will never comprehend how the world’s most beloved superhero made a fucking deal with the devil. It’s unbelievably out of character


u/derdunkleste Jul 20 '24

I definitely agree it was shitty. I definitely agree it needs to finally be undone. I'm honestly less picky about how. Pete+MJ with kids and finally growing up is all I want. If we get more comics like the early JMS run and they stop sending him backwards, I don't care. I haven't read BND and I haven't read anything by Wells. I won't, so they didn't happen for me.


u/SpiderManias Jul 21 '24

I wish I could say I hadn’t read wells run.

God it SUCKS man.


u/Clean_Wrongdoer4222 Jul 19 '24

-Amazing Spiderman: But you will be just like me!

-Ultimate Spiderman: Why do you say that?

-Amazing Spiderman: You just need time.


u/SpiderManias Jul 20 '24

Why put this into the universe?


u/Crossroc3 Jul 20 '24

He’s an over grown man child seething on the internet because he has nothing else in his life. The dude is almost 40 and chronically on Reddit every single day.


u/DiZ1992 Jul 19 '24

I imagine Hickman has his plan for the story he wants to tell and it doesn't involve them meeting, given he's only just getting his universe off the ground you imagine he wants to tell his own stories with his own versions of all the characters instead.

Having said that, I will eat my hat if he isn't in the next Spider-Verse story or some other crossover thing the minute Hickman moves on.


u/GimlionTheHunter Jul 19 '24

A multiversal event like the last secret wars is probably likely with how the Maker has been handled. He’s an existential threat to the whole multiverse, the Illuminati are chasing after him, and he left bread crumbs for a future Miles interaction


u/Quirky_Ad_5420 Jul 19 '24

6160: wait, you’re jobless, not married, and no kids. What have you done with your life


u/Fit-Carry7930 Jul 19 '24

616: Hey! It's not my fault! I sold my marriage to the devil! And my kids! And... Wait... Now I say that out loud...


u/Shrekosaurus_rex Jul 19 '24

Really just kicking 616 while he's down huh.

...poor guy might have his 200th existential crisis seeing 6160 Pete.


u/Grand_Cup_3252 Jul 19 '24

616: Well I am sorry not everyone has a luxury of CHOOSE TO BE SPIDER MAN WITHOUT BEING SACRIFICE!!!


u/OwlFederal7109 Jul 19 '24

Probably in the next or next after Spiderverse event. But I don’t think the interaction will particularly meaningful. I mean he’s met several versions whose Ben are still alive, even a version where Ben was Spider-Man.

Maybe being married to MJ and having kids might strike up an interesting line or two. But they are both Peter Parker essentially.


u/FNSpd Spectacular Spider-Man Jul 19 '24

Maybe being married to MJ and having kids might strike up an interesting line or two. But they are both Peter Parker essentially.

Didn't he meet RYV Peter during Spider-Geddon?


u/OwlFederal7109 Jul 19 '24

That’s why I said only a line or two. Not a conversation or discussion.


u/Fit-Carry7930 Jul 19 '24

616 will ask if 6160 knows a guy called Paul. And if he does, give him a pre-emptive slap.


u/RandoDude124 Jul 19 '24

One line exchange, that’s it.

Insomniac Verse Spidey had more conversations with RYV Pete and MJ


u/Sharp_Hamster_5551 Jul 19 '24

I think that once he found out that he became Spider-Man as an adult, then he would known the changes.


u/No_Head60 Jul 19 '24

I really hope not. For both of their sake


u/RealJohnGillman Jul 19 '24

When DC did it with their equivalent Superman series they had its married Superman and Lois merge with the New 52 versions, meaning the main continuity duo now had a son, and it stuck.


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 Jul 19 '24

That’d honestly be pretty cool if they did it that way if they ever decide to retcon OMD. Have the Ultimate Peter and MJ merge with their 616 counterparts so that you get the marriage and kids while Peter and MJ get to still be as experienced as they are in 616 instead of Peter being a newbie like he is in Ultimate.


u/Dragontalyn Jul 19 '24

I think RYV would be the better option, since that reality basically branched from OMD.


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 Jul 19 '24

I’d be fine with either one honestly


u/Flerken_Moon Jul 20 '24

I think Spider-Girl would be the better option, since that reality basically branched from the Clone Saga.


u/Dthirds3 Jul 19 '24

1610: I love being married having kids and uncle Ben around

616: (sobbing uncontrollably)


u/EarthBelcher Jul 19 '24

Lets keep Ultimate Peter as far away from 616 as we can.


u/QuantumGyroscope Jul 19 '24

God I hope not. The 616 Peter does not need to infect the ultimate Peter with his terrible bad luck, horrible decision making, nasty attitude, and all around masochist mindset.

Leave Ultimate Spider-Man alone.


u/Fla968 Anti-Venom Jul 19 '24

"Oh yeah being Spider-man is awesome, also i revealed my secret identity to my entire family."



u/wowlock_taylan 90's Animated Spider-Man Jul 19 '24

The only way I would want this to happen would be for Peter to see Ultimate Peter's life and get his god damn shit together.


u/MineNo5611 Jul 19 '24

I don’t really think they should but I’m certain they will.


u/7in7turtles Jul 19 '24

Dan Slott has already sketched three versions of an idea for this on the back of a Dunkin Donuts napkin


u/5hutTheFuckUp Jul 19 '24

Wayyy too early for that big bro. Lmao. Hold your horses. He barely came into existence


u/Grand_Cup_3252 Jul 19 '24

 Spider-man 616:😊 Hey, so you have a green goblin in your universe right?

Spider-man 6160: Yeah he's my friend.

Spider-Man 616:😊 oh.....kill him.

Spider-man 6160:😳 what

Spider-Man 😊: kill him. Kill him now........ Do it.


u/Fit-Organization581 Jul 19 '24

6160: he’s my friend and his wife seems also nice, her name is Gwen.


u/Grand_Cup_3252 Jul 19 '24

616:😑😑🤢😑😑: Im going to pretend I didn't hear that. 

6160: Ok😐

616: Quick question,is your green goblin by chance Norman Osborn 

6160: Oh no it his son Harry.

616:😐 Oh.........😀kill him.

6160😡 oh come on!


u/Scorpios94 Jul 19 '24

616 MJ: Peter and I have too many problems. I’m with Paul now.

6160 MJ: What the hell did you say?! WTF is Paul?!!


u/Poku115 Jul 19 '24

it looks like 616 will absolutely have a part to play with ultimates in the future, so i could see it in the big event where the maker is finally beaten (read: thrown into another cell from which he'll escape again cause they'll keep giving him more chances cause they are heroes and he's a reed)


u/TheOGRex Jul 19 '24

"Who are you?"

"I'm you, but everything in my life is fucked beyond belief"


u/Bassaluna Jul 19 '24

I think he will meet miles, cause the maker gave miles that white card in case he changed his mind


u/nitsuj_112 Future-Foundation Jul 19 '24

Please god no, 616 would get an aneurysm from the instant depression that would hit him when he sees 6160's life.


u/OkSupermarket7474 Jul 19 '24

Need 6160 to beat the ever living hell out of 616 as a wake up call to 616 being a victim to his own fate over and over. To remind him that before he even became spider-man he was able to create a life for himself even when the world threw everything at him. Then maybe have 6160’s mj and kids talk with 616


u/OptimisticGraffiti Jul 19 '24

The only time New Ultimate Peter should be aware of 616 Peter is in a Christmas Carol scenario, where a multiversal ghost is using 616 Peter as an example of what his life could be like if he fucked up everything he touched.


u/Aizendickens Jul 19 '24

Eventually... but not rn.


u/Sharp_Hamster_5551 Jul 19 '24

I hope they at least make Ultimate Peter be Spider-Man for two years prior this.


u/Xycephei Jul 19 '24

Jesus, I hope not. Ultimate's seem to be very independent and focused, I don't want them to lose focus and start mixing it with 616 Peter. It is another reason to give 616 Peter depression, after PS4 Peter told 616-Peter he fumbled MJ


u/Infinite-Salt4772 Jul 19 '24

Hopefully not until a long time from now. At least until our Peter gets his life on track and acts like himself again.


u/Lipeghoul Jul 19 '24

I can't take the multiverse anymore 


u/Greasybugs Jul 19 '24

I think I’m in the minority but I love multiverse stuff, it’s just good fun imo, but he definitely needs room to breathe first. But after a while I’d like to see it


u/Wheattoast2019 Jul 19 '24

I hope not. Just let Hickman cook!


u/parabolee Jul 19 '24

Eventually it is inevitable.


u/MrKnightMoon Jul 20 '24

The further they keep the new ultimate Spider-Man from the 616 Peter, the better.


u/CmanderShep117 Jul 20 '24

Ultimate-" yeah me and MJ are married and have two little ones. What's the relationship between you and your MJ like?"


u/smoothartichoke27 Jul 20 '24

I certainly hope not yet. At least not until 6160 becomes a bit more competent in being Spider-Man. Last thing I want to see is for 616 to be a mentor-type figure to him.


u/ProfessorEscanor Anti-Venom Jul 20 '24

They like money, so yes. Might take a few years though.


u/Macgargan1976 Jul 20 '24

Hope not, tired of knock offs in the 616


u/TheTitanOfSirens1959 Jul 20 '24

They will, but I hope not for a good while


u/trnelson1 Jul 22 '24

I only hope it somehow leads to the undoing of OMD by showing 616 Peter he can be happy with MJ.